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Border Restrictions in the United States to be Extended Indefinitely

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has amended and extended a rule that allows the Trump administration to extend border restrictions for an indefinite length of time. The rule, effective May 19, is officially known as the “Amendment and Extension of Order Suspending Introduction of Certain Persons from Countries Where a Communicable Disease Exists.” The original order was issued on March 20, and then was first extended on April 20.

What are the Specific Areas that the Order Covers?

The order’s amendment is to clarify the areas that are covered by the order. Specifically, the order applies to U.S. Customs and Border Protection managed areas and installations including:

What is the Duration of the Order Implementing Border Restrictions?

As written, the duration of the order will depend on the determination of the Director of the CDC, Robert R. Redfield, MD, as to the following:

  1. The Director determines the danger of further introduction of COVID-19 into the US Is no longer a danger to public health
  2. The continuation of the order for border restrictions is no longer necessary to protect the public health

Who does the Order Apply to?

The order’s wording is specific, and states that it applies to all persons travelling from Canada or Mexico, regardless of the country of origin. This is an important point that greatly expands the range of the order and its impact on travel and immigration. A significant number of expulsions have been occurring at the border since the first order was put into place.

Are there Exceptions to the Order?

There are a few exceptions to the order for border restrictions. Certain persons will be able to pass through a POE or a Border Patrol Station. However, the U.S. Department of State has issued a Global Level 4 Health Advisory: Do Not Travel guidance. In general, people should avoid unnecessary travel. The exceptions to the order include:

  • U.S. Citizens
  • Lawful permanent residents, their spouses, and children
  • S. members of the armed forces, their spouses, and children
  • Associated personnel of the armed forces, their spouses, and children
  • Persons from foreign countries:
    • With valid travel documents arriving at a POE
    • In the visa waiver program, not subject to travel restrictions, arriving at a POE
  • Persons determined by customs officers to be excepted on a case-by-case basis subject to overall circumstances such as interests related to:
    • Law enforcement
    • Officer and public safety
    • Humanitarian
    • Public health

Ultimately, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security will consult with the CDC to determine how to approach these case-by-case exceptions to ensure consistency.

What Should Employers do About Border Restrictions?

Companies should continue to stay informed about U.S. border restrictions. These restrictions may have a significant impact on an employer’s ability to recruit and hire foreign talent. As a result, knowing what to expect can help companies determine how to leverage strategic resources and respond accordingly to meet corporate objectives.

Companies should also work with a knowledgeable and experienced Relocation Management Company (RMC). RMCs can help companies design a robust talent acquisition program. Also, RMCs can help a company design an industry-leading relocation program that will give them a competitive advantage in the global market for highly skilled employees.


GMS’ team of global relocation experts has helped thousands of our clients understand how to respond effectively to issues regarding travel and immigration. As a result, our team can help your company understand how to develop plans to mitigate the impact of US border restrictions.

GMS was the first relocation company to register as a .com. The company also created the first online interactive tools and calculators, and revolutionized the entire relocation industry. GMS continues to set the industry pace as the pioneer in innovation and technology solutions with its proprietary MyRelocation® technology platform.

Contact our experts online to discuss your company’s interest in learning more about the US border restrictions and their impact on travel and immigration, or give us a call at 800.617.1904 or 480.922.0700 today.

Request your complimentary Visa Program Assessment

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Virtual Agent Services: Helping Home Buyers and Sellers During COVID-19

Home buyers and sellers can use a variety of virtual agent services during the current COVID-19 pandemic, if they find the right agent. A few select real estate agents offer a full suite of services to clients that are flexible and effective, meeting the demands of today’s real estate market. These virtual agent services are ideally suited to help ensure proper social distancing and other requirements necessary to protect buyers and sellers from exposure to COVID-19.

What are Virtual Agent Services?

GMS spoke with Erik R. Brown of Compass, Realtor®, TV host, speaker, and author of “One in a Million: Everything You Need to Know to Find the Best Realtor®.” Erik agreed to share his industry knowledge and market expertise on virtual agent services.

Erik notes that buyers are still buying, and homes are still selling, even during COVID-19. Many clients who were in the process of buying and selling prior to the pandemic have turned to virtual agent services. Many of these services had been in place prior to the precautions, often as part of a broader suite of exclusive marketing services. Additionally, newer tools have been created that leverage proven technology already in use in the real estate industry.

Ensuring Health and Safety with Virtual Agent Services

The health and safety of clients and communities is always a priority for the real estate industry. Erik states that these virtual agent services allow him to continue to provide the best-in-industry service that his clients deserve. Most services can be provided through digital, mobile, and social media platforms, enhancing their reach and visibility.

Virtual Agent Services for Buyers

  1. Virtual Neighborhood Walks let buyers explore new neighborhoods and communities, and help them see nearby local features such as parks, schools, and shopping centers
  1. Interactive Video Showings where a real estate agent will take buyers on a virtual journey through a home, noting specific features to enhance desirability and highlight items of interest to buyers
  1. Video Mail (V-mail) provides video directly to interested buyers so they have an immediate experience and memory of their first interaction with the home
  1. Live Virtual Buyer Events helps buyers see homes as they are used for cooking demonstration, game nights, or social events that bring life to the home and highlight unique features

Virtual Agent Services for Sellers

  1. Virtual Open Houses let sellers share their home with a targeted audience while showcasing key features to interested buyers across multiple platforms
  1. Dynamic Digital Listing Brochures helps highlight the most desirable features of a home in an immersive experience to help buyers see virtually everything of interest
  1. Digital Ads for Facebook & Instagram promote the home to a highly targeted audience with expertly designed ads optimized for the highest performance on the social media platform
  1. Real-time Digital Ad Insights capture ad campaign results quickly and easily, and let real estate agents act swiftly to market and sell the home
  1. Enhanced 3D Staging provides an upscale and sophisticated visual experience that increases appeal with high-end design and state-of-the-art visual staging technology

What Does This Mean?

As Erik notes, virtual agent services leverage proven technology to help home buyers and home sellers remain safe and protect their health during the current COVID-19 pandemic. These services also enable real estate agents to provide clients with best-in-industry solutions, valuable information, and superior results.


