Career Services Job Market Job Seekers Labor Force

UK Job Vacancies Drop Below 1 Million

For the first time since 2021, there are less than 1 million job vacancies in the Uk

The decline in advertised vacancies in London is concerning, as it indicates a potential slowdown in the job market. With almost 200,000 fewer job opportunities than the previous year, job seekers in the capital may face increased competition for available positions.

Furthermore, the decrease in average advertised salaries in London adds to the worries of job seekers. A 2.0% decline may not seem significant at first glance, but it can substantially impact individuals’ financial well-being and the overall health of the UK job market. With London’s high cost of living, a decrease in salaries can make it even more challenging for residents to make ends meet.

On a more positive note, Wales experienced a slight rebound in November after a fall in October. This suggests that the job market in Wales is relatively stable, providing some relief for job seekers in the region. However, it remains to be seen whether this growth will continue in the coming months.

The East Midlands, on the other hand, has emerged as a surprising frontrunner regarding salary growth. Overtaking Northern Ireland and Yorkshire, which have consistently shown strong salary growth throughout the year, the East Midlands saw the highest year-over-year increase in November. This growth can be attributed to the rise in average salaries in Leicester, which increased by an impressive 6.8% to £34,781.

Overall, the job market in the U.K. is experiencing mixed fortunes. While some regions are witnessing job vacancies and salaries declines, others are showing signs of growth. Job seekers must remain vigilant and adaptable, considering opportunities in different areas and industries to maximize their chances of finding employment. 

Global Mobility Solutions (GMS) is the industry leader in relocation services and always has a pulse on job markets worldwide. Be sure to check out our Knowledge Base as we post weekly blogs with topics ranging from real estate insights to info for hiring managers.

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How to Manage Finances When Relocating for a Job

Moving for a new job is a great career move; here are tips to keep relocation costs in check

Controlling expenses while moving to a different city can be challenging. Still, various approaches can assist in managing relocation costs and cutting expenses by opting for the services of a skilled long-distance moving company. Initially, planning your relocation effectively and contemplating reducing the number of possessions is crucial. This will effectively decrease transportation expenses and help cut down on the price of shipping household goods.

Moving to a different part of the country for a new job comes with a price tag and is costly. It is worth asking your new employer if they provide any global mobility benefits or work with a relocation service provider who can offer help at a lower price. To avoid any financial surprises, it’s crucial to create a relocation budget that covers various expenses like transportation, packing materials, and the services of cross-country movers.

Some Cost-Saving Tips for the Relocation Process

One way to save money on your cross-country move is to declutter before packing. Take the time to review your belongings and decide what you need and can live without. Selling or donating items you no longer use reduces the amount of stuff you have to move and puts some extra cash in your pocket. Additionally, consider packing some of your belongings yourself to cut down on packing service costs. However, properly label and secure your items to avoid any damage during transit.

Another cost-saving tip is to be flexible with your moving dates. Moving during the relocation off-peak season, typically during winter, can lower prices for moving companies. Additionally, avoid driving on weekends or holidays as these are more expensive due to high demand. By being flexible with your moving dates, you can save significant money.

Compare Moving and Utility Companies

When comparing cross-country moving companies, focus on more than just the price. It’s essential also to consider their reputation and customer reviews. Look for companies with a track record of providing reliable and efficient service. Reading testimonials from previous customers can give you a good idea of what to expect. Remember, the cheapest option may only sometimes be the best if it means sacrificing the safety and timeliness of your belongings’ arrival.

In addition to comparing moving companies, comparing utility companies is essential when moving to a new area. Research the different providers in your new location and compare their rates and services. Look for companies that offer competitive prices and reliable service. It’s also a good idea to read customer reviews to understand their customer satisfaction. Switching utility providers can sometimes be a hassle, but it can save you money in the long run. Take the time to compare your options and make an informed decision.

When it comes to moving, it’s easy to get caught up in the stress and excitement of the process. However, taking the time to plan and make wise choices can save you both time and money. You can ensure a smooth and cost-effective move by being flexible with your moving dates and comparing moving and utility companies. Remember, it’s not just about the price but also about the quality of service and the safety of your belongings. So, take the time to do your research and make the best choices for your move.

Remember to notify your utility providers, insurance companies, and other vital contacts about your move. This will ensure a smooth transition and prevent unnecessary service charges or disruptions. Taking these steps and proactively planning can make your cross-country move more affordable and stress-free.

What Does GMS Do to Keep Relocation Costs Low?

Global Mobility Solutions (GMS) understands the importance of lowering relocation costs for our clients. To this end, we have implemented several strategies. 

Firstly, our extensive network of providers allows us to negotiate competitive rates for various relocation services. Whether it’s transportation, housing, or immigration assistance, we have established partnerships with trusted vendors who offer cost-effective solutions. This not only helps our clients save money but also ensures that they receive high-quality services.

Additionally, our Pre-Decision Program plays a crucial role in cost reduction. By getting involved in the relocation process early on, we can help clients make informed decisions. This includes assessing the feasibility of the move, considering the financial implications, and identifying any potential challenges. We can minimize the risk of unsuccessful relocations and costly setbacks by addressing these factors beforehand.

Furthermore, our Pre-Decision Program allows us to create an accurate client budget. We understand that financial planning is essential when it comes to relocation. Providing a detailed breakdown of anticipated expenses enables our clients to make well-informed decisions and avoid any unexpected financial burdens.

Another way GMS keeps relocation costs low is by eliminating the risk of rejection by the transferee or assignee. We understand that a rejected job offer or relocation can be costly for both the employer and the employee. Therefore, we work closely with our clients to ensure that the relocation package meets the individual’s needs and expectations. By addressing any concerns or preferences early on, we can increase the likelihood of job acceptance and minimize the need for costly re-negotiations.

