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What Is the H-2B Visa?

Learn about the H-2B Visa and why it’s crucial to the US economy

Since 1952, American businesses have relied on foreign guest workers with H-2B visas to fill short-term roles in which US citizens had no interest. Initially, the number of people allowed in this program was limited. Still, as the demand for such positions grew, more companies had no choice but to accept the H-2B visa’s strict regulations.

The H-2B visa program is a valuable asset to the US, as it allows foreign nationals to work on non-agricultural projects and thus helps to alleviate labor shortages in multiple industries. This program offers a wide range of job possibilities, from conservationists to carnival workers, and is becoming increasingly popular as the application cap is routinely filled.

The need for H-2B visas, which allow foreign workers to take on non-agricultural jobs for nine months out of the year, has steadily increased over the past few years. Last year, the demand for these visas drastically increased, with a 49.5% rise from 2021.

Despite the growing demand, the maximum number of H-2B visa holders that can be accepted has stayed the same since the 1990s. This yearly limit is 65,000, divided into two halves. Businesses have been advocating for an increase in the number of workers they can hire, especially as finding suitable labor is becoming more challenging.

To be approved for the H-2B visa, employers must show evidence that they have tried to hire someone from their local area but have yet to succeed. This means providing a lot of paperwork to indicate their recruitment attempts. Employers must also pay for any extra costs related to hiring H-2B workers, such as legal fees, a set wage, and housing or traveling expenses.

Companies have claimed that, besides the H-2B and J1 recruitment process, they face other difficulties, such as a highly competitive workforce and costly legal expenses. Despite the complications, the H-2B program can benefit American employers who cannot find domestic workers willing to work.

GMS Has Immigration Specialists Ready to Assist

The best way to work through relocation challenges is to work with the best relocation management company in the US. That is where Global Mobility Solutions (GMS) comes into play. We can be your one-stop shop when it comes to relocation services. We can assist in handling every aspect of an employee’s move. But at the same time, we understand that every company and its employees are different, with unique needs regarding their relocation process

We start by having one of our team members listen to your wants and needs regarding relocation, then, from there, help you map out the best courses of action to take to get all of your relocation needs fulfilled. Set up a call with us today to get started.

We're Here to Help! Request a Courtesy Visa Program Consultation

Properly managing a visa and immigration program involves meticulous coordination, precise communication, and worldwide interaction with government agencies, corporate personnel, and relocating employees.

At GMS, we provide you with peace of mind in knowing your mobility program is fully compliant and being managed by the best in the industry.

Request a no-pressure, courtesy consultation from a GMS Mobility Pro. We’ll be in touch within 1 business day.

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The Challenges of International Corporate Relocation

Use this international relocation guide to overcome some of the common challenges

The international corporate relocation process can be a daunting venture. It requires extensive planning and coordination to get employees to their new home country. For growing companies, relocating employees abroad has become an all-too-familiar task. From efficient shipping protocols to secure job placement services upon arrival, the complexities of the global mobility process must involve a strategic approach. For this reason, today, we will discuss the challenges of international corporate relocation. We will assess the steps you must take to overcome these challenges to seamlessly get employees from point A to point B.

1. Paying Suppliers Internationally

Managing international relocation for a business involves countless vendors, often requiring payment across different countries and currencies. This creates numerous logistical challenges. The main one is, finding secure methods to pay local suppliers abroad and ensuring the payments are authorized. However, many relocation management companies have recently expanded the number of digital payments they support. This means that nowadays, it’s much less of a hassle to go through this process than it was in the past. As long as you are working with a reputable vendor, you don’t have to fear potential payment delays or have any security concerns.

2. Language Barriers

When moving abroad, language barriers can be a considerable challenge. This can be an issue even in countries where English is relatively widespread. Therefore, business owners need to consider the complexities that nuances and culture bring to the table when relocating. As a company owner, you must be aware of these potential differences and prepared to address them if necessary by providing employees and their families with language training. This is the only way to guarantee a successful corporate relocation. That being said, while reliable translation services can help minimize issues with language, businesses shouldn’t stop there. Depending on where you are relocating your company, offering extensive employee training may be necessary. Furthermore, one of the work productivity tips is to enable your employees to learn and speak a new language. This is one of the best ways to stay productive as they assimilate into their new environment.

