woman typing on laptop

Top Tips for Writing a Relocation Offer Letter

An employee transfer letter or relocation offer letter is a document given to an employee being transferred to another department, branch, or location under the same employer. These letters not only provide transferees common professional courtesy on the company’s behalf, but it also gives the relocating employee an overview of what they can expect and their benefits for the process. These ground rules should provide the moving employee an understanding of all costs and services they are entitled to during their move.

Larger companies or companies that often relocate employees more than likely have relocation policies in place. These are typically lengthy 10 to 30-page documents covering every relocation protocol aspect. Companies that might have such policies will rely on customized employee relocation offer letters and emails for each employee willing to do so.

Here is a look at some top tips for constructing employee relocation offer letters, along with an example of a basic offer letter format.

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Sustainability in the Relocation Industry

Most companies’ interest in corporate environmental sustainability is on the rise. Everyone is looking to reduce carbon footprints without disrupting their business practices. A World Economic Forum report showed a 16 percent increase over the last five years in global public concern for nature.

Having a grasp of sustainability in the context of the global mobility and relocation sector enables organizations to implement beneficial transformations that benefit both their staff and the environment.

At Global Mobility Solutions (GMS), we are all looking for ways to protect the environment and reduce costs for our clients and their employees. When looking at ways to improve your global mobility program’s sustainability and how to reduce your carbon footprint, here are some things to consider.

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Family Matters and Career Support for Spouses Impacted by Relocations

Relocating employees often have questions regarding their children’s education, family healthcare, eldercare, and the job market and career support for their accompanying partner or spouse. Understanding your employee’s needs is essential to their relocation process. By providing valuable resources for transferees and their families, your company can help ensure a successful relocation.

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smiling african-american woman employee, happy while working

6 Ways to Help Employees Adjust After a Relocation Assignment

Relocating for a job is an exciting step that millions take each year worldwide, but it also comes with its fair share of trials and tribulations.

It’s essential for employers to consider this and accommodate the needs of team members who have uprooted their entire lives to move to a new city on behalf of the organization they work for.

Here are some small but meaningful perks you should consider offering if you want this transition to be as smooth as possible.

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