Moreover, GMS assists clients in identifying any potential problems with selling a home. We understand that selling a property can be a complex and time-consuming process. We help our clients navigate the real estate market efficiently by providing expert guidance and resources. This saves them money and reduces the stress associated with selling a home.

Additionally, GMS simplifies house-hunting trips for our clients. Searching for a new home in an unfamiliar location can be overwhelming. Therefore, we provide comprehensive support, including personalized itineraries, local area information, and assistance with property viewings. Streamlining the house-hunting process minimizes the need for multiple trips and reduces associated costs.

Lastly, our commitment to minimizing the need for policy exceptions further contributes to cost savings. We understand that policy exceptions can lead to additional expenses and complications. Therefore, we work closely with our clients to develop comprehensive relocation policies that address their specific needs and minimize the need for exceptions.

For more information on how GMS can help you get from point A to point B, contact us today to set up a free consultation with one of our relocation experts.

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Welcome to 2023 and Beyond, Enjoy Your Workation

What’s a Workation?

The idea of going on a workation appears to be a common practice nowadays. Combining work and vacation, a workation may seem paradoxical at first. After all, if you are working, you are not truly on a vacation, right? However, due to the rise of remote work and the newfound flexibility it offers, a new trend has emerged – the workation.

In this article, I will present to you this innovative idea. Initially, I will delve into the meaning of the term workation and the reasons for its rapid surge in popularity. Subsequently, I will explore the various variations of workations and the optimal locations for enjoying this unique type of vacation. Lastly, I will analyze the pros and cons of embarking on a workation, culminating in providing useful suggestions and guidance for a productive workation experience.

What is a workation?

A workation, also known as a workcation or worcation, is a unique experience that involves blending work and leisure time away from the office environment. Essentially, a workation allows you to take a break in a different location while still being able to fulfill your work responsibilities.

Since workation is a relatively new term, I haven’t been able to find an official definition yet. The extent of work required to consider oneself on a workation is still unclear. Does checking emails once a week suffice? What if you only accomplish 50% of your normal workload? Or do you need to work the same amount, or even more, than you would at home? Furthermore, why do we feel the need to travel for workation? Currently, workcations are quite popular.

At present, there is still a lack of clarity regarding the aforementioned matter, resulting in the term workation being ambiguous and open to interpretation. I have extensively discussed the definitions of different ideas in my previous articles, with particular emphasis on the definition of tourism. Therefore, in an effort to provide some clarification, I suggest the following explanation.
‘A workation can be described as a vacation where a significant portion of time is devoted to work.’ Dr. Hayley Stainton (2020).

The growth of workations

The year 2020 brought extensive devastation in various aspects. Tragically, numerous lives were lost, the international tourism sector suffered severe damage, our rights and freedoms were forcibly taken away, and we faced economic declines on a scale not witnessed since World War 2. It is undeniably clear that this was not our most successful year.

However, there is always a positive aspect to every situation, isn’t there? The global pandemic did bring about certain advantages. Health and sanitation measures have been enhanced on a global scale, technology has revolutionized various aspects of efficiency, and we are no longer confined to our office workstations as we were in 2019.

The idea of a workation has developed as a result of the newfound liberties granted to us in our jobs. We have demonstrated to our employers that constant supervision is not necessary and that we are capable of working autonomously. In fact, numerous employers now support the idea of remote work as a means to cut down on expenses such as office space rent.

The advancement of technology has empowered us to enhance our work methods. We are no longer compelled to harm the environment through daily commuting or extensive travel for business engagements. Instead, we can easily activate our laptops and establish virtual connections. Frankly speaking, I find it perplexing that it requires a worldwide health crisis for us to acknowledge this, as it appears quite apparent to me.

Anyway, I am getting off-topic… The main idea is that the professional landscape will undergo a permanent transformation. Individuals now have the option to work remotely from rural locations or even overseas. I anticipate that this trend will become increasingly prevalent in the future. Consequently, it can potentially lessen the economic inequalities between different regions and nations. However, I am not well-versed in economics, so I won’t elaborate on that aspect at this moment.

The rise of remote work has made it difficult to distinguish between work and personal life. Some people find this acceptable, while others do not. However, it does provide us with the freedom to shape our own lives, a privilege that was rare prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. We now have the option to work when it suits us best. Are you not a morning person? No problem. Do you want to be available to pick up your children from school? Absolutely. Would you rather work on Sundays instead of Mondays? Go for it. Are you looking for a more affordable way of living? Consider a workation as a potential solution.

The lines between work and leisure have become increasingly blurred, even during our vacations. We now have the ability to combine our work and holidays in a way that suits our needs. This is what we call a “workation.”

Gone are the days of being tied to a rigid schedule and a monotonous routine. With the rise of the workation, we have the freedom to break free from the traditional 9-to-5 grind and create a life that aligns with our individual needs and desires.

Imagine waking up in a cozy cabin nestled in the mountains, surrounded by breathtaking views. The crisp morning air fills your lungs as you sip on a cup of freshly brewed coffee, knowing you have the entire day ahead of you to work on your own terms. No more rushing through breakfast or battling traffic during the morning commute. Instead, you have the luxury of starting your workday whenever it suits you best.

For those who are not morning people, this newfound flexibility is a game-changer. You can now embrace your natural rhythm and tackle your tasks when you feel most productive. Whether you’re a night owl who thrives in the late hours or someone who prefers a leisurely start to the day, the workation allows you to optimize your work schedule to maximize your efficiency and creativity.

But it’s not just about the work. The workation also allows us to prioritize the things that truly matter in life. Need to pick up your kids from school? No problem. With the workation, you can easily adjust your schedule to be there for those crucial moments. Gone are the days of missing out on school plays or parent-teacher meetings due to work obligations. Now, you can seamlessly blend your professional and personal life, creating a harmonious balance that brings you joy and fulfillment.