GMS’ team of global relocation experts has helped thousands of our clients understand how to provide solutions for their new hires and transferees who are looking to buy or sell a home. Our team can help your company understand how to leverage virtual agent services during the current COVID-19 pandemic. This will help employees to conduct successful real estate transactions while focusing on the health and safety of everyone.

GMS was the first relocation company to register as a .com. The company also created the first online interactive tools and calculators, and revolutionized the entire relocation industry. GMS continues to set the industry pace as the pioneer in innovation and technology solutions with its proprietary MyRelocation® technology platform.

Contact our experts online to learn more about virtual agent services, or give us a call at 800.617.1904 or 480.922.0700 today.

We're Here to Help! Request a Courtesy Consultation

Are you ready to talk to a Mobility Pro? Learn how GMS can optimize your mobility program, enhance your policies to meet today’s unique challenges, receive an in-depth industry benchmark, or simply ask us a question. Your Mobility Pro will be in touch within 1 business day for a no-pressure, courtesy consultation.

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Beating Isolation: Tips for Employees Who are Temporarily Working From Home

For millions of employees who are temporarily working from home, beating isolation may be a huge challenge. With the COVID-19 pandemic resulting in many “stay at home” orders, many employees are feeling the effects of spending a lot of time alone. Day-to-day interactions with their workplace peers has now given way to limited conversations through electronic devices.

Many employees live far from their workplace friends. As a result, it is not easy to get together for lunch or coffee breaks while practicing good social distancing. Isolation may have negative impacts on employees’ level of engagement and productivity. If you are working from home, what can you do to promote positive feelings and increase your feelings of connection to your company and coworkers?

GMS Employees Share Their Tips for Beating Isolation

Just like many of our clients and network partners, GMS has several employees who are temporarily working from home. For some of these employees, this is their first time ever working from a home office location. A few of these employees have been having great success in getting over the feelings of isolation in their temporary work from home environment. We asked these employees to share their successes in beating isolation.

GMS Employees Beating Isolation While Temporarily Working from Home

Erika Escalante, Business Development Manager

Spring Brittlebush blossoms carpet the desert below The Supertition Mountains in the Tonto National Forest near Phoenix Arizona great to hike while beating isolation
The Superstition Mountains in the Tonto National Forest

“This is the first time I have had the opportunity to work from home so I have definitely been trying to keep busy. I have been going on morning jogs as I feel it allows me to start my day with a bit more energy. A few other non-screen activities are also fun, including working on puzzles and reading books. I enjoy virtual game nights with my friends.

We try to do one hike per weekend (while practicing good social distancing), and so far we have visited the Phoenix Mountain Preserve, Bartlett Lake, Tonto National Forest, and a few other places. I think the key for me in beating isolation is to keep busy and stay connected with my family and friends.”

Ann Knapp, Director, Transportation Services

“This has been quite a serious and quick change for all of us and it took me a bit to get into a groove since I’ve never worked full time from home before. I’ve tried to approach ‘quarantine’ with honesty, realism and humor (this is how I handle most things in life). For me, it’s been key to make sure that I’m consistently doing some basic things to start my day: get up, watch the Golic and Wingo show on ESPN while I eat my breakfast, and shower. Right before logging on each morning, I pick out some music (because the silence of my house is deafening) and then I get to work. For lunch, I do what I didn’t do at the office – I walk away. Sometimes it is for 10 minutes, sometimes it’s for the whole lunch break, just depends on the day, but I have found it to be valuable to help me get through the rest of the day.

Summer in Scottsdale

Woman walking in hot sun with water bottleIt’s been getting pretty warm here in the desert, so my short walks have all but been eliminated. Now I’m walking in place and have ‘one person dance parties’ – it seems a bit ridiculous, but it at least gets the blood flowing. Also, when I’m done for the day, I’m done. I try to log off pretty near to my ‘normal’ time, but when I finally do, the laptop is shut and I walk away from it for the night. I’m making more phone calls and video calls in order to have ‘more’ interaction with people, since that is what I’m missing most from my daily routine and it’s great for beating isolation.

I’ve also allowed myself to acknowledge that it’s okay to not always be okay with what’s going on in the world. I’m a ‘brave face’ ‘think positively’ person, but I’ve had to allow myself to acknowledge those occasions where I feel overwhelmed because I need to address those feelings – it doesn’t do me any good to bottle them up. There have been times when I’m scared about what’s going to happen in the future and times when the loneliness becomes very real – and those 5 or 10 minutes that I spend working through those feelings help me to reset and move forward.  Additionally, hobbies have been taking up a bit of my ‘downtime’ whether it’s reading or knitting or picking up something new, they help to keep my mind active after work and on the weekends. We are in this together, we will get through this together.”

Laurent Lanée, Senior Global Assignment Manager

“This is not my first time working from home so it has not been a huge challenge for me to adjust. Beating isolation is something I know how to do well. I am also very lucky that even with my wife working from home and my daughter being home schooled at this time, we all have plenty of space not to interfere with each other. So overall it has been a pretty smooth transition for me, going back to a setup that I’m familiar with.

Communicate, Communicate, Communicate

Communication is key when being remote. I have not been shy picking up the phone to call my co-workers to discuss something. I feel that the increased phone communication has allowed me to get to know my co-workers in a different way than face to face in the office. Being home definitely allows for more freedom of movement and communication.

My role as a Global Assignment Manager is always very independent as I manage my cases, assignees, clients and service providers mostly via email and phone calls so my way of doing business has not really changed, while being home based. I also feel that our team has actually grown closer as we are ‘meeting’ more regularly in a more casual setting, to discuss our work days and the current global situation.

