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The Importance of Data Privacy in the Global Mobility Industry

Why Relocation Management Companies Have to Take Data Privacy and Security Seriously

In today’s digital age, maintaining data privacy is essential as it goes beyond protecting identities to safeguarding personal information that can significantly impact individuals’ lives. Consumers seek convenience and speed, particularly in global travel, yet these benefits often come with a trade-off of privacy and ethical data handling. Companies offering features like biometric logins and tailored marketing campaigns face unique challenges that require thorough evaluation. Unfortunately, risk assessments are often overlooked when responding to customer requests quickly.

As technology advances, the need for data privacy and security in the global mobility industry becomes more pressing. Relocation management companies, in particular, must prioritize protecting personal information to maintain trust with their clients. With the increasing use of biometric data and personalized services, the risks of data breaches and misuse are higher than ever.

Businesses in the global mobility industry must conduct thorough risk assessments and implement robust security measures to safeguard sensitive data. Ignoring these risks in favor of meeting client demands quickly can lead to severe consequences, including legal liabilities and reputational damage.

By taking data privacy and security seriously, relocation management companies can protect clients’ information and build a reputation as trustworthy partners in the global mobility industry. Prioritizing data privacy is a legal requirement and a strategic decision that can set businesses apart in a competitive market.

Key Elements of Data Protection

The first steps in creating an effective data management system involve sorting and organizing data. This includes identifying the types of data needed, understanding how data is used internally, evaluating how data is shared externally, and determining where data should be stored, a process known as data mapping. Companies must also navigate through regulations by identifying data protection requirements, often requiring the expertise of a data protection officer or legal advisor.

Incorporating privacy into a company’s design strategy requires careful integration into systems and processes and a deep understanding of data collection and privacy laws. Effective data management includes clear privacy policies, limited data collection for specific purposes, secure data handling, timely data deletion, and quick responses to data access and deletion requests.

Ongoing training and supervision are necessary for proper data management. Organizations should offer training sessions, anonymous reporting options, surveys, audits, and incentive programs to educate employees and supply chain partners about data privacy and security. Data privacy constantly changes and requires continuous enhancements and monitoring to comply with relevant laws and regulations.

The global mobility sector is evolving in its approach to handling sensitive data, focusing on privacy-oriented strategies and robust data protection measures. By adhering to regulations and implementing these practices, organizations can enhance trust with transferees and clients and improve the reliability and quality of their services throughout the relocation process.

Your Data Is Safe with GMS

Global Mobility Solutions (GMS) is one of the few international relocation companies with SOC 2 certification. At GMS, we take data privacy and security seriously. Our SOC 2 certification demonstrates our commitment to protecting your sensitive information throughout the relocation process. We understand the importance of maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of your data, and we have implemented stringent measures to ensure that your information is safe with us. By choosing GMS for your relocation management program, you can trust that your data is in good hands. Contact us today to learn more about our data protection practices and how we can help you with your relocation needs.

Why Relocation Management Companies Have to Take Data Privacy and Security Seriously

In today’s digital age, maintaining data privacy is essential as it goes beyond protecting identities to safeguarding personal information that can significantly impact individuals’ lives. Consumers seek convenience and speed, particularly in global travel, yet these benefits often come with a trade-off of privacy and ethical data handling. Companies offering features like biometric logins and tailored marketing campaigns face unique challenges that require thorough evaluation. Unfortunately, risk assessments are often overlooked when responding to customer requests quickly.

As technology advances, the need for data privacy and security in the global mobility industry becomes more pressing. Relocation management companies, in particular, must prioritize protecting personal information to maintain trust with their clients. With the increasing use of biometric data and personalized services, the risks of data breaches and misuse are higher than ever.

Businesses in the global mobility industry must conduct thorough risk assessments and implement robust security measures to safeguard sensitive data. Ignoring these risks in favor of meeting client demands quickly can lead to severe consequences, including legal liabilities and reputational damage.

By taking data privacy and security seriously, relocation management companies can protect clients’ information and build a reputation as trustworthy partners in the global mobility industry. Prioritizing data privacy is a legal requirement and a strategic decision that can set businesses apart in a competitive market.

Key Elements of Data Protection

The first steps in creating an effective data management system involve sorting and organizing data. This includes identifying the types of data needed, understanding how data is used internally, evaluating how data is shared externally, and determining where data should be stored, a process known as data mapping. Companies must also navigate through regulations by identifying data protection requirements, often requiring the expertise of a data protection officer or legal advisor.

Incorporating privacy into a company’s design strategy requires careful integration into systems and processes and a deep understanding of data collection and privacy laws. Effective data management includes clear privacy policies, limited data collection for specific purposes, secure data handling, timely data deletion, and quick responses to data access and deletion requests.

Ongoing training and supervision are necessary for proper data management. Organizations should offer training sessions, anonymous reporting options, surveys, audits, and incentive programs to educate employees and supply chain partners about data privacy and security. Data privacy constantly changes and requires continuous enhancements and monitoring to comply with relevant laws and regulations.

The global mobility sector is evolving in its approach to handling sensitive data, focusing on privacy-oriented strategies and robust data protection measures. By adhering to regulations and implementing these practices, organizations can enhance trust with transferees and clients and improve the reliability and quality of their services throughout the relocation process.

Your Data Is Safe with GMS

Global Mobility Solutions (GMS) is one of the few international relocation companies with SOC 2 certification. At GMS, we take data privacy and security seriously. Our SOC 2 certification demonstrates our commitment to protecting your sensitive information throughout the relocation process. We understand the importance of maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of your data, and we have implemented stringent measures to ensure that your information is safe with us. By choosing GMS for your relocation management program, you can trust that your data is in good hands. Contact us today to learn more about our data protection practices and how we can help you with your relocation needs.

