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Money Management Tips for Relocating to a New City

Here are some financial points to keep in mind after accepting a relocation assignment

With any job offer, one of the most important factors, if not the most important, is the salary. The number one reason employees seek a new position is to increase their pay. But what if you have to accept a relocation assignment in order to make that leap in the pay range? It is common for employees to consider moving to get a higher salary, better promotion, or a more enjoyable work environment. 

Whatever the reason, relocating for a job from a new company (or promotion from your current company), there is no doubt that finances will be top of mind. The first thing that must be kept in mind is that moving can be expensive if the company does not offer corporate relocation assistance. When interviewing for a position in a different state or country, be sure to get crystal clear explanations of what type of global mobility benefits are provided. 

But even after making the move official, there will still be money management skills that should be practiced. Here are a few financial tips when considering the relocation costs for a domestic move or an international assignment.

Do Thorough Research on the Cost of Living

The adjusted cost of living is the most obvious factor in accepting or rejecting a job in a new location. Before taking a giant leap, you’ll want to research some ordinary living expenses in the new city, such as rent/home prices, cars, gas, utilities, childcare, and other everyday expenses. If you are working with a relocation management company (RMC) to assist you in your move, it will be worth asking if they can provide a cost-of-living calculator.

Plugging some numbers into a relocation technology tool can help you understand how much money you’ll have to make and spend in your new destination. Once you have a clear picture, you can begin navigating your finances into a monthly budget that assures you’ll be stable in your new home.

Finding a Budgeting Style

In preparation for relocating, it is recommended to have a budgeting technique and do your best to stick to it. Setting a budget within your new cost of living allows you to see the scope of your finances to their extent. 

Popular Budgeting styles and techniques:

  1. Envelope method. Categorize envelopes for different expenses (e.g., rent/mortgage, groceries, gas, travel). Allocate money from paychecks to each. This method aids in monitoring spending and encourages mindful spending behavior.
  2. 50/30/20. Divide your paycheck into three parts: necessary costs (50%), leisure and pleasure (30%), and savings/debt repayment (20%). Adjust the percentages as needed; if you have more debts, increase the amount allocated to that category. This system is customizable and can be tailored to your individual needs.
  3. Zero-based Budgeting. Budgeting using zero-based systems divides your income into more minor, less expensive expenses. Record your income, then list the categories you need to spend each month. Estimate how much you will need to pay for each type until your total is zero. This way, you can be sure that every dollar will go somewhere, like your savings, rent, or groceries.
  4. The Pay-Your-Self-first Budget. A great way to put money aside to pay down debt and build your savings. Once you’ve paid off your debts, you can use the rest for anything.

GMS Can Provide Cost of Living Analysis

As stated above, it is always a good idea to get a scope on the cost of living for the desired state or city you are looking to move to. Global Mobility Solutions (GMS) is proud to call itself the leader in the relocation industry regarding technology. We are the pioneers of relocation technology. 

Our cost of living calculators can get you to point in the right direction from the start. From there, you can decide whether the relocation process suits you for this particular job. Our calculators are constantly updated and tested to ensure realistic answers. Please contact us today if you want more information on receiving a cost of living analysis for a new city. And always be sure to check our Knowledge base, where we post blogs about countless relocation topics.

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Supply Chains Looking to Normalize

Many supply chains are finally looking to normalize two years after the pandemic

Two years back, the world observed the pandemic gradually obstructing one of the most used pathways of worldwide commerce: container ships filled to capacity and stationed near the Southern California shoreline.

The bottleneck started with five ships on October 15, 2020, but more than 40 ships joined the queue in February as Americans hurried to stock up ahead of the COVID lockdowns. The queue dropped to nine ships in June 2021, but more than 60 ships joined the line this time last year, and it peaked at 109 ships in January. There are many signs that supply chain pressure is decreasing.

Supply chain management has been turbulent over the last two years. However, the outlook for 2023 is improving. The Logistics Managers’ Index reports that by September, a return to regular operations is forecasted by the following year.

While there have been substantial improvements in international transportation capacity, industry experts caution that the recovery’s speed may take some optimism from people but that things are going in the right direction. In the United States, for example, raw materials and components may still need to be secured by some companies.

Ocean Freight Shipments See a Decrease in Demand

Consumers are significantly reducing their ocean shipping activity. Machinery, housing, industrial and apparel items are all affected by the decrease in demand. The surplus of goods and lack of knowledge about consumer needs contribute to the decline in ocean freight shipments, further heightened by the early stockpiling of items this summer.

Oxford Economics reported U.S. supply strain peaked in February but has been better since September. Spending less by consumers in developed economies is beneficial, as it reduces supply chain pressures. Industry experts anticipate further improvement in supply chains in late 2022 and 2023.

It won’t be all roses and sunshine in 2023; with the continued risk of labor unrest at rail and port sites, predicted delays at European harbors, and unexpected timing issues, some hold-ups will occur throughout the year. Changes caused by Mother Nature’s fury are likely to result in more canceled sailings.

Ocean carriers are utilizing tactical “blank sailings” to align their ship’s space with orders, aiming to minimize costs and stop future cost declines. This is akin to airlines canceling under-booked flights. Data from Drewry shows carriers removing entire service loops to better match their capacity with demand.

Normalized Supply Chain Will Help the Relocation Industry, Stay in the Know

Reduced container ship traffic will result in household items arriving on time and with fewer delays. A sustained drop in ocean freight requests could also lead to more reasonable customer pricing.

Though hope remains, businesses shouldn’t count on returning to pre-COVID times soon. The shipping sector is still anticipating a consumer expenditure surge that will bring shipments and voyages back to 2019 amounts.

To keep up with all relocation industry news, check out our Knowledge Base, where we post weekly blogs and press releases. You can also review some of our Case Studies or watch one of our past Webinars.

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