And let’s not forget about the financial benefits of the workation. By exploring new locations and finding more affordable places to live, you can stretch your hard-earned money further. Imagine living in a tropical paradise or a charming European town, all while maintaining your career. The workation opens up a world of possibilities, allowing you to experience different cultures, cuisines, and lifestyles without sacrificing your professional growth.

Even when it comes to vacations, the workation offers a unique twist. Instead of taking time off from work, you can merge your holiday with your job. Picture yourself lounging on a pristine beach, laptop in hand, as you complete your tasks with the sound of crashing waves in the background. This seamless integration of work and leisure allows you to make the most of your time, ensuring you return from your vacation feeling refreshed and accomplished.
In this new era of flexibility and freedom, the workation has become a beacon of possibility. It empowers us to.

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Properly managing a visa and immigration program involves meticulous coordination, precise communication, and worldwide interaction with government agencies, corporate personnel, and relocating employees.

At GMS, we provide you with peace of mind in knowing your mobility program is fully compliant and being managed by the best in the industry.

Request a no-pressure, courtesy consultation from a GMS Mobility Pro. We’ll be in touch within 1 business day.

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What Is an iBuyer?

Explanation of an iBuyer and why transferees shouldn’t use them

There is no doubt that selling or buying a home can be complex. More prominent real estate companies started buying and selling homes through iBuying. This newer way to sell houses and property popped up. 

But what is an iBuyer? How does it work? Is it worth it for me to sell my home to one? 

An iBuyer, in simple terms, is a real estate company that leverages technology to buy and sell homes in hopes of making a quicker sale than the traditional real estate process would. The main reason is that with iBuyers, people can buy and sell homes almost entirely online, and the buyer may never even step foot in the house before signing the dotted line. 

While some iBuyers have been around since 2014 but mainly due to the Covid-19 pandemic, iBuyers started to take a hold of a decent portion of real estate transactions. The main reason is that home buyers and sellers could show or search for houses online and take virtual tours. Then they could make offers and complete the process online before getting to their new destinations.

iBuyers vs House Flippers

Many people confuse iBuyers as being in the same realm as house flippers. Flippers typically buy properties at low prices and then relist the house for a higher price in hopes of making a profit. 

iBuyers look for homes that are more market-ready than those houses flippers purchase. iBuyers tend to make a more fair offer for what the property is worth during the market’s value. Fees are short. All iBuyer companies have fees worked into their submission. 

Should I Use an iBuyer?

Often, people who are in a hurry to get to their new destination turn to iBuyers. They think that because their process is more accessible than the traditional way, they can be on their way sooner. But relocating for a job, using an iBuyer, is probably not the best route because you could be leaving money on the table. 

If you are relocating for a new position, the first step is to review any relocation benefits offered by your new company. For example, employee relocation packages often offer home buying and home selling programs. This means there could be special programs that help moving employees sell their current homes and buy a new house in their new destination. 

When employees take a relocation job, they often think they will not have enough time to sell their home before their start date. This would make many believe that an iBuying company is the way to go. But any reliable relocation management company (RMC) would strongly side against iBuyers. 

Advantage of an RMC over iBuyers

Some of the most sought-after relocation benefits are home sale programs. In basic terms, relocation home sale programs provide assistance to homeowners so that they can move to their new city for the desired or assigned start date. Each RMC will have different terms and conditions for its offered real estate programs. But most programs will include payments to cover real estate commissions and closing costs. Therefore, every home selling assistance program differs depending on the seller’s/buyer’s situation. The type of program a moving employee can use also depends on relocation policies specified in the employee’s offer letter. Direct Reimbursement, Buyer Value Option (BVO), and Guaranteed Purchase Offer (GPO) are three of the most commonly offered relocation home sale programs. 

Each of these programs offers different advantages to transferees. Direct reimbursement is the most common program. This home-selling program is where the employee will list and sell their home on their own and be reimbursed by their new company for closing costs and other fees. 

The BVO program is where the RMC will buy the home from the moving employee and sell it to a buyer with a competitive offer. Finally, the GPO program is the handiest; this is where the employee will list and try to sell their home independently. If, after a set amount of time (typically 30-120 days), the employee is unable to sell their home, the RMC will purchase the home from the employee so that they can make it to their start date on time.

GMS Employs Real Estate Experts

Global Mobility Solutions (GMS) has been the industry leader in relocation since 1987. We’ve assisted in millions of moves since and have taken pride in making a seamless relocation process with top-notch customer service. We understand that selling a home in a tighter time frame adds to stress. 

That is why GMS only employs the best real estate experts to help our clients sell and buy homes promptly while getting checks next to all their needs on their list. With over 30 years of experience, GMS knows how to get relocating employees moved on time without leaving too much money on the table. For more information on our home-selling programs, please reach out to set up a free consultation on how GMS can help. Or check out our Knowledge Base for more insight on other services GMS can offer those looking to relocate for a new job.

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Are you ready to talk to a Mobility Pro? Learn how GMS can optimize your mobility program, enhance your policies to meet today’s unique challenges, receive an in-depth industry benchmark, or simply ask us a question. Your Mobility Pro will be in touch within 1 business day for a no-pressure, courtesy consultation.

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The Relationship Between Frictional Unemployment and Relocation

What Is Frictional Unemployment?

Frictional unemployment is the technical term for someone who is “in-between jobs” because they plan to move to a new position. Economists use this term for employees who leave their jobs voluntarily or involuntarily. There are other types of unemployment, but frictional is unique because it is seen as a natural part of labor turnover rates.

The majority of frictional unemployment is when an employee leaves their job for a new one. Career changes also fit into this category. Students who recently graduated and trying to obtain full-time positions are also considered under frictional unemployment.

