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Virtual Career Opportunities: Rising to the New Challenge

Many GMS clients are currently seeking employees for virtual career opportunities. As the world responds to the COVID-19 global pandemic, thousands of employers need to hire additional staff. Often this need may be driven by rapidly changing business priorities. Increasing demand for specific products and services means companies need employees to help meet new objectives. With many directives for employees to stay at home, employers are quickly adapting jobs, work teams, and communication methods to fit the new challenge of operating a virtual workplace.

For job seekers, this new challenge requires them to understand the dynamics of a virtual workplace. They must also position their skills, education, and experience in a way that makes a solid case they are ideally suited for success in a virtual workplace. However, valuable skills in a real workplace may not easily translate or be recognizable in a virtual setting. What should job seekers know about virtual career opportunities?

GMS spoke with Craig B. Toedtman, Founder and CEO of Resource Development Company, Inc. (RDC), to learn more about virtual career opportunities. RDC is a privately held human resource management consulting firm that focuses on providing retained search and career management services. Craig agreed to share his expert guidance on this topic, as well as provide helpful resources for job seekers.

Virtual Career Opportunities: The Advantages

One of the best aspects of virtual career opportunities are the wide range of possible advantages for both employers and employees. Craig has extensive knowledge on this topic, having helped thousands of employees to obtain new jobs. According to Craig, the top advantages include:

Advantages for Employers

  • Environmentally friendly (carbon emission reduction)
  • Larger recruiting market for candidates
  • Lower costs for office space and amenities

Advantages for Employees

  • Access to more opportunities over a greater geographic range
  • Better work-life balance (if employee can “leave” work at end of their day)
  • No commuting reduces stress and costs

Virtual Career Opportunities: The Disadvantages

As with anything, along with advantages come possible disadvantages. Craig believes both employers and employees should be aware of the disadvantages, so they will know how to avoid them. Craig notes the major disadvantages may include:

Disadvantages for Employers

  • Lack of interaction may reduce teamwork and synergies
  • Scheduling conflicts
  • Some processes function best in a centralized format

Disadvantages for Employees

  • Communications may be a challenge
  • Diminishing promotional opportunities (difficult to show additional aptitudes and talents)
  • Working alone may lead to negative isolation effects

The Real Challenge that Must be Overcome for Virtual Career Opportunities

Ultimately, Craig believes the real challenge for employers is two-fold:

  1. Identify the critical success factors surrounding virtual career opportunities
  2. Put tools in place to execute and monitor actions to ensure success

If employers are able to meet this real challenge, then the question turns to the strength of job seekers under consideration for the position. Craig’s firm administers the DiSC® Personality Assessment to help job seekers understand their strengths, characteristics, and preferred behavior style.

DiSC® Personality Traits and Virtual Workplaces

Certain personality traits may perform well in virtual career opportunities that require higher levels of isolation. “C” personalities that do well on clearly defined tasks may excel in these positions, if expectations are clear. “D” personalities may also excel in virtual workplaces if there are specific goals they must obtain.

However, other personality traits may do very well in virtual career opportunities if the position suits their styles. “I” personalities prefer interaction, so a remote sales position requiring interaction with clients and prospects may be an area they can be highly successful. “S” personalities that prefer close team work may be ideally suited for roles requiring a high level of interaction with other team members.

Resources to Find Virtual Career Opportunities

Craig’s firm notes the following online sites are helpful for job seekers looking for virtual career opportunities:

Indeed Virtual Jobs

ZipRecruiter® Virtual Jobs

Amazon Virtual Locations

CareerBuilder® Virtual Jobs

FlexJobs Remote Companies That Thrive on Virtual Work

Linkedin Virtual Jobs

Monster Virtual Jobs

SkillCrush Companies Hiring Remote Workers

Virtual Assistant Jobs

What Should Employers do?

Employers looking to create successful virtual career opportunities should consider working with a career services firm that has knowledge and experience with virtual workplaces. Relocation Management Companies (RMCs) are ideal sources for information on candidate recruitment and talent acquisition programs.