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The Human Touch Dilemma: Relocation Technology Falling Short

Learn how and why transferring employees’ needs are being met

In the era of rapid technological advancement, businesses leverage cutting-edge solutions to streamline various processes, and employee relocation is no exception. While relocation technology has brought about undeniable efficiency, there’s a growing concern that it may need to include a crucial element: the high-touch guidance that ensures a seamless and positive experience for moving employees.

Relocating to a new city or country can be a daunting experience for employees. They must adjust to a new work environment and navigate unfamiliar surroundings. This is where the human touch comes into play. Employees need someone who can guide them through the process, answer their questions, and provide the emotional support they may require during this transition. 

While relocation technology can provide information, it lacks the empathy and personal connection a human can offer. It cannot understand the unique concerns and anxieties that employees may have. It cannot provide the reassurance and encouragement to make all the difference in ensuring a positive experience.

The Promise of Relocation Technology

Technology for relocation services emerged with the promise of simplifying moving employees from one location to another. Automated platforms offer tools for expense management, housing searches, and even cultural adaptation resources. The efficiency gains are evident, enabling organizations to manage relocations on a larger scale.

The Missing Piece: The Human Element

1. Navigating the Emotional Terrain:

Relocation is not just about logistics; it’s a deeply personal and emotional journey. Technology may efficiently handle tasks like expense tracking, but it must often address employees’ emotional challenges when uprooting their lives.

2. Individualized Guidance:

Every employee’s situation is unique, and their relocation needs vary. Technology tends to offer one-size-fits-all solutions, needing more nuanced and individualized guidance that can make a significant difference in the relocation experience.

3. Cultural Adaptation:

Understanding and adapting to a new culture is a critical aspect of relocation. While technology may provide basic cultural information, it often needs more depth and a personal touch to help employees integrate into their new surroundings.

The Impact on Employees

1. Increased Stress Levels:

Employees may feel overwhelmed without personalized guidance, leading to increased stress levels. Navigating a relocation solely through technology can amplify the anxiety associated with a significant life change.

2. Reduced Satisfaction:

Employees may perceive the relocation process as cold and transactional when lacking high-touch elements. This, in turn, can lead to reduced satisfaction, impacting their overall engagement and commitment to the organization.

3. Risk of Misalignment:

If relocation technology is not aligned with employees’ unique needs, it can result in miscommunication and misunderstandings. This misalignment may have cascading effects, affecting the employee experience and the employer’s reputation.

The Role of High-Touch Guidance

1. Emotional Support:

High-touch guidance provides the emotional support necessary during a relocation. Personalized assistance can address fears, uncertainties, and doubts, helping employees navigate the emotional roller coaster of moving.

2. Tailored Solutions:

Offering individualized guidance allows organizations to tailor solutions based on the specific needs of each employee. This ensures a seamless transition, accounting for personal preferences, family considerations, and cultural nuances.

3. Cultural Integration:

High-touch guidance excels in facilitating cultural integration. It goes beyond providing essential information to offering real-time support and insights, fostering a sense of belonging and community in the new environment.

Finding the Balance: Integrating Technology with Personalized Support

The challenge lies in finding the right balance between the efficiency of technology and the irreplaceable value of high-touch guidance. While relocation technology streamlines processes, organizations must acknowledge that it cannot substitute the empathy, understanding, and human connection required for a successful relocation experience.

Strategies for Improvement

1. Invest in Human Resources:

Allocate resources to a dedicated team of human experts who can provide personalized guidance and emotional support throughout the relocation process.

2. Enhance Cultural Training:

Supplement technology-driven cultural resources with interactive sessions, mentorship programs, and community-building initiatives to aid cultural adaptation.

3. Regular Check-ins:

Implement regular check-ins with employees during and after the relocation. This addresses immediate concerns and builds an ongoing relationship, ensuring continued support.

4. Gather Feedback:

Actively seek feedback from employees about their relocation experiences. Use this input to refine technology solutions and high-touch support, creating a more balanced and practical approach.

Conclusion: Balancing Efficiency and Empathy

Relocation services and technology are valuable assets, but they must coexist with high-touch guidance to meet the diverse needs of employees in transition. Striking the right balance requires integrating technological efficiency with the personalized human touch, ensuring a positive and meaningful relocation experience. In this delicate dance between technology and empathy, organizations can cultivate a workplace culture that recognizes and values the human aspect of every relocation journey.

By combining cutting-edge technology with personalized support, Global Mobility Solutions (GMS) can provide the best relocation services in the industry. Our advanced technology solutions streamline the relocation process, making it more efficient and convenient for employees. From online portals that allow employees to track their relocation progress to automated systems that handle paperwork and logistics, our technology ensures a smooth and hassle-free experience.

So whether you are a company looking to provide relocation services for your employees or an individual needing assistance with your relocation, Global Mobility Solutions is here to help. Contact us today to begin working with us and experience the perfect blend of technology and empathy in your relocation journey.

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Our cloud-based MyRelocation® relocation technology is designed to help you streamline your company’s relocation management. Schedule a demo with a Mobility Pro for a no-pressure look at how our technology can help you.

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How Relocation Management Companies Leverage AI Technology

Learn how GMS leverages AI in their mobility programs

At Global Mobility Solutions (GMS), we view AI through a lens of practicality. We leverage predictive analytics and Artificial intelligence (AI) to learn, predicate, and automate our processes and improve the experience.

Few Relocation Management Companies (RMCs) fully understand the potential of AI and are in the process of discovery. However, some organizations leverage predictive analytics and defined algorithms to produce artificial intelligence specifically for relocation. These organizations gain valuable insights and automate operationally by incorporating predictive analytics and AI into their processes. Unlike many other RMCs, we fully recognize the immense potential of AI and related capabilities. 