Because frictional unemployment is natural in a healthy economy, it doesn’t always compel a negative impact. In most cases, this type of unemployment can be beneficial. If a higher-qualified employee chooses to explore new opportunities, companies receive applications from candidates. And in many cases, a set relocation strategy offers a significant offset to minimize time and costs for an employee moving to a new destination.

Examples of Frictional Unemployment

There are different situations that would constitute frictional unemployment. Again, because frictional unemployment numbers are high in a healthy economy, it can be suitable for companies and employees alike. The only obvious downfall on the employees’ end is that any type of unemployment can be scary and stressful. The longer the unemployment stent lasts, the harder it is on the employee and their family. Here are some everyday situations that reflect frictional unemployment:

Personal Transition

Maybe the most common example of frictional unemployment. A personal transition can include taking time off to care for kids or an ill relative to a complete career change. As always seen as voluntary unemployment, personal transitions can last just a few days to a long extended time. Career changes usually involve new training or going back to school, so they can take years in some instances. 

Another prime example of personal transition unemployment is an employee who leaves their job to start their own business. As people can save and set a foundation for their business, they do their best to time an exit from their current position to take a shot at their dream business.

Geographic Move

There are numerous situations that would fit in this category. The most seen is someone who accepts a new position in a new state or country. No one can just move overnight and be ready to work the next day. The relocation process takes some time in which usually the employee is not working, so there is a small gap in employment before the new job starts. However, if an employee accepts a promotion or corporate relocation assignment from their company, there could still be a minimal employment gap. 

Geographic move unemployment matters also occur when an employee’s spouse or partner accepts a job in another location. The employee then gives resignation notice due to the move and then searches for a new job. 

Another callout for this type of frictional unemployment might be if an employee wants a fresh start in a new home, but the company won’t allow a transfer and doesn’t offer remote work options. Obviously, this also fits into voluntary unemployment. In most cases like this, it is recommended from a professional point of view that the employee already have a position lined up in their new destination before relocating.

Skill Matching

Skill matching refers to an employee leaving their job for a position where the skills, responsibilities, and requirements are on the same level. This situation usually occurs when an employee feels underappreciated or underpaid at their current company. Sometimes, the employee will apply to open similar positions to get the pay raise they hope to reach. Or if the employee feels the new company can offer better career growth opportunities. 

Skill matching frictional unemployment happens in a thriving economy when employees have more power in salary negotiation.


Up-skilling frictional unemployment is highly similar to skill matching. The big difference is that the employee is taking a new position because they cannot advance at their current company. The most straightforward call out here is an employee who holds an entry-level job moves to a new organization to go into a manager-level role. Or a manager-level employee wants to be promoted to a director or president-level role. This switch usually happens when an employee is topped out and looking for a higher salary and more responsibilities. 

Again, up-skilling is easier done in an employee-favored economy during hiring frenzies. But, just like skill matching, the number of days unemployed is minimal and on the employee’s terms.

Entering the Workforce

Recently graduated college students who have yet to find a full-time job count in frictional unemployment rates. Younger job seekers who are applying and interviewing for positions usually make up the highest rate of this example. This situation for frictional unemployment is the most dependent upon the health of the economy. In a healthy economy where job openings are plentiful, graduates have more options and a better chance of limiting their unemployment days. 

It is not uncommon for someone who may have been a stay-at-home parent looking for their first career job since caring for children. And military members whose service time has concluded, now on the job search fit into this category also. 

How a Relocation Strategy Can Reduce Frictional Unemployment

Setting up corporate relocation policies can help companies cut down on frictional unemployment. These set policies help quicken the timeline it takes for an employee and their family to move. If the company develops its strategies with a relocation management company (RMC), processing time and costs can be managed better. Companies tend to work with relocation specialists who can provide coaching for the process and a prepared list of vendors who work in the services needed, such as movers and real estate agents. 

Frictional Unemployment can hinder companies that relocate new, existing, or promoted employees if they do not have a strategy in place. The company suffers because the moving process drags out; there are numerous days when the position is not filled. On the flip side, the employee suffers because this is time they are not getting paid. But being prepared with relocation packages to offer employees gets them from point A to point B within a reasonable timeline.

GMS Has Taken It to the Next Level

Global Mobility Solutions has been assisting companies with their relocation strategies since 1987. Our team of relocation experts knows how to help companies prioritize their global mobility needs. In addition, we have set in a new Employee Choice Program allowing employees to relocate without their company providing financial sponsorship. 

This program is meant for companies to retain top talent for positions allowed to work remotely. In addition, companies can enable employees to relocate while not having to pay for the process. GMS offers this program to companies so that their employees can utilize our list of relocation vendors at great prices. Please fill out this form to get more information on this new program put together by GMS. Then one of our relocation experts will reach out to let you know how your employees can take advantage of the Employee Choice Program. 

GMS is here to help with any relocation needs, and our Knowledge Base is full of hard-hitting blog topics that can answer many levels of questions. 

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Are you ready to talk to a Mobility Pro? Learn how GMS can optimize your mobility program, enhance your policies to meet today’s unique challenges, receive an in-depth industry benchmark, or simply ask us a question. Your Mobility Pro will be in touch within 1 business day for a no-pressure, courtesy consultation.

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Here Are Some Hiring Incentive Ideas to Land Top Talent

Recruiting In a Hot Job Market? Sweeten the Deal

From trucking to healthcare, many industries are having a hard time landing top talent for open jobs. Companies have difficulty filling positions regardless of the talent level in some industries, such as hospitality and foodservice. What is holding back companies from being able to hire the right candidate in a reasonable time? 

While pandemic and economic factors certainly play a factor in these difficulties, GMS recommends that you keep it simple and review what your HR department does from a recruiting and benefits standpoint. What can your company offer that other companies can’t? How do you prove to candidates that working at your company will improve their life professionally and personally? 