3. Cultural Differences

Navigating cultural differences often poses the biggest challenge for businesses undergoing international relocation. Different countries have different cultures and customers. As we’ve mentioned, this includes language barriers but doesn’t end there. It also includes religious differences, social etiquette, and more. These things can create difficulties for companies settling into a new community. As such, businesses need to educate their staff on the culture of their new destination. Companies must also ensure that their relocation policies align with local societal norms. Furthermore, pairing up with experienced consultants familiar with the local culture is crucial. This will ensure a smooth transition.

4. Immigration, Tax, and Legal Issues

The legal and tax implications of relocating a business or employees internationally can be confusing and complex. Professional guidance and assistance are often necessary to ensure nothing goes wrong once the company settles in. That being said, professionals can help companies navigate local regulations and compliance requirements of domestic and international tax systems. Additionally, company owners, as well as their employees, must consider any current permits or visas that are necessary for residence in the new country. This also includes consideration for their existing financial obligations. For this reason, thoughtful planning and research are key. Therefore, if you are moving your company, plan ahead and figure out as much as you can before you get into the relocation process.

How to Ensure a Successful International Corporate Relocation

As we’ve said, there is no better way of ensuring a successful international corporate relocation than planning ahead. This is a huge process, and it may necessitate months of preparation. As an employer, you need to develop relocation policies around short-term housing options, relocation allowances, visa applications, and various other aspects of relocation. The goal is to make global mobility as easy as possible for your team. If you fail to do this, you may have issues with employees accepting an international assignment. Offering your employees help will make them feel comfortable in the new environment. However, once the relocation is over, you should also help your employees transfer funds and open bank accounts. Adequate preparation and policies in place will not only make for a successful move but will also help maintain morale and productivity during the period of transition.

GMS Provides Resources for Companies Looking To Relocate Employees Abroad

Global Mobility Solutions (GMS) is here to assist with the process of international relocation with comprehensive knowledge and technology that can help companies with all their questions and concerns. Our team of international moving experts can aid your employees in making a smooth transition to a new work environment. With these resources at your fingertips, employees will be able to cross borders and settle in at their new destination confidently.

International corporate relocation can be a complex process. However, by understanding and planning for the challenges ahead, and working with GMS, companies can minimize the risks involved. With careful research and proper preparation, there’s a chance to reduce costs and make a better transition for employees. Reach out to us today to set up a risk-free consultation.

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Are you ready to talk to a Mobility Pro? Learn how GMS can optimize your mobility program, enhance your policies to meet today’s unique challenges, receive an in-depth industry benchmark, or simply ask us a question. Your Mobility Pro will be in touch within 1 business day for a no-pressure, courtesy consultation.

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Want to Work Abroad? Here’s How to Get Recruited Internationally

Here are some ways you can set your career up for international relocation

The work-from-home age is upon us. Countless companies have now shifted their entire workforce to working remotely. During the Covid-19 pandemic, companies found that employees were more productive and happier working from home. This is why a new normal among job seekers to ask for full-time remote work settings. 

With the ability to work from anywhere, many Americans are looking for jobs that could allow them to relocate internationally. Studies show that companies are fine with employees living anywhere as long as their work is done correctly and on time. So, many employees are using their remote work options to live in a country they have always wanted to live in. 

Zoom Towns is the term used where a town or city is seeing an increase in population from digital nomads. Digital nomads are remote employees who live in a particular area but work in towns, states, or even countries away. International relocation is not easy, though. One does not simply pack their bag and leave for a new country on a whim. There are lots of factors to consider. Where to live, internet connection, visa and immigration concerns, and more. 

But for those who have their heart set on taking an international relocation assignment, here are some things to think about when putting the wheels in motion to do so:

Research Your Company’s International Roles

Before considering a remote position, your company may need to send you overseas. Many companies offer international relocation assignments to employees on a short-term or permanent basis. Often, short-term global mobility positions are an excellent way for an employee to experience living abroad without having to move to that country permanently. 

The significant advantage of accepting a global role with your current company is that you will have access to your company’s international relocation management company. Meaning there will be a company to assist your move and help you with finding a place to live, visa paperwork, etc. 