Pre-Decision Services are critical for employers as they provide valuable information about a candidate’s ability to accept a position and be successful. Assessment data can be paired with structured interview questions to better understand the candidate’s interests, goals, and motivations. DiSC® Personality Assessments administered by qualified professional career service firms such as RDC provide a wealth of information for employers to understand if the job seeker is a good fit, and for the job seeker to determine if they are suited for various virtual career opportunities.


GMS’ team of corporate relocation experts has helped thousands of our clients determine how to develop a talent acquisition program that is responsive to changing company needs. Our team can help your company determine how to turn virtual career opportunities into successful new hires.

GMS was the first relocation company to register as a “.com.” The company also created the first online interactive tools and calculators, and revolutionized the entire relocation industry. GMS continues to set the industry pace as the pioneer in innovation and technology solutions with its proprietary MyRelocation® technology platform.

New SafeRelo™ COVID-19 Knowledge Portal

GMS recently launched its new SafeRelo™ COVID-19 Knowledge Portal featuring a number of helpful resources including:

  • Curated selection of news and articles specific to managing relocation programs and issues relating to COVID-19
  • Comprehensive guide to national, international, and local online sources for current data
  • Program/Policy Evaluation (PPE) Tool for instant relocation policy reviews

Contact our experts online to discuss how your company can leverage virtual career opportunities to continue growing your business, or give us a call at 800.617.1904 or 480.922.0700 today.

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Are you ready to talk to a Mobility Pro? Learn how GMS can optimize your mobility program, enhance your policies to meet today’s unique challenges, receive an in-depth industry benchmark, or simply ask us a question. Your Mobility Pro will be in touch within 1 business day for a no-pressure, courtesy consultation.

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Mental Health and Talent Management During COVID-19

Many GMS clients are looking at their talent management programs to address issues relating to how COVID-19 impacts employees’ mental health. Anxiety and stress resulting from the global pandemic may have a significant impact on an organization’s ability to attain its objectives. Talent management encompasses many important aspects as to how a company functions, including:

  • Identifying the organization’s specific needs for talent
  • Finding candidates with the right qualifications
  • Providing opportunities for employees to develop skills on the job
  • Offering training and education to increase the employees’ expertise
  • Keeping employees engaged and motivated to reach company objectives

Each country, state, and city may have its own specific requirements as to how residents should comply to ensure safety during the COVID-19 pandemic. Transportation could be impacted, as well as schools and other public services. All of these requirements can add significantly to how an employee feels about their safety and security. These requirements might also impact whether employees can get to their place of work, or increase requests for alternative work arrangements to deal with child care needs. Companies should look into a variety of mental health resources that can help employees who could be experiencing issues relating to COVID-19.

Agile Talent Management Programs Might Have Some Mental Health Resources

Agile talent management programs can help companies respond rapidly to new challenges. Many companies already have online learning resources that employees can easily access. Also, Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) often provide a wide variety of helpful resources for employees dealing with issues that may directly impact their mental health.

COVID-19 Mental Health Resources May Not Be Readily Available

However, dealing with the impact of COVID-19 is not likely to be one of the topics in any company’s library of readily available learning resources. The most recent global pandemic that bears some similarity to the current COVID-19 situation is the 1918 influenza pandemic, occurring over 100 years ago.

Also, isolation resulting from COVID-19 restrictions may lead to increased alcohol and other substance consumption. Those at risk of substance abuse may not have the ability to easily find healthy coping skills. As reported by Nielsen, alcoholic beverage sales rose by 55% during the third week of March. Unhealthy alcohol consumption can lead to a wide number of additional medical and mental health issues.

Resources for COVID-19 Mental Health

Anxiety and stress are major factors that can negatively impact employees’ mental health. As such, companies should provide access to helpful resources that specifically target COVID-19 issues.

GMS spoke with Dr. Eric Goodman, a clinical psychologist who specializes in treating fears/phobias, persistent worrying, panic attacks, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and social anxiety. Dr. Goodman’s Coastal Center for Anxiety Treatment practice is located in San Luis Obispo, California. He is author of the upcoming book “Your Anxiety Beast and You: A Compassionate Guide for Living in an Increasingly Anxious World,” to be published in May 2020 from Exisle Publishing.