Sometimes, companies will offer high salaries for positions but end up with a candidate who is not qualified. Or worse, a candidate who works for the company for six months then moves on to another job that offers more. Obtaining and retaining good employees can be difficult for HR managers and recruiters. That’s why some companies provide enhanced incentives to new employees. 

Here are some ideas on how your company can hire and obtain talented candidates for positions at all levels:

1. Roll Out an Employee Referral Program

A simple idea, but giving your employees incentives to recruit for the company can go a long way. Your employees know better than anyone what type of person needs to fill the open seat. Rewarding your staff by giving bonuses or other financial incentives for bringing in a front-runner job candidate will pay dividends.

In many cases, these referral programs offer existing employees a pre-defined bonus if the employee refers an applicant who meets all criteria, is hired, and then stays with the company for a specified length of time. Ninety days of employment is the typical timeframe applied to these programs. However, with the current competitive hiring market, some companies are paying their employee referral bonuses after only 30 days of the new hire’s start date.

2. Temporarily Reduce Repayment Agreement Terms to One Year

Offering relocation policies to candidates is a great way to open up the talent pool for the open position. When you are able to field any applications from candidates located throughout the country, it gives your company much more opportunity to find the right employee as opposed to just interviewing local candidates. Keeping the job posting local shrinks the number of potential candidates. 

Oftentimes, when offering relocation packages to new hires, employers offer to cover the costs of the relocation if the employee stays with the company for a protracted period of time (generally 2-3 years). This arrangement is called a Repayment Agreement, whereby the employee is contractually obligated to repay a defined amount of the relocation costs that were covered on their behalf in the event they leave the company within the specified time period.

In a tight hiring market, many companies are temporarily reducing the terms of this agreement to as little as one year. This can be perceived as an added incentive for the employee, reducing their risk of paying back their relocation costs in the event they need to move on. However, this represents added risk and exposure to the employer.

3. Increase Allowances to Encourage Candidates to Consider Relocation

Miscellaneous Expense Allowances (MEAs) are a pool of money a company will offer an employee above and beyond the benefits, the employer has committed to directly covering (such as household goods transportation costs.) The MEA can be used by the employee to cover relocation costs that might not be covered under the policy, but qualify for use. For example, the employee’s relocation policy might not specifically call out pet transportation as a covered benefit. Employees can utilize their MEA to help cover the cost of transportation for their dog or cat, reducing their personal financial burden.

The specific MEA benefit level and its allowable use can be different from company to company and policy to policy. However, increasing the amount offered in the MEA can be a powerful incentive for job candidates who might be on the fence about relocating for the position.

4. Review and Approve Relocation Policy Exceptions Upfront

In the negotiation stage of hiring, it is always important to be upfront and crystal clear about what benefits are contained within your relocation policies. Make sure the employee knows what is covered, how they can utilize relocation policies, and why they should take advantage of each benefit. The last thing you want is to send an offer letter out only to have it rejected. 

Occasionally, the benefits provided by your relocation package may not meet the needs of a candidate and their family, potentially derailing the hiring process. In these cases, policy exceptions can be used to provide additional and targeted relocation support to the candidate. For example, consider increasing the number of days of temporary housing coverage to accommodate an employee without a place to live due to the current hot real estate market. As homes are selling quickly, intense competition in purchasing a new home can drag out how long an employee needs accommodations.

5. Formalize A Sign-On Bonus Structure

Sign-on bonuses are an easy way to hire in a hurry. Offering a set amount of money to be paid to the new employee after a certain amount of days on the job can be a powerful hiring incentive. In industries that are desperate for talent, these sign-on bonuses can be as high as $5,000 to $10,000. The amount of the bonus should depend on the employee’s experience and the urgency for filling the open position. 

6. Offer Retention Bonuses To Obtain and Keep Top Talent

Having retention or goal-based bonus structures for new hires can be a great way to keep good talent around. After an employee is hired, give them a list of obtainable goals for them to meet in their first 30-120 days. If all goals are met, the employee should be eligible for the bonus. Programs like this do two things: first off, they keep the employee motivated and focused on meeting marks. Second, it is a great recruiting weapon. Advertising to potential employees that they can get bonuses for aspects of their job can entice some great candidates to be willing to leave their current job to work for you.

GMS Knows Hiring Can Be Hard. Let Us Help!

Global Mobility Solutions (GMS) has been a workforce mobility leader since 1987. We help companies create and update relocation policies for employees, offer outstanding recruiter services, and develop innovative resources for HR managers. We want to help your company get the right people in the right seats quickly and easily. Contact us today to set up a consultation call with one of our talent mobility experts. We will listen to all of your wants and needs, then help you put together the best global mobility plan possible.

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Are you ready to talk to a Mobility Pro? Learn how GMS can optimize your mobility program, enhance your policies to meet today’s unique challenges, receive an in-depth industry benchmark, or simply ask us a question. Your Mobility Pro will be in touch within 1 business day for a no-pressure, courtesy consultation.

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What Is a Zoom Town?

Learn More About Communities Growing Thanks to Remote Workers

Zoom Town is a new term used for spots around the country that are seeing increases in the populations of people who work remotely on a permanent basis. It’s a play on words from the old term “boomtown” which was used to describe towns and cities in the United States that saw huge population increases due to oil discovery. The term also stems from numerous companies using the popular Zoom meeting app, implying that people who work from home “zoom” into work instead of commuting.

This trend of Zoom Towns has grown as more and more companies are providing employees the ability to work from home full-time or even part-time. Now that employees no longer have to show their face in an office space regularly, it gives them the freedom to choose to live wherever suits their lifestyle and budget.

