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Blind Recruiting: What is it?

Some companies are turning to blind recruiting methods to hire open positions

Recent job searchers prioritize workplace diversity when assessing potential employers. Most job seekers believe this is vital to a company’s identity. Establishing a DE&I strategy early in the recruitment process can attract the best talent, and blind recruitment can help ensure no one is overlooked.

It has been demonstrated that organizations with various qualified employees are 25% more likely to be successful and profitable. More and more companies are beginning to recognize the importance of having a diverse workforce, yet many need assistance achieving this goal. Unintentional bias in the hiring process may lead to fewer opportunities for diversity, so it is vital to have the correct recruitment approach to decrease this risk and maintain inclusivity.

What Is Blind Recruiting?

The practice of ‘blind’ or anonymous recruiting seeks to remove personal specifics from an applicant’s profile in the evaluation stage. This most often means the removal of names. However, in certain situations, like when using Applied, more information is taken away, such as age, address, and educational background, to eliminate potential bias.

To ensure fair and equitable treatment of job applicants, blind CVs have been gaining traction in recent years as they effectively remove personal biases that might come into play when viewing a candidate’s resume.

Currently, various recruiting techniques focus on diversity. One of these is blind recruiting, which eliminates a job applicant’s personal information to prevent anything from harming the hiring process.

By eliminating any type of recruiter prejudice—whether intentional or not—quality applicants are more likely to be hired based solely on their abilities and work history, as opposed to their identity, orientation, cultural heritage, impairment status, or history. 

Biases can prevent impartial hiring practices, but blind sourcing can limit the effect of these biases by obscuring information that could lead to prejudicial decisions.

How to Incorporate Blind Recruiting Techniques

It can be challenging to overcome unconscious prejudice, but blind hiring can assist recruiters in making unbiased decisions when selecting the most suitable applicants. Taking the following steps can make the pursuit of a diverse recruitment strategy more effective:

  • Set up training for hiring managers about hiring bias.
  • Use anonymity on job applications and résumés.
  • Review the current recruiting process to ensure it complies with state and federal hiring equity laws.
  • Perform regular metrics assessments on HR teams and hiring managers.

Relocation Pre-Decision Services Can Assist in Recruiting

Global Mobility Solutions (GMS) leads the global mobility industry with our award-winning pre-decision services. We offer 30% more benefits than any other relocation company. The expert team at GMS understands that relocating employees is a hard job involving much more than moving an employee’s household goods. 

That is why our pre-decision services can help you when recruiting new employees. Having relocation packages ready for employees and other benefits can allow your recruiting and hiring managers to brag about the smooth process. 

Schedule a free consultation today if you are ready to get more info on our pre-decision services. One of our relocation experts will share how we can assist you.

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Understanding The Do’s & Don’ts of Credit When Moving Overseas

What to know about credit when accepting an international relocation assignment

Moving overseas is an exciting adventure that often comes with various logistical challenges – one crucial aspect to consider when relocating abroad is how your credit will be affected. 

Understanding the do’s and don’ts of credit when moving overseas is essential to ensure a smooth transition and financial stability. This blog post will explore the key factors to consider regarding credit during an international move.

The Do's of Credit When Relocating Internationally

1. Notify your creditors and financial institutions

Before leaving your home country, inform your credit card issuers, banks, and loan providers about your upcoming move. This proactive step will help prevent potential issues or losses with your current accounts.

They can offer valuable advice or alternative solutions for managing your finances abroad. They also help you figure out how you can process credit card payments while abroad. 

2. Research the local credit system

Countries have different credit systems, and your credit history might transfer slowly. Take the time to understand your new destination’s credit reporting agencies, scoring models, and processes. This knowledge will help you establish credit in your new country effectively.

3. Maintain your existing credit relationships

Try to maintain your current credit relationships, such as credit cards or loans, even when you move abroad. A long credit history can positively impact your credit score and make it easier to access credit in your new country. Consider keeping at least one credit card or account active, using it periodically, and paying off the balance to demonstrate financial responsibility.

4. Establish local credit

Once you arrive at your new location, start building your credit in the local market. Open a bank account, apply for a local credit card, or consider obtaining a secured credit card if you cannot qualify for unsecured credit initially. Timely payments and responsible credit usage will help you establish a solid credit history in your new country.

Click here to find more about which countries use credit reporting.

The Don'ts of Credit When Moving Overseas

1. Close all your existing accounts

Closing all your accounts in your home country can negatively impact your credit history and credit utilization ratio. Instead, consider keeping some accounts open to maintain a connection to your home country’s credit system. This can be especially helpful if you plan to return in the future.

2. Rely solely on cash

While it may be tempting to rely solely on cash transactions when you move overseas, having a mix of payment methods is crucial. Responsible credit card usage can help you establish a local credit history, gain rewards, and provide additional security and protection for your purchases.

3. Ignore currency exchange rates

When using credit cards overseas, be mindful of currency exchange rates and potential foreign transaction fees. Some credit cards offer favorable exchange rates or waive foreign transaction fees, making them more suitable for international use. Research and choose the best credit card options for your specific needs.

4. Overextend your credit

Moving to a new country can bring unexpected expenses and financial challenges. Avoid overextending your credit and accumulating excessive debt. Create a budget, track your spending, and ensure that you understand your financial obligations and capabilities in your new environment.

Final Thoughts from GMS

Moving overseas is an exciting opportunity, and managing your credit effectively is crucial for a successful transition. By following the do’s and don’ts of credit when moving overseas, such as notifying your creditors, understanding the local credit system, and responsibly managing your credit, you can establish a solid financial foundation and ensure a smooth integration into your new life abroad.