By leveraging AI, we can streamline and optimize various tasks, such as assessing housing options, calculating costs, and managing logistics. This saves time and resources and ensures a more efficient and accurate relocation process. Additionally, AI enables us to provide personalized recommendations and solutions based on individual preferences and needs, further enhancing the overall customer experience.

With the integration of AI becoming increasingly prevalent in various industries, we anticipate that more RMCs will follow suit and adopt AI within the next 18 to 24 months. This shift towards automation and data-driven decision-making will undoubtedly revolutionize how relocation management is conducted, ultimately enhancing the overall experience for individuals and businesses undergoing the relocation process.

As companies continue to explore the potential of AI and predictive analytics, we are committed to staying at the forefront of technological advancements in the relocation industry. By embracing these innovative solutions, we aim to provide our clients with the most seamless and stress-free relocation experience possible.

How does this change the relocation industry?

Recognizing that every move is associated with data points concerning expenses, geographical consequences, procedures, service durations, and essential trends. Businesses can swiftly examine extensive volumes of data to comprehend the reasons behind events and anticipate future occurrences.

Artificial intelligence aids in the relocation process by anticipating possible problems before it begins and improving its predictions as the process unfolds. Moreover, AI provides customized recommendations that facilitate comprehensive relocation management. 

These recommendations include identifying relocation endeavors with a high risk, evaluating policies, estimating the overall duration and anticipated expenses, anticipating exceptional circumstances, adjusting milestones, issuing alerts, providing information about the destination, assessing authorization volume, forecasting performance, and more. Consequently, this leads to enhanced planning, execution, and cost-effectiveness.

Does AI help reduce relocation costs?

Although AI cannot replace the significance of human interaction in relocation, it will undoubtedly enhance the procedure and improve the overall experience. Incorporating AI in relocation management is predicted to decrease general expenses for numerous companies, mainly through adopting new AI technologies and integrating data in the relocation sector.

By incorporating AI in relocation management, companies can expect to see a reduction in overall expenses. It can significantly enhance the procedure and improve the overall experience. Companies can streamline operations and make more informed decisions by adopting new AI technologies and data integration in the relocation sector.

One of the key ways in which AI helps reduce relocation costs is through its ability to identify high-risk endeavors. By analyzing data and patterns, AI can pinpoint potential challenges and provide recommendations on how to mitigate them. This proactive approach allows companies to anticipate exceptional circumstances and adjust milestones accordingly, saving time and money.

Furthermore, AI can assist in evaluating policies and estimating the overall duration and anticipated expenses of relocation. By analyzing historical data and trends, AI algorithms can provide accurate cost estimates and timelines, allowing companies to plan and budget more effectively. This reduces the risk of unexpected expenses and ensures the relocation stays within the allocated budget.

In addition, AI can play a crucial role in providing information about the destination. AI algorithms can provide employees with valuable insights and recommendations by analyzing the cost of living, transportation, and local amenities. This helps employees make informed decisions and reduces the need for extensive research and costly mistakes.

Another way in which AI helps reduce relocation costs is by assessing authorization volume and forecasting performance. By analyzing data on employee authorizations and performance metrics, AI algorithms can identify areas of improvement and optimize resource allocation. This ensures that the relocation process is efficient and cost-effective, ultimately leading to significant savings for the company.

Connect with GMS to Learn More

In conclusion, while AI cannot replace human interaction in relocation, it is a valuable tool that can significantly enhance the process and reduce costs. By adopting new AI technologies and integrating data in the relocation sector, companies can improve planning, execution, and cost-effectiveness. With AI’s ability to identify high-risk endeavors, evaluate policies, estimate expenses, provide destination information, assess authorization volume, and forecast performance, companies can make more informed decisions and achieve successful relocations while minimizing costs.

GMS takes pride in being the relocation industry leader in technology. GMS’ relocation technology offers all the necessary tools for your employees. Movers can oversee and monitor their relocation process through the user-friendly dashboard of MyRelocation® technology. Staff members can stay informed about their benefits, communicate with their relocation advisor, and even stay updated on important dates. Our technology, which has received recognition, is a valuable and comprehensive resource for employees, thanks to its easy-to-use interface and user-friendly menu design and functionalities.

Contact us today to set up a free consultation.

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Our cloud-based MyRelocation® relocation technology is designed to help you streamline your company’s relocation management. Schedule a demo with a Mobility Pro for a no-pressure look at how our technology can help you.

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Talent Mobility Technology for 2023 and Beyond

Learn what the industry leaders are using for international relocation services

Technology trends continue to shape the 2023 workplace and workforce. Companies need to rethink their talent mobility strategies to respond effectively within the new parameters of workplaces. Companies can more easily expand their organizations to meet market demands without restrictions or needs for solely geographically-limited talent.

Opening a division in a new location requires knowledgeable employees to be at the site to ensure processes are followed, and procedures are in place to match corporate requirements. A visual meeting platform like Zoom might work for meeting purposes. Still, it could be logistically challenging for an employee to conduct a factory tour or examine manufacturing processes in detail over a Zoom call.

This is why companies providing international relocation services instantly broaden their hiring pool. If you can hire the best candidate, no matter where they are currently located, you are more likely to get the right person in the right seat. 

But moving employees internationally is a challenging process. There are lots of moving parts that have to be kept in mind. With that said, companies that offer international relocation programs should utilize up-to-date technology to keep all of these moving parts in one central database. With increases in global assignments, companies should examine the following three trends that impact talent mobility:

Cloud-Based Systems

The estimated increase in talent mobility highlights the need for companies to surround employees with the proper technological infrastructure to maintain productivity. Cloud-based systems may increase talent agility and flexibility since employees can access corporate information quickly with an established Wi-Fi connection. Relocation technology for transferees should reflect the most modern technology trends in providing service and solutions anytime, anywhere.