Cost of Living and Housing Market Shifts Helped Form Zoom Towns

Many would say that working remotely was becoming more common even before the Covid-19 pandemic forced businesses to ask employees to work from home for health and safety reasons. Now that remote positions are becoming the new normal across all industries, people are finding it harder to justify moving to, and remaining in, some of the larger or more expensive cities in the country.

It was reported in a survey given out to employees who were in-office before the pandemic that 91% of employees hope to become full-time remote workers at their current position moving forward. This shift to working online has had an impact on the cities that people want to live in. Smaller towns and cities now seem to be favored by remote workers as the cost of living and real estate prices are more appealing than the major cities that used to be some of the best job hubs in the country.

Top Growing Zoom Towns for Remote Workers

While the below list of growing Zoom Towns may not have an obvious connection, there is a series of running themes between them. If workers do not have to commute into an office five times per week, and they have the option to live with great scenery and weather, who wouldn’t? An additional theme running through this list of towns is that these destinations are all outside of major cities. As stated before, remote workers are looking to escape big city life for smaller cities and towns with more affordable housing, lower cost of living, better traffic, and an improved sense of “livability”. 

Here are some of the fastest-growing Zoom Towns in the US (in no particular order): 

  1. Gilbert, Arizona
  2. Frisco, Texas
  3. League City Texas
  4. Bellevue, Washington
  5. Olathe, Kansas 
  6. Henderson, Nevada 
  7. Roseville, California 
  8. Sandy Springs, Georgia 
  9. Centennial, Colorado 
  10. Cary, North Carolina

Relocating to a Zoom Town

It should go without saying that while most companies who hire for remote positions will allow employees to work from anywhere, there might be a chance that employees are asked to make an appearance in the office quarterly or annually. Maintaining well-optioned travel policies and remote work policies will go a long way in ensuring your remote jobs are successful for your workers and effective for your organization.

As remote work has exploded in popularity, we have found that many companies do not offer remote workers with relocation benefits. Commonly due to the fact that the decision on where to live for a remote worker boils down to personal choice. However, there are numerous government relocation incentive programs to help reduce the financial burden on remote workers who are looking for a change in scenery. 

It is important to note that in the modern war for talent, for companies to attract and retain the best talent it takes great recruiting benefits. Since 1987, GMS has specialized in helping businesses build successful workforce relocation programs, develop competitive relocation policies, and assist in the design of remote worker programs. Do you have questions regarding relocation, remote workers, or any facet of corporate mobility? Speak with one of our relocation experts today.

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Preparing for 2022 Workplace Trends

What lies ahead for the average workplace in 2022?

It is hard to believe that the fourth quarter of 2021 is already upon us. So much has happened in the US (and around the world) the past two years, but it still feels like it’s moved ahead at a blurred pace. The modern workplace is constantly evolving as it is, but the past few years have forced numerous industries to change their workplaces due to Covid restrictions with little to no warning. Keeping up on trends to ensure that your company’s workplace or work plan is positive, collaborative, and flexible is important to making sure you can employ the best talent for each position.  

A healthy workplace not only attracts the best talent but also can help improve employee performance and productivity. Employee turnover is an expensive problem for a workplace that is struggling with morale or productivity on everyday tasks. In order to set up your workplace for employee success in 2022 and beyond, check out these trends that you should consider implementing throughout the new year:

Gen Z Is Coming

Demographic shifts are something that cannot be halted. In the past four-plus decades we’ve seen the workforce transition from Baby Boomers to Gen X to Millennials. Now, the next generation is ready to start entering the business world. Gen Z (born between 1997 and 2010) is the newest working generation and stats are predicting that they will make up about 40% of the global workforce entering 2022. 

The main difference between Gen Z and the previous age demographics is Gen Z was born and raised with technology in hand. With mobile phones, tablets, laptops, endless apps, and more, Gen Z has been steeped in technology. This familiarity has allowed Gen Z to embrace technology and the improvements it can provide in the workplace. They are quicker to catch on to updates to systems and policies and adapt to using new software when asked. Small and midsize businesses will need to explore the habits, skillset, and mindsets of this new working generation to ensure that their business can stay up to date against the competition. Using old technology and software or outdated workplace policies can hurt a company’s chances of hiring the best candidate for a job if most of the applicants are from this new generation. 

To keep up with this new generation, and to keep pace with the workplace trends of 2022, it could be time for your organization to review office practices, routines, training, and career progression plans.

Working Remotely and Flexible Work Schedules

Mainly due to Covid-19 office restrictions, many companies learned that employees can be just as productive working remotely as they can sitting in a central office complex. 2020 and 2021 have shown companies that there are many benefits to allowing employees to work remotely. There are two main advantages for employees. The first is the improved work-life balance that can be achieved when the employee no longer needs to commute back and forth to an office five days per week. The other is not dealing with the stress of rush hour traffic each way during these daily office commutes. Both of these points can also benefit the employer because if employees are less stressed, then they are more likely to be productive during the workday. 

Allowing employees to work remotely full-time, even after all Covid-19 restrictions are lifted, is something that is going to be the new normal. In a survey sent to company leaders, it was reported that 47% of companies said they will let employees work remotely full-time, while 80% from that same survey said they will allow at least part-time work away from the office. 

Also, the mandatory 8am to 4pm or 9am to 5pm work schedules are being left in the dust by innovative managers. Companies (whether they allow remote work or require office work) should consider flexible work schedules. Again, it helps employees be able to retain a work-life balance that will keep them happy, positive, productive, and less distracted.

Set Realistic and Motivating Promotion Paths

Many larger companies tend to get bad reputations when it comes to employee growth and promotions. Often, employees of bigger branches feel like just a number in the system and seem stuck once in the same position for a few years. This creates a culture that lacks creativity and passion, ultimately hurting company performance. In addition, current trends have shown a huge increase in open jobs that need to be filled. Companies who do not have set promotion paths for a majority of their employees will probably have a hard time keeping talent, because they can advance their careers by filling one of the numerous open positions that need to be filled. 