For more information about international relocation services, set up a free consultation with one of our business development managers. Global Mobility Solutions (GMS) is the industry leader in providing companies with global mobility programs.

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Properly managing a visa and immigration program involves meticulous coordination, precise communication, and worldwide interaction with government agencies, corporate personnel, and relocating employees.

At GMS, we provide you with peace of mind in knowing your mobility program is fully compliant and being managed by the best in the industry.

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Managing Employee Stress During Corporate Relocation

How to help employees through the talent mobility process

Relocation – a word that conjures up images of excitement and new beginnings. Yet, amidst the sparkle of fresh opportunities lies a lesser-known truth: the significant stress it places on employees. With its whirlwind of change and upheaval, corporate relocation can take a toll on your workforce’s emotional and psychological well-being. As a manager, recognizing and addressing the impact of this process is crucial for maintaining productivity and preserving employee satisfaction. This blog post will delve into managing employee stress during a corporate relocation, equipping you with essential insights and strategies to guide your team through this challenging transition.

Understanding the Impact of Corporate Relocation on Employees

In the intricate mosaic of relocation, it’s vital to unravel the threads that weave through the minds and hearts of your employees. Relocation isn’t simply a physical shift from one place to another; it’s an emotional odyssey. The impact runs more profound than the boxes they pack or the miles they travel. It seeps into their sense of stability, uprooting familiar routines and unsettling personal lives. By peering into the kaleidoscope of emotions experienced during a corporate move, we can begin to empathize with our employees‘ fears, anxieties, and aspirations, forging a path toward better support and understanding.

Creating a Supportive Relocation Policy

Just as a compass guides weary travelers through uncharted territories, a well-crafted relocation policy is a guiding light for employees navigating the murky waters of corporate relocation. It’s not merely a set of rules and regulations; it’s a lifeline that offers support, assurance, and a sense of security. A comprehensive policy should be a cloth of empathy and practicality, addressing the unique needs and challenges of uprooting lives. By weaving financial assistance, relocation packages, and essential resources for housing and settling in the new location, we can create a safety net that eases the burden on our employees’ shoulders and paves the way for a smoother transition.

Effective Communication and Transparency

In the labyrinth of corporate relocation, communication becomes the compass that guides employees through the maze. Openness, honesty, and transparency are the keynotes of a successful transition. By fostering a culture of open dialogue, we provide a safe space for employees to voice their concerns, air their anxieties, and seek reassurance. Regular updates and clear communication channels ensure no one feels left in the dark, adrift amidst uncertainty. By embracing two-way communication, we create a bridge that connects managers and employees, allowing for the exchange of feedback, questions, and valuable insights. Together, we navigate the uncharted waters, united and well-informed.

Supporting Employee Well-being

Amidst the whirlwind of relocation, we must maintain our employees’ well-being. Balancing work and personal life becomes even more critical during this transitional period. Encouraging stress management techniques, such as exercise and mindfulness, helps employees find moments of tranquility amidst the chaos. Access to counseling or employee assistance programs can provide a safety net for those grappling with heightened emotions. By prioritizing their well-being, we fortify our team, ensuring they remain resilient and productive throughout the relocation. After all, a healthy and supported workforce is the foundation upon which success is built.

Providing Practical Assistance

An office move with minimal disruption? There are ways to stay on track. Are you facing logistical challenges? By offering practical assistance, we alleviate their burdens. Assisting with tackling the hands-on realm of turmoil lightens the physical load and sends a message of care and support. Guiding employees in finding suitable schools, healthcare providers, and local amenities ease their integration into the new community. Additionally, providing access to resources for spousal employment and support ensures that their loved ones feel secure and supported. Together, we lay the groundwork for a seamless transition, one practical step at a time.

Empathy and Understanding

Empathy and understanding become beacons of light in the tempest of corporate relocation, guiding us through the storm. Each employee’s journey is unique, and we must acknowledge and appreciate their circumstances. By showing genuine empathy, we create an environment where they feel heard and supported. Understanding their challenges and emotions helps us tailor our approach, adapting to their needs and alleviating stress whenever possible. Flexibility becomes a cornerstone, allowing us to accommodate personal circumstances and provide support. With empathy as our compass, we navigate the choppy waters of relocation, fostering a culture of compassion and unity.

Building a Sense of Community in the New Location

Building a sense of community in the new location becomes paramount as employees embark on their relocation journey. Facilitating opportunities for connection and camaraderie fosters a support system amidst unfamiliar surroundings. Organizing social events and team-building activities helps forge bonds and create a sense of belonging. Encouraging employees to explore and appreciate their new surroundings cultivates a positive mindset and a deeper connection with the new environment. Together, we weave a fabric of unity, transforming a foreign land into a place they can proudly call home. Through community, we find strength and resilience in the face of change.

Final Thoughts from GMs

Regular check-ins after corporate relocation allow us to gauge their well-being and assess the toll the transition may take on them. Identifying signs of burnout or excessive stress becomes crucial in providing timely support. Equipped with this knowledge, we can offer resources and assistance tailored to their needs, be it stress management techniques or access to mental health support. By actively addressing their stress levels, we ensure their mental and emotional well-being remains intact, fostering a resilient and thriving workforce.

For more information about how to handle every aspect of the corporate relocation process, contact Global Mobility Solutions (GMS) today. GMS is a full-service talent mobility provider. Our in-depth relocation programs help companies get their employees from point A to point B by reducing stress as much as possible.

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