Having a cloud-based system allows all involved with the relocation process to have clear insight into how the move is going. Everyone means the employee, the employer providing the talent mobility benefits, and the company that is providing the international relocation services.

Relocation Technology Trends Attract Top Talent

Global assignments require a set of leadership competencies, including cultural awareness, open-mindedness, and flexibility. There is strong interest among employees of all levels for international assignments as technology trends provide more extraordinary learning experiences. Companies should examine their employee relocation needs with pre-decision services to ensure candidates will likely succeed.

Communication and Collaboration

Video conferencing is common in business as teams expand globally and the need for visual and verbal communication increases to replace the limitations of emails and texts. Employees drive the demand for easy solutions, so businesses must respond with practical tools and training to ensure security is not compromised as communication flourishes. Communication trends will improve with robotic process automation, which speeds up business processes, so employees have the information they need much faster than through manual processing.

GMS Provides the Best Relocation Technology

Global Mobility Solutions (GMS) created MyRelocation to make the relocation process seamless. Our cloud-based system acts as central insight for each employee’s relocation. 

From bookkeeping on receipts and payout orders to pointing out key dates, such as when movers are supposed to arrive, MyRelocation keeps all involved in the know. 

GMS believes that its award-winning MyRelocation technology and our expert team make us the US’s best international relocation service provider. We would love for you to set up a free consultation with us so that one of our relocation experts can walk you through why GMS is the best in the industry.

Our cloud-based relocation technology is designed to help you streamline your company’s relocation management.

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Relocation Technology: Trends Changing the Global Mobility Industry

Here’s a look at how technology is changing the employee relocation process

Modern technology has changed every industry. For the most part, each sector can use technology to its advantage and provide a more seamless customer experience. The relocation industry is no different. Relocation management companies (RMC) each have relocation technology that they try to utilize. 

There are different apps, programs, and systems that RMCs can deploy to their customers. But when taking a bid from an RMC to provide your company with global mobility programs, it is essential to ask about their technology specifically. Ask the RMC to provide you with a list of advantages on how their tech tools can help get your employees from point A to point B. 

Here is a breakdown of some of the increasing relocation technology trends in the global mobility industry:

VR House Hunting Trips

When working with an RMC to set up relocation packages, often house-hunting trips will be included. Usually, the employee is about to travel to their new destination twice to look at potential new homes and neighbors. But thanks to technology, relocating employees don’t have to cram all their house hunting into one or two trips. 

Virtual reality (VR) home showings have become increasingly popular since the Covid 19 Pandemic. Using ubiquitous 360-degree cameras can be a great way to showcase a property to a potential buyer anywhere, anytime. This tool gives the buyer a panoramic presentation of the house or apartment for sale. 

Many US real estate agencies have begun creating home listings with VR showcasing options. No one will buy a home without looking at it in person first. But at least VR setups can give a moving employee a worthwhile first look at a home they may want to purchase.

AR for Visualization Shopping

When moving to a new destination, setting up your new home or short-term housing option will be top of mind once you get there. That’s where augmented reality (AR) can be of assistance. AR technology combines virtual components to see what a surrounding area will look like if it’s changed. 

The most straightforward example to call out would be furniture shopping. Some apps use AR so that a customer can snap a picture of the area in the new home they hope to put the furniture in to see what it will look like. This is helpful when buying household goods for your new home. 

Another excellent example of how AR tech can be used is if home upgrades have to be made to your property in the new destination. If you want to reconstruct the backyard or remodel a bathroom, apps can give you a great layout of how the project will look once completed.

Cloud-Based Technology to Stay Organized

The most crucial piece of relocation technology that an RMC can provide is a portal where employees, employers, and relocation representatives can live-track the relocation process. Think of it as a portal where all the info on an employee’s move can be kept and accessed. This makes it easy for the employee to stay organized while the employer can track costs and spending. It also serves as a place where the relocation expert assisting the employee with their move can provide information and insight into oncoming steps for the move. 

This is something that every company should ask their RMC about. Using cloud-based technology so that it is up to the moment updated can keep everyone on the same page about any given employee’s relocation.

Doc-Signing Technology

An essential part of relocation is document signing. Numerous vital documents must be signed when someone is relocating—starting with their job offer letter to home buying and selling documents. Technology has made signing documents easy and more environmentally friendly. Gone are the days when you have to print, sign, and mail back stacks of paper. Plenty of apps allow companies and RMCs to review, edit, and sign documents within minutes. This not only saves on paper but saves on the chance of documents getting lost or stolen in the mailing process.

Cost of Living Calculators

When an employee accepts a position in a new destination, one of the first things that may cross their mind is the cost of living factors. Moving to a city that may cost more to live in, will affect the salary and relocation package negotiation. If working with an RMC, mention to them that having a legit cost of living calculator that can give precise numbers can be extremely helpful in the hiring process. 

If an employee can see side-by-side comparisons of the current cost of living vs. where the job is located, they can make a quicker decision. This allows everyone to move on faster, whether the employee accepts the relocation assignment or the company can proceed with other interviews.

GMS Is Always Up to Date on technology

Global Mobility Solutions (GMS) is the leader in the relocation industry regarding technology. Our award-winning customer service team assists employees to relocate seamlessly by utilizing MyRelocation®. 

MyRelocation® is a cloud-based system allowing transferees to track and monitor their relocation through a user-friendly dashboard. Employees can access benefits, communicate with their relocation coach, and stay informed of critical dates. Our tech, which won an award, is a valuable and robust asset for staff, with a user-friendly interface, easy menu layout, and functions.

Please contact us today for a free walk-through of MyRelocation® or a free courtesy call to benchmark your current relocation packages. One of our relocation experts will be more than happy to hear any of your relocation needs and then best assess how we can help you.

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Are you ready to talk to a Mobility Pro? Learn how GMS can optimize your mobility program, enhance your policies to meet today’s unique challenges, receive an in-depth industry benchmark, or simply ask us a question. Your Mobility Pro will be in touch within 1 business day for a no-pressure, courtesy consultation.