Letting your manager or human resources representative know that you are interested in international positions is the best way to start when going this route.

Find a Job with International Offices

Suppose your current employer does not have or offer international relocation services. In that case, throwing your resume around to companies that need employees aboard could be a good idea. It is not uncommon for a company to have difficulty getting employees to move to another country. You could become a valued team member if you apply for a position requiring global mobility assignments. 

Employees with children or other family members they are responsible for don’t have the luxury of relocating whenever their company needs to send an employee to Europe or Asia. But employees hired for those types of assignments can get their travel bug fixed that way. 

It is worth noting that employees who speak multiple languages usually have the upper hand in getting chosen for international relocation jobs. Seeking some basic language training would also be helpful if this is the route you’re going to move abroad for a job.

Work Abroad Remotely

Already stated earlier, this is the most common route the American workforce is taking to get to move to a new country. With so many Zoom Towns becoming more popular, especially in European countries, companies are fine with moving there to live while continuing their work here in the US. 

But companies being okay with their employees living wherever they please usually means they do not provide international relocation assistance to their employees. This means the employee is on their own regarding moving costs. On top of that, the immigration paperwork alone can be daunting for an employee looking to move internationally.

GMS Can Offer Employees Alternatives

Global Mobility Solutions (GMS) is the relocation industry leader. Over the last 30 years, we’ve helped employees get from point A to point B. In that time, we have been creative and initiative with our international relocation policies. The work-from-home age is no different. We have created a great program that companies and employees can utilize when employers do not offer relocation benefits. 

Our new Employee Choice Program allows companies to work with us in assisting employees move to a new state or country for their current position to work remotely. This program’s beautiful and simple explanation is that the company does not have to pay a penny in relocation costs for their employee, and the employee gets to work with global mobility experts from our network. 

That’s right; employees get to work with visa and immigration specialists and move companies from our network at better prices than if they were to get quotes on their own. The Employee Choice Program was designed specifically with remote workers in mind. 

To learn more about our international relocation options, please schedule a free consultation with one of our global mobility experts today!

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Relocation Technology: Trends Changing the Global Mobility Industry

Here’s a look at how technology is changing the employee relocation process

Modern technology has changed every industry. For the most part, each sector can use technology to its advantage and provide a more seamless customer experience. The relocation industry is no different. Relocation management companies (RMC) each have relocation technology that they try to utilize. 

There are different apps, programs, and systems that RMCs can deploy to their customers. But when taking a bid from an RMC to provide your company with global mobility programs, it is essential to ask about their technology specifically. Ask the RMC to provide you with a list of advantages on how their tech tools can help get your employees from point A to point B. 

Here is a breakdown of some of the increasing relocation technology trends in the global mobility industry:

VR House Hunting Trips

When working with an RMC to set up relocation packages, often house-hunting trips will be included. Usually, the employee is about to travel to their new destination twice to look at potential new homes and neighbors. But thanks to technology, relocating employees don’t have to cram all their house hunting into one or two trips. 

Virtual reality (VR) home showings have become increasingly popular since the Covid 19 Pandemic. Using ubiquitous 360-degree cameras can be a great way to showcase a property to a potential buyer anywhere, anytime. This tool gives the buyer a panoramic presentation of the house or apartment for sale. 

Many US real estate agencies have begun creating home listings with VR showcasing options. No one will buy a home without looking at it in person first. But at least VR setups can give a moving employee a worthwhile first look at a home they may want to purchase.

AR for Visualization Shopping

When moving to a new destination, setting up your new home or short-term housing option will be top of mind once you get there. That’s where augmented reality (AR) can be of assistance. AR technology combines virtual components to see what a surrounding area will look like if it’s changed. 

The most straightforward example to call out would be furniture shopping. Some apps use AR so that a customer can snap a picture of the area in the new home they hope to put the furniture in to see what it will look like. This is helpful when buying household goods for your new home. 

Another excellent example of how AR tech can be used is if home upgrades have to be made to your property in the new destination. If you want to reconstruct the backyard or remodel a bathroom, apps can give you a great layout of how the project will look once completed.