Fun Activities

Some of the things I have been doing on my side for beating isolation and to keep busy (not that it has ever been a problem for me) are:

  • Practicing my cocktail making skills
  • Teaching my daughter how to swim
  • Assisting my daughter with her kindergarten home schooling (seems it takes an IT specialist skills to navigate all the apps that are needed for that to happen!)
  • Set up a new swing set in our backyard for my daughterHerb Garden growing is great for beating isolation
  • Going for walks and bicycle rides with my daughter in our neighborhood (trying to teach her how to ride her bike)
  • Attempting to grow an herb garden (not that easy in 100 degree weather!)
  • Cleaning up the garage (not that fun!)
  • Communicating with friends and family via Facetime
  • Working on the French/English translation of my grandmother’s journal (or her daily life in Normandy during the first half of 20th century including World Wars I & II)
  • Reconstructing our family genealogy
  • Working on pictures for our gallery wall in our new home entryway
  • Submitting images from my 250,000 images library to online photo competitions and stock images websites
  • Having weekly neighborhood happy hours with my wife in our driveway… and waving to neighbors!
  • Attending free online photography and art courses via MoMA, Adobe and Canon USA
  • Taking free virtual tours of exhibits and museums around the world
  • Planning our family’s next vacation since the last one got canceled due to Covid-19”

Kelly Rabbitts, Vice President, Global Account Management

Lemonade“I moved recently, so I have been unpacking, remodeling, and painting my new home. I have also been making lemonade with fresh lemons from my lemon tree.

Regularly participating in virtual happy hours with friends and family members helps with beating isolation through video chats and gatherings. I have also been pursuing my writing.”

What Should Employers do to Help Employees with Beating Isolation?

Employers should encourage employees to find ways to connect with co-workers, friends, and family members during their time working at home. Many states have various regulations and orders to “stay at home” so tips on beating isolation will be important for employees to learn and put into practice. Talent Management programs should take into account how workplace changes and dynamics can affect employee performance. Helpful resources should be made available for employees, and employers should encourage creative and fun ways for beating isolation.


GMS’ team of corporate relocation experts has helped thousands of our clients navigate issues that impact employees working at remote locations. As a result, our team can help your company share tips on beating isolation so employees feel engaged, productive, and a member of the team. Companies should take a proactive approach to helping employees who are temporarily working from home and who may be feeling negative effects of isolation.

GMS was the first relocation company to register as a .com. The company also created the first online interactive tools and calculators, and revolutionized the entire relocation industry. GMS continues to set the industry pace as the pioneer in innovation and technology solutions with its proprietary MyRelocation® technology platform.

Contact our experts online to discuss how your company can share tips on beating isolation for employees who are temporarily working from home, or give us a call at 800.617.1904 or 480.922.0700 today.

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Virtual Career Opportunities: Rising to the New Challenge

Many GMS clients are currently seeking employees for virtual career opportunities. As the world responds to the COVID-19 global pandemic, thousands of employers need to hire additional staff. Often this need may be driven by rapidly changing business priorities. Increasing demand for specific products and services means companies need employees to help meet new objectives. With many directives for employees to stay at home, employers are quickly adapting jobs, work teams, and communication methods to fit the new challenge of operating a virtual workplace.

For job seekers, this new challenge requires them to understand the dynamics of a virtual workplace. They must also position their skills, education, and experience in a way that makes a solid case they are ideally suited for success in a virtual workplace. However, valuable skills in a real workplace may not easily translate or be recognizable in a virtual setting. What should job seekers know about virtual career opportunities?

GMS spoke with Craig B. Toedtman, Founder and CEO of Resource Development Company, Inc. (RDC), to learn more about virtual career opportunities. RDC is a privately held human resource management consulting firm that focuses on providing retained search and career management services. Craig agreed to share his expert guidance on this topic, as well as provide helpful resources for job seekers.

Virtual Career Opportunities: The Advantages

One of the best aspects of virtual career opportunities are the wide range of possible advantages for both employers and employees. Craig has extensive knowledge on this topic, having helped thousands of employees to obtain new jobs. According to Craig, the top advantages include:

Advantages for Employers

  • Environmentally friendly (carbon emission reduction)
  • Larger recruiting market for candidates
  • Lower costs for office space and amenities

Advantages for Employees

  • Access to more opportunities over a greater geographic range
  • Better work-life balance (if employee can “leave” work at end of their day)
  • No commuting reduces stress and costs

Virtual Career Opportunities: The Disadvantages

As with anything, along with advantages come possible disadvantages. Craig believes both employers and employees should be aware of the disadvantages, so they will know how to avoid them. Craig notes the major disadvantages may include:

Disadvantages for Employers

  • Lack of interaction may reduce teamwork and synergies
  • Scheduling conflicts
  • Some processes function best in a centralized format

Disadvantages for Employees

  • Communications may be a challenge
  • Diminishing promotional opportunities (difficult to show additional aptitudes and talents)
  • Working alone may lead to negative isolation effects

The Real Challenge that Must be Overcome for Virtual Career Opportunities

Ultimately, Craig believes the real challenge for employers is two-fold:

  1. Identify the critical success factors surrounding virtual career opportunities
  2. Put tools in place to execute and monitor actions to ensure success

If employers are able to meet this real challenge, then the question turns to the strength of job seekers under consideration for the position. Craig’s firm administers the DiSC® Personality Assessment to help job seekers understand their strengths, characteristics, and preferred behavior style.

DiSC® Personality Traits and Virtual Workplaces

Certain personality traits may perform well in virtual career opportunities that require higher levels of isolation. “C” personalities that do well on clearly defined tasks may excel in these positions, if expectations are clear. “D” personalities may also excel in virtual workplaces if there are specific goals they must obtain.

However, other personality traits may do very well in virtual career opportunities if the position suits their styles. “I” personalities prefer interaction, so a remote sales position requiring interaction with clients and prospects may be an area they can be highly successful. “S” personalities that prefer close team work may be ideally suited for roles requiring a high level of interaction with other team members.

Resources to Find Virtual Career Opportunities

Craig’s firm notes the following online sites are helpful for job seekers looking for virtual career opportunities:

Indeed Virtual Jobs

ZipRecruiter® Virtual Jobs

Amazon Virtual Locations

CareerBuilder® Virtual Jobs

FlexJobs Remote Companies That Thrive on Virtual Work

Linkedin Virtual Jobs

Monster Virtual Jobs

SkillCrush Companies Hiring Remote Workers

Virtual Assistant Jobs

What Should Employers do?