Dr. Goodman has published several articles to help people understand the source of anxiety around the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as how best to manage this anxiety.

What are the Sources of Anxiety around COVID-19?

According to Dr. Goodman, our anxiety has evolved over time to help us survive in worlds that were harsh and unforgiving, with straightforward dangers. Our ancestors knew to run from harm, and their anxiety helped them overcome prehistoric challenges.

In a sense, our anxiety around COVID-19 also consists of known threats to our safety: the coronavirus that may sicken us and our loved ones. Additionally, the forced isolation prevents us from having compassionate connections with others. We feel alone, under threat, and constantly bombarded by a daily news cycle filled with difficulties and sadness. Our mental health takes a beating.

Even if we take reasonable safety measures and abide by all of the precautions, we still face much uncertainty, and with this uncertainty is a risk of danger. Our anxiety wants the COVID-19 risk to be completely gone. Although the statistics favor our survival, we still feel anxiety, and over time may feel that our anxiety itself is a threat to us. All of this results in a higher degree of suffering. Employees may become so overwhelmed by their anxiety that they may not be able to focus on their jobs and corporate objectives.

How Should we Manage the Anxiety Around COVID-19?

There are several ways we can manage the anxiety around COVID-19. Dr. Goodman suggests three specific things we can do to mitigate this anxiety and help improve our mental health:

  1. Become mindful of our how bodies react to anxiety so we can let go of this struggle

Dr. Goodman suggests exercises such as doing a mindful body scan can be helpful to understand how our bodies react to anxiety.

  1. Soothe our nervous system to create a peaceful home for our anxiety

By getting enough sleep, avoiding substances that increase anxiety, and other healthy practices, Dr. Goodman believes our nervous system will become a peaceful place. This in turn will help calm our anxiety.

  1. Teach our anxiety so that it learns something that is safe to do, not just avoid danger

Often our anxiety can pursue actions that border on superstition or phobia. Rather than follow guidelines such as washing our hands for 20 seconds correctly, our anxiety extends the time or the frequency of handwashing. According to Dr. Goodman, we can teach our anxiety what is reasonably safe.

Additional Resources for COVID-19 Mental Health

Mental Health America (MHA)

MHA is the nation’s leading community-based non-profit organization that focuses solely on those living with mental illness. MHA has compiled a number of resources that directly address issues relating to COVID-19.

Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA)

ADAA has a number of resources including blog posts and videos with helpful tips for dealing with anxiety around COVID-19.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

The CDC has created a resource page dedicated specifically to stress and coping with COVID-19. The CDC further instructs those dealing with preexisting mental health conditions to continue their treatment. Also, the CDC notes they can find additional information at the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) “Disaster Preparedness” page.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

SAMHSA provides guidance and resources to assist individuals, providers, communities, and states across the nation in dealing with the effects of COVID-19, including emergency grants and disaster planning.

Rehab 4 Addiction (R4A)

Rehab 4 Addiction, based in the UK, provides speedy admissions into residential rehabs across the United Kingdom and internationally. The team has recently published Coronavirus: Guidance for Better Mental Health, an educational guide to help increase understanding and awareness of all aspects of coping with the stress of the lockdown and bereavement. Their hope is that this resource can be one of many stepping stones for those struggling and their loved ones to better understand their situation and lead them to find a supportive and safe environment.

Ark Behavioral Health (ArkBH)

Ark Behavioral Health is accredited by the Joint Commission, the “Gold Standard” for behavioral health facilities. The goal at Ark is to use a whole-patient approach built on a foundation of integrity, transparency, and compassion. Each facility is centered around individualized patient care with an emphasis on long-term recovery to empower those with sense of purpose and joy. They strive to have their website be an educational resource by providing up-to-date, accurate, and evidence-based information related to substance abuse, mental health, and more. This is done in order to increase understanding and awareness of addiction without shame.

The Recovery Village (TRV)

The Recovery Village seeks to assist those in recovery and decrease the spread of COVID-19, and has launched a Teletherapy Program. Those in need now have access to one-on-one counseling, group therapy, and various online services virtually with a licensed professional, improving their chances of a successful recovery. TRV has also published many support resources to assist those in recovery during the pandemic.

