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IRS Increases Mileage Rate for Second Half of 2022

With Gas Prices on the Rise, IRS Increases Mileage Rate

The IRS announced in early June 2022 that they raised the optional standard mileage rate for the final six months of 2022. As a result, when taxpayers file for this year, they can use the new rate to calculate the deductible costs associated with driving for work and other certain purposes. 

The new rate is an increase of 4 cents, pushing it to 62.5 cents per mile. The rate increase comes with the recent spikes in gas prices. Typically the IRS adjusts mileage rates once a year, usually in the fall. But because of the hard-pressed times of fuel prices, the IRS felt the need to act earlier this year. As a result, for travel that took place from Jan. 1 through June 30, 2022, taxpayers will have to defer to the previous rate of 58.5 cents per mile when filing taxes next spring. 

“The IRS is adjusting the standard mileage rates to better reflect the recent increase in fuel prices,” said IRS Commissioner Chuck Rettig. “We are aware a number of unusual factors have come into play involving fuel costs, and we are taking this special step to help taxpayers, businesses and others who use this rate.” 

What the Mileage Rate Increase Means for Transferees

Like almost every other industry, high gas prices have an impact on relocation services. The tiny bit of good news here is that moving expenses are tax-deductible. So, this higher mileage rate can help offset moving expenses for those relocating for a new job or promotion. 

Many companies use Capped Relocation Policies. These policies are implemented to have a pre-approved, maximum budget that the company is willing to cover for their moving employee. This policy is meant to provide a measure of consistency with relocation costs.  

But the problem occurs in months like these when gas prices set higher costs for all aspects of the relocation process. With higher prices at the pumps, that means shipping household goods becomes much more expensive. Companies working under capped relocation policies should update their talent mobility programs ASAP, to ensure they provide enough coverage for new employees. 

If candidates feel they are not getting enough bang for their buck regarding relocation coverage, they may turn down the job offer. It is hard for companies to hire top talent in today’s market.

GMS Wants to Help with Relocation Costs

Global Mobility Solutions (GMS) team of expert relocation specialists always stays up to date with industry trends such as the mileage rate increase. We also specialize in assisting companies in updating or even creating relocation policies that make the process affordable for companies and beneficial for employees. 

GMS is here to answer any relocation-related tax questions, and we are always available to set up courtesy consultation meetings to review and update current relocation packages. Our goal is to ensure that your company is relocating your employees in the most cost-efficient way possible. Feel free to reach out to us today or check out our Knowledge Base, which is full of information on the relocation process.

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