When ownership groups and managers can come together to set realistic goals that can give the employee a clear path to development, promotions, raises, new training, and new opportunities it can set a great work culture that employees will want to work at and thrive at for years to come. It should be noted that it is not advisable to simply set career paths for new employees and leave it at that. Regular reviews should be set for all new and current employees to  meet with a company leader to discuss their place in the organization and how to further develop their professional skills and advance within the department or company.

Keep Communications Open and Sociable

Today, simple conversational and writing skills can be difficult for some employees. Many younger employees who are new to the workforce have grown accustomed to communicating primarily through text messaging or social media. Encouraging your employees to be more personal when communicating, especially when working remotely, can go a long way towards their overall personal and professional development. Providing software that can include instant messaging and easy-to-use video calls can promote your employees to speak face to face when possible. This will go a long way in developing a work culture where employees not only feel like a person, but feel that they are interacting with other “real” people.

Stay On Top of Workforce and Workplace Trends

Global Mobility Solutions offers readers updates on relocation industry trends on a regular basis. Our command of emerging trends have allowed our team to help countless companies to develop robust and competitive relocation programs, enhance their retention of talent, and acquire the fresh talent needed to grow their business. GMS performs regular benchmarking studies to track and evaluate policy trends and identify shifts in the mobility landscape. GMS is committed to staying in-the-know regarding the challenges facing a wide range of industries that have a need for global mobility and relocation services

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At GMS, we make it a priority to know how talent mobility is changing in each major industry. What are the best practices? How are other companies changing their programs to retain a competitive edge? Your Mobility Pro will be in touch within 1 business day to help answer your questions and benchmark your industry.

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2021 Best Cities to Live in the USA for Growth Opportunities

Cities with Growth Opportunities

2021 is already halfway over. While this year has seen more normalcy than 2020 did, there are some permanent changes that will stay. One of those changes is companies allowing employees to work remotely. When the COVID19 pandemic first went into effect, almost all major companies set up employees to work from their homes to promote and protect the health and safety of their workforce and operations. 

Many companies now are looking into allowing their employees to work remotely full time, even as life begins to return to normal. Now that employees no longer have to commute to an office every day, it gives them the ability to live anywhere they want. This has people moving all over the country. But what are the best cities to move to those looking for a full-time change?

20 of the Best Cities to Move to for Growth

While most “best cities” lists rely on a certain level of subjectivity, many tools have attempted to perfect the art through evaluation, scoring systems, and other analysis. The following list looks at the overall livability of each area with a focus on positive economic activity. 

  1. The Woodlands, TX
  2. Arlington, VA
  3. Naperville, IL
  4. Overland Park, KS
  5. Cambridge, MA
  6. Ann Arbor, MI
  7. Plano, TX
  8. Columbia, MD
  9. Berkeley, CA
  10. Bellevue, WA
  11. Irvine, CA
  12. Richardson, TX
  13. Seattle, WA
  14. Madison, WI
  15. San Francisco, CA
  16. Sunnyvale, CA
  17. Raleigh, NC
  18. Boulder, CO
  19. Sandy Springs, GA
  20. Torrance, CA

While these cities all have different cultures, climates, and costs, they were chosen based on many different aspects of living. Factors include livability, job opportunities, homeownership rates, cost of living, and their track record of economic growth. Most of these cities have seen consistent growth for the better part of 10 years, making them some of the best cities to move to for growth opportunities. Many of these cities are considered mid-size, meaning that while they are growing, they are not yet the size of mega-cities such as Chicago, New York City, or Los Angeles. 

Midsize cities that are growing tend to offer some of the best job markets in the country. This could come into play if someone who is looking for change is unable to work remotely in their current career. Additionally, the availability of job opportunities is critical for trailing spouses or partners who wish to continue their own personal growth and achieve their career goals in their new destination.

Things to Consider When Moving to a New State

While it’s nice to be able to live anywhere because of the ability to work remotely, there are many factors that should be considered and questions that should be answered before relocating.

Cost of Living

Affordability is typically one of the biggest factors relating to the decision to relocate. Can your current salary or income keep up in the new city? Will you be able to afford the cost of fuel, groceries, and other basic living items that might be more expensive (or cheaper) in the new place. 

Healthcare costs, education, and culture should be other factors to look at when looking to move into a new city.

Real Estate Market

2020 and 2021 have resulted in a boom in real estate that shows no signs of stopping in the near term. The average cost of homes rose just over 11% nationally (its largest annual gain in 15 years) and should be brought to any conversation about the best cities to live in the USA. Will your current home sell for what it’s worth? Can you afford a nice enough home in the new area? While it is a great time for sellers, it is more expensive for buyers than before.

Quality of Life

When selecting the best cities to move to, local amenities and quality of life play an outsized role that many forget to include in their decision to relocate. Is there an availability of quality schooling at the new location? How are the average commute times? Is efficient public transportation available? Is there a good balance of shopping, climate, recreation, and dining available?

How We Can Help

GMS is a leader in the global mobility industry. We help companies draft relocation policies for their employees, helping them get from point A to point B while minimizing common pain points, where possible. It is our goal to make the relocation experience smooth for those trying to relocate to the best cities in the USA. GMS’ services can help every step of the way, from pre-decision to departure, to help getting settled in the new destination.

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Are you ready to talk to a Mobility Pro? Learn how GMS can optimize your mobility program, enhance your policies to meet today’s unique challenges, receive an in-depth industry benchmark, or simply ask us a question. Your Mobility Pro will be in touch within 1 business day for a no-pressure, courtesy consultation.

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What are the Top Cities in 2020 for US Job Opportunities?