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Performing a Security Assessment on Your Relocation Management Company

There are a lot of moving parts when it comes to the relocation process. Many vendors and suppliers are involved in getting the transferee from point A to point B. With that being said, there is a great deal of information and personal info that has to be shared across all parties. But what are relocation management companies (RMC) doing to keep transferee’s info safe? 

Most companies understand the importance of performing a security assessment on their data and operational systems. In many industries, specific standards require a security assessment on a regular basis to maintain compliance. Often these standards require the company perform a security assessment on any supplier that may receive company data. Specific control areas in a security assessment may include:

  • Information Security Management
  • Physical Security
  • Network Security Management
  • Platform Security
  • Remote and Mobile Access
  • Change Control
  • Identity and Access Management
  • Application Security

A security assessment will often include a request to receive a copy of the company’s Business Continuity Plan (BCP). A company’s BCP should cover several elements related to security issues surrounding a company’s data and operational systems. In the event of an unplanned disruption or other emergency situation, the BCP will indicate how the company’s operations will recover and proceed.

Different Types of Regulations and Requirements

Sarbanes-Oxley Act

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act came into effect in 2002. Sarbanes-Oxley is a United States federal law. This law set new or expanded requirements for all U.S. public company boards, management, and public accounting firms. As a result, the law requires that a company’s top management must individually certify the accuracy of financial information. Much of a company’s financial information is heavily dependent on technology and associated data security controls that must be part of a compliance review as noted in Section 404 of the Act. The law provides for harsher penalties for fraudulent financial activity. Also, Sarbanes-Oxley requires a stronger oversight role for boards of directors, and greater independence of outside financial statement auditors.

International Organization for Standardization

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) creates and publishes International Standards that provide guidance and clear specifications to ensure a company’s products, materials, processes, and services are appropriate for their purposes. ISO publications include standards for Quality Management, Environmental Sustainability and Protection, and Management Performance.

General Data Protection Regulation

The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation governs the processing of an EU resident’s personal data by an individual, a company, or an organization of personal data. This pertains to entities that do business within the region, or that provide services to individuals in the region. The rule provides people with more control over their personal data. For example, websites that collect data on visitors must let visitors know this. These websites must give visitors the option to opt out of such collection. Many additional laws have been passed in response to this new regulation, to provide local guidance on compliance. For example, in the United Kingdom, the Data Protection Act 2018 is a national law that complements the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation.

TRUSTe Privacy Certification Standards

TRUSTe Privacy Certification Standards assist companies in establishing and maintaining strong privacy management practices. Compliance with TRUSTe demonstrates a company’s commitment to privacy protection in their online properties, customer and employee data management practices, and/or applicable regulatory frameworks.

For these and many other national, international, and industry regulations or requirements, a security assessment is necessary to ensure compliance. Companies that work with a Relocation Management Company (RMC) need to perform a security assessment of the RMC’s data and operational systems. Global Mobility Solutions’ team of global relocation experts believe the following 5 tips are essential to ensure an RMC’s compliance to a company’s security assessment.

5 Helpful Tips for Performing a Security Assessment on your RMC

1. Be Sure to Review the RMC’s Risk Rating and Access to Data During the Security Assessment

Your RMC should have a risk rating. The rating depends upon the likelihood of an event occurring. It also depends on the impact severity that might arise if the event does occur. You should determine whether the RMC has limited or full access to data. Important data fields to review for risk during a security assessment include:

  • Employee Name and Home Address
  • Employee Phone Numbers and Email Address
  • Family Member Contact Information
  • Social Security Numbers
  • Bank Name and Account Numbers
  • Logistic Information Related to Relocations
  • Travel Information Including Dates and Locations

2. Questionnaire Submission to RMC

Your company should have a document with several questions that will indicate the RMC’s compliance to important points in a security assessment. Provide sufficient time for the RMC to complete the questionnaire. The RMC will need to work with their Information Technology department to provide answers to many of these questions. Provide a contact from your company that can answer any questions the RMC may have related to the document’s specific points.

3. Share Results of the Initial Security Assessment

Once the initial security assessment is complete, share the results with your RMC. Offer to work with the RMC to remediate any areas that require attention to ensure compliance. Partnering with the RMC helps ensure the solution fully addresses your company’s requirements. Note the specific regulatory requirements that your company must meet to help the RMC understand how they might reach compliance.

4. Share Results of the Final Security Assessment

Be sure to indicate all control gaps. Note all categories that require submission of a formal remediation plan. Include specific dates and timelines critical for maintaining your company’s compliance to specific regulations. Provide guidance to the RMC on how to create and submit a remediation plan that will meet your company’s requirements.

5. Set Periodic Reviews for the Security Assessment

Working with the RMC, set a timeline for periodic reviews. Depending on your company’s specific regulatory compliance requirements, a security assessment may need to occur by date or by change in activity level. For example, if your company requests the RMC perform an additional service that requires sharing additional employee data, a review should be set to confirm the most recent security assessment is still valid.

GMS is the Industry Leader for Relocation Technology and Security

Global Mobility Solutions’ (GMS) team of global relocation experts has helped thousands of our clients understand how to conduct an effective security assessment on an RMC. We can help your company create and implement a security assessment to ensure compliance to all of your organization’s regulatory requirements.

GMS was the first relocation company to register as a “.com.” The company also created the first online interactive tools and calculators, and revolutionized the entire relocation industry. GMS continues to set the industry pace as the pioneer in innovation and technology solutions with its proprietary MyRelocation® technology platform.

Global Mobility Solutions is proud to be named and ranked #1 Overall, and #1 in Quality of Service by HRO Today’s 2019 Baker’s Dozen Customer Satisfaction Survey.

