How to ask your employer to provide relocation services; and an alternative if they say no
So, you’re about to receive a fantastic job in an exciting, far-away city. Yes, as long as the offer is correct, you’re up for this move. It would help if you asked for a relocation package after you receive a job offer, but before you accept. That’s when you have the most negotiating power. To get the best deal, you need to know what to expect. If you haven’t gone through a corporate relocation before, here’s what you should know.
With how the workforce market has shifted since recovering from the Covid-19 pandemic, it is now considered an employees market. Now more than ever, employees have the leverage to get raises, promotions, and benefits and even ask for the opportunity to relocate with help from the company.
Just Ask the Question
While this sounds simple, we know it can be intimidating. Before asking, you should prepare a pros and cons list of your job before and after the move. Be realistic with both lists and brainstorm how to overcome the cons. Once talks are underway about whether or not the relocation services will be approved, you have to be willing to review counters. It’s not likely that your company will give you all the relocation assistance you are asking for upfront.
GMS Can Help If the Answer is No
Global Mobility Solutions (GMS) has been the industry leader when it comes to relocation management companies (RMC). Our expert team has been assisting companies move their employees from point A to point B. But now, in this day and age, we are here to help employees relocate at an affordable price that won’t cost their employer a penny.
Those looking to get relocation services covered by their employer will have to fight tooth and nail in order to do so. Relocation packages can be pricey, and creating them for one-off situations can be even more expensive. That is why the relocation team at GMS has created our Employee Choice Program. This program is designed to give employees access to vendors and their in-network pricing on numerous relocation services.
A single person or family looking to move can gather their own quotes on household goods shipping, temporary housing, real estate assistance, etc. but it will cost them a lot. GMS created this program to offer our relocation services at a more affordable rate for employees who cannot get their employer to provide relocation assistance.
Since the Covid-19 pandemic, more companies are offering remote work policies or flexible work situations. GMS considered this: why would employers pay to relocate employees if they offer work-from-home options?
This is where the Employee Choice Program comes into play. If employees can get the green light to work from home from their employer, then they can live wherever they have always wanted to. Once remote work is approved and a destination is chosen, they can utilize GMS’ new program to relocate with the best vendors in the industry at a rate that they would get from an employer-provided relocation package.
If you would like to learn more about the Employee Choice Program, ask your HR manager or whoever is in charge of employee mobility programs at your company to contact us today. We can set up a free consultation with one of our business development managers to see if you and your coworkers can take advantage of this new, great program.
We're Here to Help! Request a Courtesy Consultation
Are you ready to talk to a Mobility Pro? Learn how GMS can optimize your mobility program, enhance your policies to meet today’s unique challenges, receive an in-depth industry benchmark, or simply ask us a question. Your Mobility Pro will be in touch within 1 business day for a no-pressure, courtesy consultation.
Nancy Kritzer | CRP

Senior Vice President, Domestic Services Nancy has over 35 years of experience in the real estate and relocation arena. Her real estate, relocation, and management experience is exceptional. She is responsible for the leadership, training and mentoring of new and existing coaches, ensuring the team is delivering the highest levels of customer service possible. Nancy holds the Certified Relocation Professional (CRP) designation.