Employers looking to create successful virtual career opportunities should consider working with a career services firm that has knowledge and experience with virtual workplaces. Relocation Management Companies (RMCs) are ideal sources for information on candidate recruitment and talent acquisition programs.

Pre-Decision Services are critical for employers as they provide valuable information about a candidate’s ability to accept a position and be successful. Assessment data can be paired with structured interview questions to better understand the candidate’s interests, goals, and motivations. DiSC® Personality Assessments administered by qualified professional career service firms such as RDC provide a wealth of information for employers to understand if the job seeker is a good fit, and for the job seeker to determine if they are suited for various virtual career opportunities.


GMS’ team of corporate relocation experts has helped thousands of our clients determine how to develop a talent acquisition program that is responsive to changing company needs. Our team can help your company determine how to turn virtual career opportunities into successful new hires.

GMS was the first relocation company to register as a “.com.” The company also created the first online interactive tools and calculators, and revolutionized the entire relocation industry. GMS continues to set the industry pace as the pioneer in innovation and technology solutions with its proprietary MyRelocation® technology platform.

New SafeRelo™ COVID-19 Knowledge Portal

GMS recently launched its new SafeRelo™ COVID-19 Knowledge Portal featuring a number of helpful resources including:

  • Curated selection of news and articles specific to managing relocation programs and issues relating to COVID-19
  • Comprehensive guide to national, international, and local online sources for current data
  • Program/Policy Evaluation (PPE) Tool for instant relocation policy reviews

Contact our experts online to discuss how your company can leverage virtual career opportunities to continue growing your business, or give us a call at 800.617.1904 or 480.922.0700 today.

We're Here to Help! Request a Courtesy Consultation

Are you ready to talk to a Mobility Pro? Learn how GMS can optimize your mobility program, enhance your policies to meet today’s unique challenges, receive an in-depth industry benchmark, or simply ask us a question. Your Mobility Pro will be in touch within 1 business day for a no-pressure, courtesy consultation.

Business Services Talent Mobility

Short-Term Domestic Business Travelers: Do Clients Need to Consider Other State Tax Requirements?

Short-term domestic business travelers often have a need to travel outside their home tax jurisdiction. For example, there may be a business conference, corporate training, team gathering, or a customer meeting in another state.

Do clients really need to think about the tax requirements in other states?

GMS spoke with Erika Beddow, Business Development Manager at Global Mobility Tax, LLP (GMT).  Erika has 20 years’ experience in public accounting and in the Global Mobility industry. Erika agreed to share her expert guidance on this issue.

For Short-Term Domestic Business Travelers, Do Clients Need to Consider Other State Tax Requirements?

Quick Answer: Yes

When asked if clients need to think about taxes in other states for their short-term domestic business travelers, Erika quickly answered “Yes.” She notes that because each state taxes differently, short-term domestic business travelers should be reviewed to determine at what point tax is triggered in each state based on the travelers’ itinerary.

Business travelers are individuals who travel at the request of their employer to either visit clients, customers, work on projects, or who attend meetings or conferences. Unlike expatriates or assignees, these employees are typically not tracked by Human Resources or covered under an assignment policy.

Business travelers receive compensation from the home employer, such as per diems, expense reimbursements, accommodations, meals, and other incidentals. They will not cease residency in their home states and family members typically do not travel with them.

Erika notes that GMT assists clients in determining the potential reporting and tax requirements in each locality. The firm also assists clients with assessing the risks of non-compliance.

What are the Compliance Issues Related to Short-Term Domestic Business Travelers?

Erika shared that each state has their own tax laws and these laws typically differ from state to state. With today’s technology, many state tax auditors can focus on companies with a mobile workforce more easily and enforce their jurisdiction’s tax laws.

Why is this important? According to Erika, the jurisdiction where the services are performed is the jurisdiction that has the first right to tax the income earned in their jurisdiction.

Some issues that may arise when employees are working in other states outside their resident state:

  1. Employers are required, in most states, to allocate the income related to the employee’s travel and report and withhold tax accordingly.
  2. Employers will need to analyze if the employee’s travel to any state has triggered any corporate tax issues (i.e. Nexus).
  3. The employee could have income tax obligations in the other states where they worked.

How do Companies Fall out of Compliance with Short-Term Domestic Business Travelers?

Many companies may be already be doing this, but a significant number are not. A company could be non-compliant if they are not reporting the income in the other state and the appropriate tax is not withheld. In turn, the employee could be non-compliant by not filing and paying taxes in the other state.

What are the Risks Associated with Non-Compliance?

Erika believes many states are actively looking for ways to increase their revenues. One way of doing this is by trying to collect from nonresident short-term domestic business travelers. If a state auditor becomes aware of business travelers, the auditor can initiate a payroll audit to ensure the company has withheld and reported the proper income tax. Non-compliance with statutory reporting and tax requirements can result in tax assessments to the company and employee, including fines and penalties. These additional costs are usually unexpected and can cause business interruptions, reputational risk for the business, and employee dissatisfaction.

Companies should keep track of their employees who continue to work outside of their resident state. It is also becoming increasingly important that companies monitor and track their employee’s business travel to ensure they are compliant with all tax and reporting requirements.

How does GMT Help Clients Identify Their Specific Risks?

GMT is ready to assist clients that have mobility programs in becoming or staying compliant. GMT can help them identify and quantify the risks of payroll non-compliance. Clients should put an action plan into place to address these issues.

Action Plan for Short-Term Domestic Business Travelers

Erika recommends clients develop a Business Traveler Tax Policy to provide program managers and employees with clear guidance and procedures. The experts at GMT can assist companies in developing a policy that will help them mitigate risks, determine payroll and reporting requirements for each state, and determine what level of assistance, if any, they should provide to the employee. Erika notes that a tax policy should include:

  • Clear definitions of who is covered
  • Accurate regulations for tracking travel and workdays in each location
  • Established process to initiate and analyze tax and reporting obligations
  • Tax gross-up process and policy
  • Specific tax services the employer will provide to the employee

The Business Traveler Tax Policy can stand on its own or be part of the company’s relocation policy. A tax policy will ensure that both the company and employee understand their obligations ensuring a positive employee experience.