New SafeRelo™ COVID-19 Knowledge Portal

GMS recently launched its new SafeRelo™ COVID-19 Knowledge Portal featuring a number of helpful resources including:

  • Curated selection of news and articles specific to managing relocation programs and issues relating to COVID-19
  • Comprehensive guide to national, international, and local online sources for current data
  • Program/Policy Evaluation (PPE) Tool for instant relocation policy reviews

Learn best practices from Global Mobility Solutions, the relocation industry and technology experts who are dedicated to keeping you informed and connected. Contact our experts online or give us a call at 800.617.1904 or 480.922.0700 today.

We're Here to Help! Request a Courtesy Consultation

Are you ready to talk to a Mobility Pro? Learn how GMS can optimize your mobility program, enhance your policies to meet today’s unique challenges, receive an in-depth industry benchmark, or simply ask us a question. Your Mobility Pro will be in touch within 1 business day for a no-pressure, courtesy consultation.

Relocation Technology Security & Privacy

SOC and Relocation: The Importance of Data Security

There is no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a great impact on many relocation management companies’ compliance with System and Organization Controls (SOC). In fact, data privacy trends have played a heavy role in shaping the future of data privacy and protection for companies everywhere. These trends were further accelerated by the pandemic.

Information and data security should be a big concern for all types of organizations. Even more so for those companies that outsource major business operations to third-party vendors. Almost all corporate relocation companies fall into this category. To ensure the private information of their transferees is protected, companies often look to established and trusted security standards, such as SOC 2. SOC 2 is a great auditing procedure system that helps manage data and make sure vendors have the internal controls to secure their customers’ data. 

What is SOC 2?

SOC 2 was developed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) as an auditing procedure to help ensure that service providers manage your data securely. It sets up criteria for being able to manage data in a customer-related system. SOC 2 uses five areas of focus, or trust service principles, during an audit of an organization’s internal controls: security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy. 

The reports that it can produce are unique to each organization. These internal reports give insight into important information about how service providers are managing data. These reports also include regulators, suppliers, business partners, etc. 

There are two types of reports that SOC 2 can spin up: 

  1. Type 1 describes a vendor’s system and how its design is suitable to meet trust service principles as of a specified date
  2. Type 2 details the operational effectiveness of each system throughout a disclosed period of time

It is easier for companies to obtain a Type 1 report, which is why a majority of relocation companies forgo the specialized Type 2 report.

How to Get a SOC 2 Report

Many companies have complex IT systems, so it would be extremely time-consuming to provide each vendor or client with a specific answer as to how their data is safeguarded. In fact, some organizations may not have airtight systems and processes in place that are capable of protecting their data. That’s why selecting a trusted CPA firm as an objective third-party auditor to perform a SOC 2 report can help. This CPA firm should be able to put together a thorough report to provide answers to common questions asked by organizations related to availability, processing, confidentiality, security, and privacy. 

When selecting a firm to help with your SOC 2 report, be sure to inquire about the firms’ CPAs’ experience with IT. You’ll want to verify that they have IT auditors, not just financial audit CPAs. It is also a good idea to ask about certifications, CISA and CISSP are two that should stand out right away.

Why Does SOC 2 Matter for Relocation Management Companies?

When working with a Relocation Management Company (RMC), personal information needs to be exchanged to ensure the timely and accurate delivery of services and household goods. 

Because RMCs work with so many third-party vendors, it’s important to be transparent about data and security measures. Countless suppliers have potential access to your employees’ personal data, including real estate agents, loan officers, moving companies, trucking companies, storage facilities, destination service providers, and more. A SOC 2 report is a powerful tool that RMCs can utilize to verify their compliance with internal controls standards, as well as assuring clients and employees that their personal data is being managed safely. 

Every RMC has an obligation to make every effort to limit the collection of and access to the personal information of transferees during the relocation process. However, this offers minimal assurance that your relocation program and your network of providers are truly compliant with SOC standards.

SOC and Relocation Programs: 3 Key Areas of Concern

The truth is that many RMCs have struggled, or are still struggling, to pivot to suitable security solutions to manage vital operations and protocols. Three (3) key areas of concern include:

Third-Party Involvement

Whether your relocation program is managed by an RMC or in-house teams, a network of partners is needed to support the delivery of select services. This comes with a responsibility to protect the information of clients, their transferees, and the employees’ families across the network of partners utilized in the relocation process.

For example: When scheduling the pack and load of an employee’s property for a household goods shipment, the relocating employee’s name, address, and contact information are critical pieces of information needed by both the relocation management company and the supplier. This data is used for timely and accurate service delivery.

The need for downstream compliance and risk mitigation will continue to be an area of focus for several years. Each cog in the relocation wheel must be held to the highest compliance standards. You should expect and require nothing less.

Increased Risk of Cyber Attacks Requires System and Organization Controls

In today’s work from anywhere environment, the number of remote employees and external devices accessing company networks has increased dramatically, leading to larger threats in the cybersecurity arena. Remote staff often rely heavily on Virtual Private Network (VPN) gateways to provide encrypted network access. Despite these types of preventative measures, cyber attackers continue to seek opportunities and methods to breach security defenses. 

Few Relocation Management Companies Undergo SOC Audits

In the relocation industry, this is a serious issue; an estimated 75% of RMCs do not have vetted or verified SOC credentials. With the amount of sensitive information these organizations may collect, each relocation management company has a responsibility to demonstrate that they have the systems, controls, and processes in place to protect their clients and their transferees from unnecessary risks. In an increasingly connected world, the mobility industry must adapt to manage these risks and the threats they introduce.


Whether you are working with a relocation management company today or managing your mobility program in-house, you should ask these two fundamental questions:

  1. Has there been a demonstrated investment in data privacy and protection for your mobility program in the last 6 months?
  2. Is your organization or your relocation provider currently compliant with the trust services principles set forth within a SOC 2 certification?