The Palm Beach Institute (TPBI)

The Palm Beach Institute is an an organization dedicated to assisting individuals in overcoming addiction. The COVID-19 pandemic presents unique challenges for people with substance use disorders and in recovery. They have published a guide to understanding addiction relapse during COVID-19 and tips for remaining sober.

Southern California Sunrise Recovery Center (SCSRC)

Southern California Sunrise Recovery Center provides resources for common issues people are dealing with, tips for reducing stress and anxiety, and how to get help for managing mental health during COVID-19.

Recovering Champions (RC)

Recovery Champions is accredited by the Joint Commission, the “Gold Standard” for behavioral health facilities. The goal at RC is to help individuals get personalized addiction treatment through evidence-based practices, trauma counseling, and treatment for co-occurring mental health disorders. They believe that Individualized treatment leads to long-term recovery

Choosing Therapy (CT)

Choosing Theraphy provides an online mental health resource, and has published a comprehensive guide to EAP explaining what it is, how and when to use it for mental health, types of mental health care provided, and more.

What Should Employers do?

Employers should share helpful mental health resources that can help employees who may be experiencing issues relating to COVID-19. As a result, employees will be able to reduce the impact of anxiety and stress. They will also be able to focus on their jobs and corporate objectives. Employers should examine their talent management and employee assistance programs to determine if resources are in place that address COVID-19 mental health issues.


Global Mobility Solutions’ team of corporate relocation experts has helped thousands of our clients understand how to develop talent management programs to address employee needs. Our team can help your company understand how to find and utilize valuable mental health resources that can help employees who may be experiencing issues relating to COVID-19.

GMS was the first relocation company to register as a “.com.” The company also created the first online interactive tools and calculators, and revolutionized the entire relocation industry. GMS continues to set the industry pace as the pioneer in innovation and technology solutions with its proprietary MyRelocation® technology platform.

Learn best practices from Global Mobility Solutions, the relocation industry and technology experts who are dedicated to keeping you informed and connected. Contact our experts online to discuss your company’s need for information about mental health resources for employees dealing with anxiety and stress due to the COVID-19 pandemic, or give us a call at 800.617.1904 or 480.922.0700 today.

We're Here to Help! Request a Courtesy Consultation

Are you ready to talk to a Mobility Pro? Learn how GMS can optimize your mobility program, enhance your policies to meet today’s unique challenges, receive an in-depth industry benchmark, or simply ask us a question. Your Mobility Pro will be in touch within 1 business day for a no-pressure, courtesy consultation.

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Successful Career Coaching for Spouses and Partners of Relocating Employees

What are the hallmarks of successful career coaching for spouses and partners of relocating employees? Career coaching programs may include several helpful elements. All of these elements work together in a seamless fashion. As a result, they provide spouses and partners the resources they need to find employment in their new location. These programs provide professional resources that are proven to assist spouses and partners with their careers.

Successful Career Coaching by Expert Career Advisors

Career Advisors with job search knowledge and expertise in the local area provide direct guidance and support. As a result, the Career Advisors are resources for information, guidance, and tools that address the client’s individual needs. These experts provide successful career coaching to help spouses and partners define their search strategy and implement their strategic job search and career plan.

Successful Career Coaching Program Elements

Successful career coaching programs include the following:

  • Quick Start Job Search Preparation (marketing tools, job search assistance manual)
  • Job Search Assistance (market information, access to searchable data)
  • Personal Branding (online profiles, personal website, blog, video)
  • Partnering Services (online courses for job search execution)
  • Resume Writing Services (resumes, cover letters, LinkedIn profile)

How Does Successful Career Coaching Result in Job Offers?

Global Mobility Solutions (GMS) recently heard from a spouse who relocated from Shanghai, China to Cambridge, Massachusetts and used the services of a Career Advisor for successful career coaching. In that person’s actual words, here is what successful career coaching can do for a spouse or partner’s job search and career path.

Moving from Shanghai to Cambridge: How to Start My Job Search?