Employers should note that the employee working in other states may have additional tax liabilities in these other states and this will require them to file tax returns accordingly. Income tax rates vary from state to state, and this can cause an increased tax burden to the employee. Erika notes that the employer will need to determine if they need to apply additional tax gross-ups or tax assistance for these employees.

What Types of Reports are Available, in What Format, to Support the Action Plan?

Erika shared that there are many different types of reports are available for tracking purposes, and these reports may be manual or automated. However, GMT suggests using an automated process. There are many ways to automate travel tracking either internally or externally. One recommendation is to use either an internal program or a travel calendar app. By reviewing the short-term domestic business travelers, clients can plan accordingly to mitigate potential risk and exposure in other states for both the employers and employee.

Automated processes offer many benefits, including:

  • Increased Accuracy
  • Timeliness
  • Elimination of Unnecessary Processes

The team at GMT has helped clients with these issues for over 17 years. GMT provides expert tax support, education, and awareness to clients and their employees in order to ensure corporate compliance and employee satisfaction. GMT has a quick guide in PDF form for employers to help them understand some of the tax issues surrounding short-term domestic business travelers.

Erika says she is always ready to meet to help employers learn more about being compliant and building internal processes to support their mobile workforce.


GMS’ team of domestic relocation experts has helped thousands of our clients learn about important issues such as tax compliance for their organization. Our mobility consulting team can help your company understand how to identify and mitigate the issues surrounding tax compliance for short-term domestic business travelers with the assistance of the experts at Global Mobility Tax, LLP.

GMS was the first relocation company to register as a .com. The company also created the first online interactive tools and calculators, and revolutionized the entire relocation industry. GMS continues to set the industry pace as the pioneer in innovation and technology solutions with its proprietary MyRelocation® technology platform.

Learn more about tax compliance issues for short-term domestic business travelers. Contact our experts online or give us a call at 800.617.1904 or 480.922.0700 today.

Domestic Relocation Challenges Job Market Job Seekers Labor Force Relocation Challenges Talent Management Talent Mobility United States Economy

Returning Workforce: Tips to Help Bring Employees Back to the Office

Across the working world, many employers need to prepare for their returning workforce. Employees may have been working from home for several weeks or even a few months due to COVID-19 restrictions. Some offices and facilities may have closed very quickly to meet local or state requirements. How should employers approach welcoming employees back to the workplace?

Relocation Industry Suppliers Share Plans for Their Returning Workforce

GMS interviewed five relocation industry suppliers to find out what they plan to do for their returning workforce. We spoke with one supplier in the Household Goods Moving Industry, one Real Estate Broker, one Corporate Housing Provider, one Destination Services Provider, and one Home Mortgage Lender. We also asked these companies to share any resources they used to help them define their approach.

Each of these companies are leaders in their respective industries. As a result, their answers provide a wealth of insight and knowledge. GMS clients may be able to learn valuable information they can use as they develop their own plans for their returning workforce.

Household Goods Moving Company Plans for Their Returning Workforce

Mike McGill, Senior Vice President: Mills Van Lines

“From a remote work standpoint, the main area that this has impacted is our office staff that supports all of the services being performed in the field – i.e. sales, customer service and accounting – most of whom started working from home on 3/16. Thanks to the technology available to all of us, the transition from in-office to remote work was quite seamless and has enabled us to continue to function without interruption (I can’t imagine what we would have done if this pandemic struck 20 years ago). That being said, we run a single location company, with our HQ facility in Ohio. We have been following all of the guidelines of local, state, and federal government – as well as the CDC – and will continue to do so.

Governor of Ohio Announcements

The governor of Ohio made announcements earlier this week that they will allow non-essential businesses to start a phased opening – with some starting back up on 5/1 (doctor/dentist/veterinarian offices), others on 5/12 (retail and consumer stores), and even more later in the month (likely restaurants, bars, and salons). As part of those announcements, the governor requested that individuals who can work from home should continue to do so for the time being.

Communications to Team Members

We have communicated to our team members that we will continue to follow the guidance of the governor, and that we would like them to work remote until further notice. When we get to a point where it is safer to be out and about, we will definitely allow them to return to the office, but we have also let them all know that it will be up to each of them individually to decide when they feel ready to do so.

Adjustments Made to Enable Staff to Return to Office

Regardless of when the offsite staff does return to our office, we have already made adjustments to enable them to do so. Effective in early March we ramped up cleaning and disinfectant activities at our facility. We also started placing bulk orders back in March for supplies like disinfectant soap, hand sanitizer, and masks – and those orders have been arriving over the past 6 weeks. And we have asked that everyone keep 6 feet apart when interacting within the facility. We are fortunate because we have a good amount of space in our office that will allow for our entire returning workforce to be here at work and still be more than 10-15 feet apart at all times.”

Real Estate Broker Plans for Their Returning Workforce

Erik R. Brown, Realtor®, TV host, speaker, and author of “One in a Million: Everything You Need to Know to Find the Best Realtor®”: Compass

“We are following the guidelines of our local health officials and authorities. Fortunately in our world, we can work remotely while still servicing our clients’ wants and needs effectively. When California’s Safer at Home order is lifted (currently scheduled for 5/15), there will be social distancing recommendations for offices to follow. I am thankful that Compass is so agent-centric and forward thinking to plan for the long term health of our agents and staff.

Appropriate Social Distancing

Thankfully as a Realtor® I don’t handle the office administration; that is a massive job WITHOUT the intricacies of prepping for appropriate COVID-19 best practices! I know both in office and while showing homes and properties, appropriate social distancing, masks, small groups and the like are and will be the norm for the foreseeable future. Though I miss handshakes and hugs, I am a black belt in Zoom. 🙂

I am communicating much more online and the phone. Virtual meetings, Facebook Lives, Video messaging were a part of my practice, but now are commonplace for my team and me to communicate with clients, prospects, vendors, and colleagues. I have utilized virtual assistants for years, so developing an online infrastructure was something I did years ago. Much of our work then has become the foundation of what we do now.”