The United States’ continuing economic resilience means many cities have a wide number of US job opportunities for job seekers. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics publishes a number of monthly reports that show the health of the job market. The Employment Situation – September 2020 report shows:

  1. Total non-farm payroll employment rose by 661,000
  2. Unemployment rate fell to 7.9%
  3. Number of unemployed persons fell by 1.0 million

Many job seekers looking for US job opportunities have their sights set on moving to find their new job. They often search for cities where there is a wide and growing number of employment opportunities. In this way, job seekers may increase their ability to find employment.

Where are the US Job Opportunities?

Several cities have shown tremendous growth in population, industries, and jobs over the past several years. Many of these cities are well positioned to leverage their strengths, from low cost of living to exceptional natural beauty. According to, the following 12 cities have the most US job opportunities:

  1. Sioux Falls, South Dakota
  2. Austin, Texas
  3. San Francisco, California
  4. Boston, Massachusetts
  5. Scottsdale, Arizona
  6. Boise, Idaho
  7. Lake Charles, Louisiana
  8. Provo-Orem, Utah
  9. Nashville, Tennessee
  10. Reno, Nevada
  11. Bend-Redmond, Oregon
  12. George, Utah

While some cities on this list are often consistently cited as great engines of economic growth, others may seem somewhat surprising. Cities such as Sioux Falls, Boise, and Lake Charles do not often rub shoulders with shining tech industry stars like Austin, Boston, and San Francisco. What are the US job opportunities in these cities?

US Job Opportunities in Sioux Falls, Boise, and Lake Charles

Sioux Falls, South Dakota

The Key Industries in Sioux Falls include:

  • Biomedical—pharmaceuticals, medical device manufacturing
  • Finance & Banking—business process outsourcing
  • Advanced Manufacturing—centralized location with access to large markets
  • Transportation & Warehousing—extensive highway, rail, and air service
  • Data Centers—both publicly available and private resources
  • Food Processing—in the heart of America’s breadbasket

Other important factors that may lead to increasing job growth and US job opportunities include:

  • South Dakota’s pro-business regulatory climate
  • No personal tax
  • No corporate state income tax
  • Personal property tax: none
  • No inheritance tax
  • Inventory tax: none

Boise, Idaho

The Major Industries in Boise include:

  • Mining—gold, silver, lead, zinc, copper
  • Farming—potatoes, wheat, barley, hay, sugar beets, onions
  • Timber—wood and paper products
  • State Government—Boise is the state capital
  • Technology—analytics, process automation, network solutions
  • Tourism—Rocky Mountains, Boise River

Other important factors that may lead to increasing job growth and US job opportunities include:

  • Idaho’s tax incentives for job creation, investment credits, tax exemptions
  • Low taxes
  • Reasonable rates
  • Job training programs
  • Urban renewal projects
  • Strategic transportation advantages
  • Skilled and highly educated workforce

Lake Charles, Louisiana

The Leading Industries in Lake Charles include:

  • Advanced Manufacturing—petrochemicals, components for nuclear power plants
  • Aerospace—several nearby airports and aviation training programs, suppliers
  • Agribusiness—natural fiber spinning technologies
  • Health Care—three major hospitals
  • Maritime—direct access to the Gulf of Mexico
  • Sustainable Energy—liquefied natural gas conversions
  • Traditional Energy—refining operations, power plants

Other important factors that may lead to increasing job growth and US job opportunities include:

  • Over $40 billion in planned investments for the southwest Louisiana region
  • Location near top defense contractors
  • Abundant natural resources
  • Local hospitals connected to LSU Health New Orleans establishes talent pipeline for the region
  • Six areas ports including Port of Lake Charles, one of the busiest in the nation
  • Sophisticated waterway transportation capabilities

What Should Job Seekers do?

Job seekers should look into cities like Sioux Falls, Boise, and Lake Charles for US job opportunities. These cities offer a wide range of industries and large variety of jobs. This bodes well for their future economic and employment growth.

Several resources are available to help job seekers learn about job openings in Sioux Falls, Boise, and Lake Charles. Social networking platforms such as Linkedin provide company information and searchable contacts for connection opportunities. Job seekers should leverage professional career services to enhance their job search and achieve success in their career objectives.

What Should Employers in Cities with Plentiful US Job Opportunities do?

Employers located in cities with plentiful US job opportunities should review their hiring plans and talent acquisition programs. High levels of economic growth means employers must compete for job seekers.

Employers seeking candidates with the best skills and qualifications should work with a Relocation Management Company (RMC). RMCs have knowledge and expertise to help employers design a robust and effective relocation program that promotes global talent acquisition

Many cities with growing industries often generate additional jobs in service and support industries. As employment grows, demand rises for housing, shopping, schools, and other services. Job seekers in service and support industries should also look at cities with plentiful US job opportunities.


GMS’ team of domestic relocation experts has helped thousands of our clients develop highly effective hiring and recruiting programs. As a result, our clients can easily attract highly skilled job seekers to cities with plentiful US job opportunities. Our team can help your company determine how to attract job seekers to fill openings and help your company reach its corporate objectives.

GMS was the first relocation company to register as a “.com.” The company also created the first online interactive tools and calculators, and revolutionized the entire relocation industry. GMS continues to set the industry pace as the pioneer in innovation and technology solutions with its proprietary MyRelocation® technology platform.

New SafeRelo™ COVID-19 Knowledge Portal

GMS recently launched its new SafeRelo™ COVID-19 Knowledge Portal featuring a number of helpful resources including:

  • Curated selection of news and articles specific to managing relocation programs and issues relating to COVID-19
  • Comprehensive guide to national, international, and local online sources for current data
  • Program/Policy Evaluation (PPE) Tool for instant relocation policy reviews

Contact our experts online to discuss your company’s recruiting, hiring, and relocation program needs in the top cities for US job opportunities, or give us a call at 800.617.1904 or 480.922.0700 today.

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