“Deciding to relocate with my husband from Shanghai to Cambridge is a big decision for our family…I also worried about my own career. How am I going to continue to develop myself professionally through getting a job in a whole new country? I do not have any local education background and little knowledge about the job searching channel, workplace culture, employment preference…”

The concerns noted are typical for all spouses and partners. These concerns arise whether relocating from Shanghai to Cambridge, or from New York to Atlanta. Direct access to a locally-based Career Advisor is an invaluable resource. This resource will also bring peace of mind to a transferee’s spouse or partner.

Tools and Resources in Action

“My career coach has been very inspirational and helped me understand what I want in a position and for my career path.”

Career Advisors have diverse, professional backgrounds, and qualifications. They provide in-person support in major metropolitan areas, or remotely, as needs permit.

“Several useful surveys on the portal to help me get different ideas…discover how exactly I should emphasize and sell my strengths using a brief summary to make my background more attractive.”

Resources such as articles, surveys, local data, and job-related qualifications provide insight and guidance to local market employers and trends. A data-driven approach is a hallmark of successful career coaching.

“This summary was later updated in my LinkedIn profile to provide recruiters an overall introduction before they decide to approach me for further information. This also provides good material to prepare my self-introduction for future interviews.” 

Today’s job market requires job seekers to have defined plans. As a result, they must leverage cutting-edge technology along with determination and a commitment to implement their personal career plan. Job search tools must be created to match how employers search for new employees.

Written Communication and Verbal Skill Development

“We moved on to the next steps of revising my resume and cover letter.”

Communication is critically important in a job search. Successful career coaching will emphasize the importance of a well-written resume and targeted cover letters.

“My career coach suggested I go through the various training resources on my portal. These resources include webinars as well as useful articles and potential questions that might be asked during an interview.”

Beyond written communication, verbal skills during an actual interview often play a large part in candidate hiring decisions. A resume and cover letter may open a door. However, the job seeker must then close the deal with effective interviewing as well as post-interview follow through activities.

Interviews and Job Offers Due to Successful Career Coaching

“Encouragement on the day of the interview really meant a lot to me, so I felt I was not doing this alone. I feel more confident in my interviews because now I know clearly why I chose the company and the position as well as what I am capable of and how I am supposed to show my capabilities to the interviewers.” 

Most interviewers indicate that a job seeker’s appropriate level of confidence during an interview helps them feel more comfortable in determining their recommendation. Job seekers who can answer questions with clear answers as well as ask their own thoughtful questions of the interviewer will impart a favorable impression.

“Now I have an oral offer from one of the companies I have interviewed for. I also have several other interviews to attend in the coming weeks.”

Achieving the goal of obtaining a job offer and additional requests for interviews helps the job seeker feel more at ease with their new location. This also helps the entire relocation process for the relocating employee, the spouse or partner, and the entire family. As a result, the company benefits with successful relocations.

Recognizing Successful Career Coaching and its Result

“I was not sure how much it would help me through my journey of job searching and restarting my career. However, looking back, I would strongly recommend this program as well as my career coach to anyone that has the same relocation experience and needs to restart their career in a whole new place.”

Often a spouse or partner may not have a full understanding of the services a Career Support Program provides. Also, they may not realize how helpful these services will be to their job search. However, these proven resources result in successful outcomes. As a result, spouses and partners who utilize the programs benefit greatly from successful career coaching.

What Should Employers do?

The most successful company relocation programs provide a wealth of support programs and services for spouses and partners since they are often key to ensuring a successful relocation. GMS provides our clients with an extensive range of spouse and partner support programs. Also, GMS provides many other valuable business services so employee relocations are successful. Our high-touch service model fully extends to helping employee’s families with everything they need during their relocation process.


GMS’ team of corporate relocation experts has helped thousands of our clients develop successful career coaching programs to help their relocating employee’s spouses and partners find jobs in their new location. Our team can help your company determine how to offer career services for spouses and partners that promote successful relocations.

GMS was the first relocation company to register as a .com. The company also created the first online interactive tools and calculators, and revolutionized the entire relocation industry. GMS continues to set the industry pace as the pioneer in innovation and technology solutions with its proprietary MyRelocation® technology platform.

Contact our experts online to discuss successful career coaching programs that help your transferee’s spouses and partners, or give us a call at 800.617.1904 or 480.922.0700 today.

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