Corporate Housing Provider Plans for Their Returning Workforce

Ann Moore, Managing Partner: ATB Furnished Housing

“Although we all miss ‘normalcy’ ATB will resume business in stages based on our success rate of keeping our team healthy and virus free and our plan to open reflects this strategy. Because we support many of the essential businesses such as health care and transportation, our main office has never completely closed. However, 80% of our staff have been working remotely and critical function associates are done in shifts to reduce contact. We plan to keep all remote workers that can effectively work from home doing so until May 31.

Critical operational associates will be returning to work full time in the office as of Monday May 4th with guidelines regarding each employees’ personal home life scenario and safety concerns. All associates will be provided with masks, gloves and hand sanitizer to be used routinely when in the office as well as when traveling to and from the office. We will continue to limit travel and in person meetings will be restricted to three or less people. With the technology available to us for video conferencing we strongly feel there is no need to rush back to an environment of high level risks.

CDC Guidelines and Recommendations

Per the CDC guidelines and recommendations, our offices have been thoroughly cleaned and sanitized on a daily basis and all high touch surfaces are re-cleaned every three hours. We are fortunate that all of our work stations and offices are well over six feet apart so we do not need to re-configure to accommodate social distancing policies. As of Monday May 4th, we will be doing temperature checks upon reporting to work and will continue to be vigilant on assessing and tracking the virus statistics in our state and will not hesitate to resume a shelter in place policy as needed.

Keeping our team healthy and safe is our top priority. In an effort to be pro-active beyond the suggested preventative measures for spreading the virus, ATB will be focusing on educating our team about healthy immune boosting food choices and will be stocking the break room appropriately based on the suggestions of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. We look forward to a return to normal operations but also realize our role in doing so responsibly.”

Destination Services Provider Plans for Their Returning Workforce

John Merriweather, CEO and President: GO Destination Services

“Our team is eager to return to the corporate office in Carmel, Indiana. We are hiring a professional sanitizing company to keep employees safe. We will have a gradual return to the office on staggered work shifts based on desk proximity and job function. All meetings will conducted by video chat or phone call.”

Home Mortgage Lender Plans for Their Returning Workforce

Matt Canfield, Senior Vice President, Relocation and Affinity Lending: TIAA Bank

“Our leadership is evaluating when we will be able to return to our office environment, with a focus on keeping our team safe and healthy. At this point, we anticipate that this remote work guidance will remain in effect until further notice and the timing is right. For the near future many of our associates find them working from a new office—their homes. We have some great internal resources for Working Effectively in Today’s Environment to help our team through this tough time and keep our team happy, healthy, safe and productive.”

What Does This Mean?

Each company is unique in its workplace and culture. Also, various locations may need to address specific issues that depend on a variety of factors, from government regulations to the availability of transportation or child care. Companies in the planning stages for their returning workforce should leverage resources and expertise that can help them determine how to create appropriate measures while ensuring employee safety.


GMS’ team of global relocation experts has helped thousands of our clients with their talent management programs. As a result, our team can help employers with a variety of issues as they plan for their returning workforce.

GMS was the first relocation company to register as a .com. The company also created the first online interactive tools and calculators, and revolutionized the entire relocation industry. GMS continues to set the industry pace as the pioneer in innovation and technology solutions with its proprietary MyRelocation® technology platform.

Learn best practices from Global Mobility Solutions, the relocation industry and technology experts who are dedicated to keeping you informed and connected. Contact our experts online to learn more about how your company can leverage resources to plan for its returning workforce, or give us a call at 800.617.1904 or 480.922.0700 today.

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Are you ready to talk to a Mobility Pro? Learn how GMS can optimize your mobility program, enhance your policies to meet today’s unique challenges, receive an in-depth industry benchmark, or simply ask us a question. Your Mobility Pro will be in touch within 1 business day for a no-pressure, courtesy consultation.

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Summer Move on Tap? Start Planning Now

Many relocating employees choose a summer move over any other time of the year. However, several factors make this time of the year the busiest for relocation. As a result, the household goods (HHG) moving industry is often running at nearly full capacity to meet demanding schedules.

The current COVID-19 pandemic presents a significant number of additional considerations. However, transferees who plan ahead and learn basic guidelines for safe HHG moves can expect a smooth summer move.

Factors That Result in Preferences for a Summer Move

1. School Breaks

Families with children prefer to stay in place during the school year. The vast majority of school years follow certain patterns, with holiday or seasonal breaks. The months of June, July, and August are traditionally times when schools are not in session. This includes colleges as well, where students are often on the move back home once they have taken their last final exam. By planning a summer move, schoolwork is less likely to face any disruptions.

2. Weather Patterns

In much of the United States, the months of May through September offer warm temperatures, grounds covered with grass, and a number of bright sunny days. In comparison, other months offer less than ideal weather conditions. Snow and ice make travel difficult, streets and sidewalks may be muddy, and days may be gray with sleet and snow showers.

3. Common Beliefs and Practices

Many home buyers and sellers believe the best seasons for real estate transactions are spring and summer. Although other seasons offer a number of benefits, a summer move is often the result of a busy spring and summer home buying and selling season.

How to Plan Ahead for Your Summer Move

Companies that are planning to relocate employees should be aware of several important points that can make for a smooth and easy summer move. Communication is important to ensure that every relocating employee has a good experience. Employees who have a good experience in their relocation process will arrive at the destination ready to start their new job.

Top 4 Points to Ensure a Smooth Summer Move

1. Engage your Relocation Management Company (RMC) as Early as Possible

Employers looking to arrange an employee transfer or a new hire that will be relocating, early notification to the RMC is best. A best practice is to integrate all of the company’s pre-decision services directly with the RMC. This will help ensure the RMC has visibility for any upcoming summer move, and initial planning can quickly proceed.

2. Leverage Multiple Bids to Obtain the Lowest Costs

With HHG moving demand at its peak, RMCs should provide multiple bids for a summer move. However, this requires companies to provide enough time for the RMC to obtain these bids. The last week of June is the busiest week for moves. Companies that do not provide enough time for the RMC to obtain competitive bids may miss out on substantially lower costs for the summer move. In general, RMCs who obtain multiple bids for a summer move can save companies over $1,500 per move.