If you answered “No” to either question, it is time to reconsider your existing data security and compliance standards. Global Mobility Solutions (GMS) is one of the few relocation companies that is SOC 2 certified. Contact GMS now to learn more about how we protect your information and data in your relocation management program, or give us a call at 800.617.1904 or 480.922.0700 today.

We're Here to Help! Request a Courtesy Consultation

Are you ready to talk to a Mobility Pro? Learn how GMS can optimize your mobility program, enhance your policies to meet today’s unique challenges, receive an in-depth industry benchmark, or simply ask us a question. Your Mobility Pro will be in touch within 1 business day for a no-pressure, courtesy consultation.

Relocation Technology

Industry-Leading Relocation Technology: How it Helps Your Company’s Relocation Program

One of the best things you can do for your company’s relocation program is to choose an industry-leading relocation technology. GMS’ award-winning MyRelocation® Technology offers advanced integration, extensive reporting features, and superior performance. These features make your relocation program management easy and seamless. Instead of focusing on figuring out complex problems such as year-end relocation expense reconciliation and reporting for each destination, your company can focus on reaching important corporate initiatives.

Industry-Leading Relocation Technology Provides Solutions

Many companies are unaware just how much the right technology can do for their relocation program. Far beyond the ability to track data, industry-leading relocation technology provides actionable information. As a result, the technology can help companies better manage the entire relocation process, from talent acquisition to global assignment and repatriation.

Top 7 Ways Industry-Leading Relocation Technology Helps Your Company’s Relocation Program

1. Budgeting and cost estimating are fully integrated into the technology. All aspects of the relocation program are identified and accounted for, providing the highest degree of accuracy for budgeting purposes. The technology provides answers and helps you determine the best method to budget for any relocation issue.

2. Planning and program management are easy tasks with a full range of online tools and resources provided by an industry-leading relocation technology. You can easily determine the impact of a new relocation initiation throughout the range of your program.

Advanced Financial Reporting Dashboard

3. An advanced financial reporting dashboard will allow you to create over 200 custom reports on demand. Service and financial reporting are available on demand and are fully customizable to meet your company’s specifications.

4. Online relocation initiation is simple, quick, and easy to perform. It is also customizable to meet company requirements and to reflect all approval processes. Employees will appreciate the ease and the speed of the technology, eliminating the need for paper copies of signed approval forms.

5. Talent acquisition programs benefit from industry-leading relocation technology and its focus on pre-hire and pre-decision A number of useful tools and analytics help talent acquisition managers to find and hire the right employees.

6. Data dashboards are easily customized to display whatever is most important for the specific user. Each department that interacts with the relocation program can view the data they need to see, upfront and at their fingertips.

Performance Measurements

7. A full range of comprehensive performance measurements through MyRelocation® Analytics is a hallmark of industry-leading relocation technology. Critical metrics are easily shown, and service level agreements are easily accessible for quick reference.


GMS’ team of corporate relocation experts has helped thousands of our clients develop their relocation programs and leverage industry-leading relocation technology.  We can help your company determine why you should choose to implement GMS’ MyRelocation® Technology. As a result, your company will gain all of the performance this robust solution provides.

GMS was the first relocation company to register as a “.com.” The company also created the first online interactive tools and calculators, and revolutionized the entire relocation industry. GMS continues to set the industry pace as the pioneer in innovation and technology solutions with its proprietary MyRelocation® technology platform.

Powered by GMS’ 2020 Mobility Benchmark, the innovative GMS Program/Policy Evaluation (PPE) Tool provides instant relocation policy reviews. It also helps users gain insight into how their company’s relocation program compares to their industry peers.

Contact our experts online to discuss how your company can learn more about industry-leading relocation technology like GMS’ MyRelocation® Technology, or give us a call at 800.617.1904 or 480.922.0700 today.


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Our cloud-based MyRelocation® relocation technology is designed to help you streamline your company’s relocation management. Schedule a demo with a Mobility Pro for a no-pressure look at how our technology can help you.

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Relocation Technology

Winning with Relocation Integration

Relocation integration helps Human Resource Departments reduce risk while increasing operational efficiencies. Many HR professionals seek greater productivity from their Human Resource Information System (HRIS) and Payroll software programs. HRIS may encompass a number of basic functionalities to allow for HR management including:

  • Recruitment
  • Talent Acquisition
  • Talent Management
  • Performance
  • Training/Learning
  • Employee Development
  • Reporting

Companies use HRIS programs to gain a number of benefits. These benefits may include detailed record keeping and support for strategic initiatives. Ultimately, a company’s HRIS is usually in place to increase data accuracy and efficiency.

Relocation Integration: a Winning Strategy

Relocation programs often require employee data to effectively facilitate the relocation process. New hires and transferees may need household goods moves, business travel, expense tracking, temporary housing, and home sale/purchase benefits. The path to greatest efficiency between HRIS, Payroll, and relocation programs is through relocation integration.

Addressing Operational Demands of Relocation and Reducing Company and Employee Risk

The demand for operational HRIS and Payroll efficiency is at an all-time high. There are hundreds of blogs, white papers, and other content produced by Relocation Management Companies (RMCs) describing technology innovation and their capabilities. However, only a few RMCs truly have the capability and resources to provide cloud-based relocation integration solutions that effectively and efficiently help HR and Payroll stakeholders.

Road Map to Relocation Integration

A successful cloud-based relocation integration solution starts with a road map or project plan that supports the accurate and timely transmission of data between the RMC’s operating system and the client company’s HRIS and Payroll software programs. The relocation integration road map should be designed to foster collaborative engagement with stakeholders to execute on 5 key steps. These 5 steps cover the implementation of relocation integration solutions designed around the company’s needs and specific system requirements.