Cloud-Based Technology to Stay Organized

The most crucial piece of relocation technology that an RMC can provide is a portal where employees, employers, and relocation representatives can live-track the relocation process. Think of it as a portal where all the info on an employee’s move can be kept and accessed. This makes it easy for the employee to stay organized while the employer can track costs and spending. It also serves as a place where the relocation expert assisting the employee with their move can provide information and insight into oncoming steps for the move. 

This is something that every company should ask their RMC about. Using cloud-based technology so that it is up to the moment updated can keep everyone on the same page about any given employee’s relocation.

Doc-Signing Technology

An essential part of relocation is document signing. Numerous vital documents must be signed when someone is relocating—starting with their job offer letter to home buying and selling documents. Technology has made signing documents easy and more environmentally friendly. Gone are the days when you have to print, sign, and mail back stacks of paper. Plenty of apps allow companies and RMCs to review, edit, and sign documents within minutes. This not only saves on paper but saves on the chance of documents getting lost or stolen in the mailing process.

Cost of Living Calculators

When an employee accepts a position in a new destination, one of the first things that may cross their mind is the cost of living factors. Moving to a city that may cost more to live in, will affect the salary and relocation package negotiation. If working with an RMC, mention to them that having a legit cost of living calculator that can give precise numbers can be extremely helpful in the hiring process. 

If an employee can see side-by-side comparisons of the current cost of living vs. where the job is located, they can make a quicker decision. This allows everyone to move on faster, whether the employee accepts the relocation assignment or the company can proceed with other interviews.

GMS Is Always Up to Date on technology

Global Mobility Solutions (GMS) is the leader in the relocation industry regarding technology. Our award-winning customer service team assists employees to relocate seamlessly by utilizing MyRelocation®. 

MyRelocation® is a cloud-based system allowing transferees to track and monitor their relocation through a user-friendly dashboard. Employees can access benefits, communicate with their relocation coach, and stay informed of critical dates. Our tech, which won an award, is a valuable and robust asset for staff, with a user-friendly interface, easy menu layout, and functions.

Please contact us today for a free walk-through of MyRelocation® or a free courtesy call to benchmark your current relocation packages. One of our relocation experts will be more than happy to hear any of your relocation needs and then best assess how we can help you.

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Are you ready to talk to a Mobility Pro? Learn how GMS can optimize your mobility program, enhance your policies to meet today’s unique challenges, receive an in-depth industry benchmark, or simply ask us a question. Your Mobility Pro will be in touch within 1 business day for a no-pressure, courtesy consultation.

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Top Coping Tips for Culture Shock During Employee Relocation

Use these tips when adjusting to a new destination for work

Moving to a new city or a country, no matter the reason for your move, is never without a challenge. However, one of the toughest challenges to adjust to is the “culture shock” that comes with moving from one cultural environment to another. In a business environment, culture shock after relocation can negatively impact employee motivation. Due to stress, people who experience culture shock may leave their current roles or withdraw from their coworkers. That’s why we’re listing some of our top coping tips and some of the best methods of preventing culture shock.

Defining The "Culture Shock"

Before we get started on methods for dealing with culture shock after employee relocation, we first have to cover the basics. “Culture shock” is a feeling of anxiousness and alienation when a person is exposed to a foreign environment and culture. It’s one of the most significant relocation challenges people face when moving to a new country. While there are definite signs and stages of culture shock, people often experience it differently.

The most common stages of culture shock are the following:

  1.   The Honeymoon Period – This stage usually lasts for a few weeks or months after a move. It’s when a person finds the new environment interesting and exciting.
  2.   The Frustration Stage – The difficulties of the new environment start to become apparent at this point, and their effects can be felt. The most common symptom is a decline in confidence one feels in themselves.
  3.   The Adjustment Stage – The person slowly grows to adapt to their new surroundings.
  4.   The Acceptance Stage – Finally, the person can enjoy their new life in the new country.

Different people will go through these many stages in their way, or they can get trapped in one stage forever. Culture shock becomes a severe issue when a person is trapped in the frustration phase.

How To Prevent and Cope With the Culture Shock?