3. Providing a Range of Dates is Better Than a Specific Date

As with many things in life, the ability to be flexible works well for planning a summer move. HHG moving companies appreciate flexibility for their scheduling needs. Transferees also have many other things to take care of related to their relocation. Relocating employees who can provide a range of dates for pickup and delivery are often likely to have their household goods picked up and delivered on their preferred date or the nearest alternative date.

4. When Time is of the Essence, Services Can be Provided at Additional Cost

Some situations require an employee to be on site in a new location by a specific date. Critical delivery dates may arise due to home sale closings, expiring leases, and company requirements. These situations may require services that cost extra, above and beyond the traditional summer move cost. Companies that need a transferee to be on site in a new location by a certain date should provide enough time for the employee to make the move.

NOTE: Transferees that are given very short notice for a summer move often face significant issues in terms of cost to move and space for their household goods on moving company vans and trucks. Late requests for space may result in a moving company providing space but only for a specific size such as 10,000 pounds of goods. As a result, transferees with 2,500 pounds of household goods may have no other option but to pay for the extra unused space in order to meet the deadline set by their company. Best practice is to provide a quote that covers only the space needed for the transferee’s household goods. This way, they transferee is not paying extra for space they cannot use.

What Should Employers do About a Summer Move?

Employers should contact their RMC as early in the relocation process as possible. Best practice is to work with the RMC for pre-decision services. To ensure this engagement starts as early as possible, employers should create an Application Programming Interface, or relocation API.

An API provides a framework for different computer systems to communicate and share information. Employers with a relocation API will have their internal Human Resource Information System (HRIS) integrated with their RMC’s relocation technology. RMCs with industry-leading relocation technology solutions have designed their platforms to quickly and easily integrate with each client’s HRIS.

Employers should work with a qualified and experienced Relocation Management Company (RMC) that can provide guidance and insight as to best practices for obtaining multiple bids and arranging for a summer move. RMCs can help clients and transferees understand how to communicate important dates and other information relating to their summer move with HHG moving companies.


Global Mobility Solutions’ team of corporate relocation experts has helped thousands of our clients understand how to leverage the multiple bid process to save on a summer move. Our team can help your company follow industry best practices to communicate early, incorporate flexibility, and understand all of the various options that are available for relocating employees facing a summer move.

GMS was the first relocation company to register as a .com. The company also created the first online interactive tools and calculators, and revolutionized the entire relocation industry. GMS continues to set the industry pace as the pioneer in innovation and technology solutions with its proprietary MyRelocation® technology platform.

Learn best practices from Global Mobility Solutions, the relocation industry and technology experts who are dedicated to keeping you informed and connected. Contact our experts online to discuss your company’s interest in learning best practices relating to arranging a summer move for your relocating employees, or give us a call at 800.617.1904 or 480.922.0700 today.

We're Here to Help! Request a Courtesy Consultation

Are you ready to talk to a Mobility Pro? Learn how GMS can optimize your mobility program, enhance your policies to meet today’s unique challenges, receive an in-depth industry benchmark, or simply ask us a question. Your Mobility Pro will be in touch within 1 business day for a no-pressure, courtesy consultation.

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Mental Health and Talent Management During COVID-19

Many GMS clients are looking at their talent management programs to address issues relating to how COVID-19 impacts employees’ mental health. Anxiety and stress resulting from the global pandemic may have a significant impact on an organization’s ability to attain its objectives. Talent management encompasses many important aspects as to how a company functions, including:

  • Identifying the organization’s specific needs for talent
  • Finding candidates with the right qualifications
  • Providing opportunities for employees to develop skills on the job
  • Offering training and education to increase the employees’ expertise
  • Keeping employees engaged and motivated to reach company objectives

Each country, state, and city may have its own specific requirements as to how residents should comply to ensure safety during the COVID-19 pandemic. Transportation could be impacted, as well as schools and other public services. All of these requirements can add significantly to how an employee feels about their safety and security. These requirements might also impact whether employees can get to their place of work, or increase requests for alternative work arrangements to deal with child care needs. Companies should look into a variety of mental health resources that can help employees who could be experiencing issues relating to COVID-19.

Agile Talent Management Programs Might Have Some Mental Health Resources

Agile talent management programs can help companies respond rapidly to new challenges. Many companies already have online learning resources that employees can easily access. Also, Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) often provide a wide variety of helpful resources for employees dealing with issues that may directly impact their mental health.

COVID-19 Mental Health Resources May Not Be Readily Available

However, dealing with the impact of COVID-19 is not likely to be one of the topics in any company’s library of readily available learning resources. The most recent global pandemic that bears some similarity to the current COVID-19 situation is the 1918 influenza pandemic, occurring over 100 years ago.

Also, isolation resulting from COVID-19 restrictions may lead to increased alcohol and other substance consumption. Those at risk of substance abuse may not have the ability to easily find healthy coping skills. As reported by Nielsen, alcoholic beverage sales rose by 55% during the third week of March. Unhealthy alcohol consumption can lead to a wide number of additional medical and mental health issues.

Resources for COVID-19 Mental Health

Anxiety and stress are major factors that can negatively impact employees’ mental health. As such, companies should provide access to helpful resources that specifically target COVID-19 issues.

GMS spoke with Dr. Eric Goodman, a clinical psychologist who specializes in treating fears/phobias, persistent worrying, panic attacks, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and social anxiety. Dr. Goodman’s Coastal Center for Anxiety Treatment practice is located in San Luis Obispo, California. He is author of the upcoming book “Your Anxiety Beast and You: A Compassionate Guide for Living in an Increasingly Anxious World,” to be published in May 2020 from Exisle Publishing.

Dr. Goodman has published several articles to help people understand the source of anxiety around the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as how best to manage this anxiety.

What are the Sources of Anxiety around COVID-19?

According to Dr. Goodman, our anxiety has evolved over time to help us survive in worlds that were harsh and unforgiving, with straightforward dangers. Our ancestors knew to run from harm, and their anxiety helped them overcome prehistoric challenges.