5 Steps to Cloud-Based Relocation Integration

  1. Project Planning: Participants collaborate and implement goals, objectives, milestones, and deliverables for the project plan.
  2. Integration Design: Stakeholders establish FTP and/or API integration types, establish data elements for transmission, parameters, and business rules.
  3. Configuration: Programmers begin configuration development for data conversion.
  4. Integration Testing: User training and data transmission testing begins.
  5. Project Completion: Launch with ongoing monitoring and management.

A proven relocation integration process for data transmissions will provide the company’s relocation program with a number of significant benefits:

  • Measurable process efficiencies
  • Reduced human error due to data entry, duplications, typos
  • Data insights and analytics
  • Increased compliance confidence
  • Improved year-end process
  • Accuracy guarantees no need for W-2 C (corrected wage and tax statements)

What Should Employers do?

Employers looking to increase the efficiency of their HRIS and Payroll software programs with a relocation integration should work with an experienced and knowledgeable Relocation Management Company (RMC). RMCs with proven cloud-based technology solutions will help HR and Payroll stakeholders achieve greater effectiveness and significant efficiencies.


GMS’ team of corporate relocation experts has helped many of our clients determine how to achieve greater program efficiencies and productivity with relocation integration. Our team can help your company understand how to follow the 5 steps to cloud-based relocation integration following a collaborative approach with all stakeholders.

GMS was the first relocation company to register as a “.com.” The company also created the first online interactive tools and calculators, and revolutionized the entire relocation industry. GMS continues to set the industry pace as the pioneer in innovation and technology solutions with its proprietary MyRelocation® technology platform.

Learn best practices from Global Mobility Solutions, the relocation industry and technology experts who are dedicated to keeping you informed and connected. Contact our experts online to learn more about how your company can achieve operational efficiencies and productivity through relocation integration, or give us a call at 800.617.1904 or 480.922.0700 today.

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Centralization Advantages: What You Should Know

Companies benchmarking their relocation policies often learn about many centralization advantages that can be obtained by moving away from a decentralized business model for their relocation program. Often a company’s decentralized relocation program develops over time through business mergers and acquisitions. Challenges come to light when a transferee from one location moves to a new location that has different relocation policies.

What are the Challenges of Decentralization?

There are many challenges for companies that follow a decentralized business model for their relocation program. Reporting systems are often inconsistent. Therefore, it is difficult to obtain accurate information on the full scope of the relocation program. Costs are often excessive due to a high number of policy exceptions, use of multiple vendors for the same processes, and in-house costs related to maintaining multiple relocation programs. Since business units, HR teams, and other departments operate independently, lack of ownership hampers progress.

Impact on Employees

These challenges impact the satisfaction of new hires and transferees who are subject to decentralized relocation programs. There may be confusion for employees with currencies, visas and documentation, and reporting requirements. Ultimately, these challenges may reflect back on the company’s reputation among job seekers and other employees approached for relocation opportunities.

What are the Centralization Advantages for Relocation Programs?

Companies that develop a centralized business model for their relocation program gain in many ways. These centralization advantages cover all aspects of relocation, and include:

  • Consistency in operating platforms with robust integration options
  • Cost containment to reduce variation and increase forecasting and predictability
  • Customized billing processes that meet the company’s needs
  • Defined ownership across local, regional, and global entities
  • Global access to courtesy mobility consulting 24/7/365
  • Greater discounts across a streamlined network of vendors along with dual bid savings
  • Reporting capabilities across multiple platforms, anytime, anywhere

What Should Companies do to Obtain Centralization Advantages?

Companies should work with a qualified Relocation Management Company (RMC) that has extensive experience in helping companies obtain centralization advantages for relocation programs. GMS has published a Case Study on Decentralization that describes how a client was able to obtain centralization advantages that led to significant cost savings and greater employee satisfaction.

Companies should ask their RMC a wide range of critical questions to address all of their main concerns. The RMC will help them understand how to obtain centralization advantages for their relocation program. Also, the RMC will help them design their relocation program. As a result, this will help gain the most benefits for the company, new hires, and transferees.

Industry Benchmarking Studies Highlight Centralization Advantages

GMS has also recently published several Industry Benchmarking Studies that will help companies learn whether their relocation program is designed following industry-specific best practices. There are many benefits to a corporate relocation policy benchmarking. For example, employers can learn how they can ensure their competitiveness in their industry to attract and retain talent with the highest level of skills and experience.

Industry best practice is to schedule a relocation program and policy review every 12 to 18 months to ensure your company maintains its competitive position. This review will also help your company learn about how the relocation industry is evolving to meet increased employee demands.


Global Mobility Solutions’ team of corporate relocation experts has helped thousands of our clients benchmark their relocation program and obtain significant savings and process improvements through centralization advantages. Our team can help your company understand how to obtain centralization advantages for its relocation program. As a result, your company will be positioned to make a number of improvements to its relocation program as it works to obtain centralization advantages.

GMS was the first relocation company to register as a .com. The company also created the first online interactive tools and calculators, and revolutionized the entire relocation industry. GMS continues to set the industry pace as the pioneer in innovation and technology solutions with its proprietary MyRelocation® technology platform.

Global Mobility Solutions is proud to be named and ranked #1 Overall, and #1 in Quality of Service by HRO Today’s 2019 Baker’s Dozen Customer Satisfaction Survey.

Learn more about the centralization advantages your company can obtain for its relocation program. Contact our experts online or give us a call at 800.617.1904 or 480.922.0700 today.

We're Here to Help! Request a Courtesy Consultation

Are you ready to talk to a Mobility Pro? Learn how GMS can optimize your mobility program, enhance your policies to meet today’s unique challenges, receive an in-depth industry benchmark, or simply ask us a question. Your Mobility Pro will be in touch within 1 business day for a no-pressure, courtesy consultation.

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