In a sense, our anxiety around COVID-19 also consists of known threats to our safety: the coronavirus that may sicken us and our loved ones. Additionally, the forced isolation prevents us from having compassionate connections with others. We feel alone, under threat, and constantly bombarded by a daily news cycle filled with difficulties and sadness. Our mental health takes a beating.

Even if we take reasonable safety measures and abide by all of the precautions, we still face much uncertainty, and with this uncertainty is a risk of danger. Our anxiety wants the COVID-19 risk to be completely gone. Although the statistics favor our survival, we still feel anxiety, and over time may feel that our anxiety itself is a threat to us. All of this results in a higher degree of suffering. Employees may become so overwhelmed by their anxiety that they may not be able to focus on their jobs and corporate objectives.

How Should we Manage the Anxiety Around COVID-19?

There are several ways we can manage the anxiety around COVID-19. Dr. Goodman suggests three specific things we can do to mitigate this anxiety and help improve our mental health:

  1. Become mindful of our how bodies react to anxiety so we can let go of this struggle

Dr. Goodman suggests exercises such as doing a mindful body scan can be helpful to understand how our bodies react to anxiety.

  1. Soothe our nervous system to create a peaceful home for our anxiety

By getting enough sleep, avoiding substances that increase anxiety, and other healthy practices, Dr. Goodman believes our nervous system will become a peaceful place. This in turn will help calm our anxiety.

  1. Teach our anxiety so that it learns something that is safe to do, not just avoid danger

Often our anxiety can pursue actions that border on superstition or phobia. Rather than follow guidelines such as washing our hands for 20 seconds correctly, our anxiety extends the time or the frequency of handwashing. According to Dr. Goodman, we can teach our anxiety what is reasonably safe.

Additional Resources for COVID-19 Mental Health

Mental Health America (MHA)

MHA is the nation’s leading community-based non-profit organization that focuses solely on those living with mental illness. MHA has compiled a number of resources that directly address issues relating to COVID-19.

Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA)

ADAA has a number of resources including blog posts and videos with helpful tips for dealing with anxiety around COVID-19.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

The CDC has created a resource page dedicated specifically to stress and coping with COVID-19. The CDC further instructs those dealing with preexisting mental health conditions to continue their treatment. Also, the CDC notes they can find additional information at the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) “Disaster Preparedness” page.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

SAMHSA provides guidance and resources to assist individuals, providers, communities, and states across the nation in dealing with the effects of COVID-19, including emergency grants and disaster planning.

Rehab 4 Addiction (R4A)

Rehab 4 Addiction, based in the UK, provides speedy admissions into residential rehabs across the United Kingdom and internationally. The team has recently published Coronavirus: Guidance for Better Mental Health, an educational guide to help increase understanding and awareness of all aspects of coping with the stress of the lockdown and bereavement. Their hope is that this resource can be one of many stepping stones for those struggling and their loved ones to better understand their situation and lead them to find a supportive and safe environment.

Ark Behavioral Health (ArkBH)

Ark Behavioral Health is accredited by the Joint Commission, the “Gold Standard” for behavioral health facilities. The goal at Ark is to use a whole-patient approach built on a foundation of integrity, transparency, and compassion. Each facility is centered around individualized patient care with an emphasis on long-term recovery to empower those with sense of purpose and joy. They strive to have their website be an educational resource by providing up-to-date, accurate, and evidence-based information related to substance abuse, mental health, and more. This is done in order to increase understanding and awareness of addiction without shame.

The Recovery Village (TRV)

The Recovery Village seeks to assist those in recovery and decrease the spread of COVID-19, and has launched a Teletherapy Program. Those in need now have access to one-on-one counseling, group therapy, and various online services virtually with a licensed professional, improving their chances of a successful recovery. TRV has also published many support resources to assist those in recovery during the pandemic.

The Palm Beach Institute (TPBI)

The Palm Beach Institute is an an organization dedicated to assisting individuals in overcoming addiction. The COVID-19 pandemic presents unique challenges for people with substance use disorders and in recovery. They have published a guide to understanding addiction relapse during COVID-19 and tips for remaining sober.

Southern California Sunrise Recovery Center (SCSRC)

Southern California Sunrise Recovery Center provides resources for common issues people are dealing with, tips for reducing stress and anxiety, and how to get help for managing mental health during COVID-19.

Recovering Champions (RC)

Recovery Champions is accredited by the Joint Commission, the “Gold Standard” for behavioral health facilities. The goal at RC is to help individuals get personalized addiction treatment through evidence-based practices, trauma counseling, and treatment for co-occurring mental health disorders. They believe that Individualized treatment leads to long-term recovery

Choosing Therapy (CT)

Choosing Theraphy provides an online mental health resource, and has published a comprehensive guide to EAP explaining what it is, how and when to use it for mental health, types of mental health care provided, and more.

What Should Employers do?

Employers should share helpful mental health resources that can help employees who may be experiencing issues relating to COVID-19. As a result, employees will be able to reduce the impact of anxiety and stress. They will also be able to focus on their jobs and corporate objectives. Employers should examine their talent management and employee assistance programs to determine if resources are in place that address COVID-19 mental health issues.


Global Mobility Solutions’ team of corporate relocation experts has helped thousands of our clients understand how to develop talent management programs to address employee needs. Our team can help your company understand how to find and utilize valuable mental health resources that can help employees who may be experiencing issues relating to COVID-19.

GMS was the first relocation company to register as a “.com.” The company also created the first online interactive tools and calculators, and revolutionized the entire relocation industry. GMS continues to set the industry pace as the pioneer in innovation and technology solutions with its proprietary MyRelocation® technology platform.

Learn best practices from Global Mobility Solutions, the relocation industry and technology experts who are dedicated to keeping you informed and connected. Contact our experts online to discuss your company’s need for information about mental health resources for employees dealing with anxiety and stress due to the COVID-19 pandemic, or give us a call at 800.617.1904 or 480.922.0700 today.

We're Here to Help! Request a Courtesy Consultation

Are you ready to talk to a Mobility Pro? Learn how GMS can optimize your mobility program, enhance your policies to meet today’s unique challenges, receive an in-depth industry benchmark, or simply ask us a question. Your Mobility Pro will be in touch within 1 business day for a no-pressure, courtesy consultation.

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