Although you can’t completely prevent culture shock after employee relocation, many believe you can cope with it and minimize it by doing some of the following things:

Research and Prepare

Researching thoroughly before entering a new culture might ease the transition process for your employees. To minimize culture shock, a person moving to a new culture should read up on the customs as much as possible. This is important because some cultures have different rules and a sense of humor. Additionally, you or your employee should try to learn a few simple phrases in the country’s official language – nothing too flashy, just a simple greeting and a few most common phrases. The company sometimes includes language learning and culture seminars in its relocation package

Finally, before moving, your employee should read about the city they’ll be moving to and try to memorize their commute, for example.

Organize a Visit

Another thing that can help minimize culture shock after employee relocation is organizing a visit to the destination country ahead of the actual move. If you or your employee are moving overseas for a new job, you shouldn’t just leap into it. The best way is to take it slow so you can know what to expect after you move. It would be best if you used an opportunity to experience the new surroundings and the culture first-hand. This first visit could be anywhere between three days and a month long. If your employee starts showing frustration and culture shock symptoms after a short time, they might not be the right fit.

Have a Support System

One of the best ways of coping with culture shock is to have a support system in place to help with your feelings of isolation and frustration. Similarly, you can help your employees by creating an environment that welcomes and accepts newcomers and creates a community for them. Moreover, you can help them stay in touch or even bring their family members to a new country. In some cases, even moving their pet with them is a great help when dealing with culture shock.

Find a Healthy Outlet

Every person should have a way of dealing with destructive emotions. However, not all those healthy outlets are available all the time. For example, a person who enjoys running as a way to deal with stress can’t do that in the freezing weather in their new country. Or, a person who enjoys long walks might not like it when it’s 100 degrees outside. If you’re moving to a new country, you should find a way to deal with your emotions healthily. Journaling is always a good example. It’s excellent for relieving stress and coping with feelings that may come from culture shock.

Meet New People

Whether it’s meeting and hanging out with coworkers or other local people, forming new connections is an excellent way of coping with the culture shock after employee relocation. At first, it could seem pretty scary, but if you get right in, you’ll meet various people who can help you adjust to the cultural differences. Maybe you’ll even make a friend or partner for life.

If you’re too scared to go out alone, that’s understandable. But know that you must make the first move and leave your apartment to get to know anyone. If you’re unsure about approaching people at a bar or restaurant, you can always join a social club or a sports team as a way to meet people.

Help Cut Down on Stress by Working with the Best

The relocation process can be a trying time for employees and their families. But one of the best ways to fight culture shock is to work with a reliable international relocation management company (RMC) that will assist you every step. 

Global Mobility Solutions (GMS) takes pride in helping employees move. Our award-winning customer service team is happy to coach employees every step of the way as they relocate to their new destinations. Since 1987, our relocation coaches have led the industry in the service provided and technology created, with one goal in mind. That goal is to provide employees with the best relocation experience possible. 

Our experts not only help with moves but can help create relocation packages that suit both your company and employees alike. Schedule a free consultation today to learn more about how GMS can assist with relocation services.

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Are you ready to talk to a Mobility Pro? Learn how GMS can optimize your mobility program, enhance your policies to meet today’s unique challenges, receive an in-depth industry benchmark, or simply ask us a question. Your Mobility Pro will be in touch within 1 business day for a no-pressure, courtesy consultation.

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These 4 Cities Are Now Expat Worker Hot Spots

Large numbers of foreign workers are relocating to these four cities

Since Covid-19 protocols heightened in 2020, numerous industries moved countless jobs into full-time remote settings. As a result, many companies found that productivity stayed leveled and grew for many employees across the board. So much so that now a good portion of positions are hired under full-time remote work policies

Now that employees are no longer expected to drive into an office daily, it changes their outlook on where to live. Digital nomads are relocating worldwide, taking advantage of being able to live anywhere by adventuring to new cities and countries they’ve always wanted to live in. Cities that have seen an enormous influx of remote workers relocate are now dubbed Zoom Towns

Zoom Towns are becoming more popular because expatriate employees (expats) looking for a new destination to live in find the traditional big cities that used to be known as technology leaders, such as Hong Kong and San Francisco, are crowded and expensive to live in. With the cost of living soaring in many major markets, expats looking for international relocation options are turning to less known growing Zoom Towns. 

Here are four cities that are seeing significant increases in international relocation for employees looking for a new setting: 

Kuala Lumpur

The Malaysian capital is becoming a hot spot for expat workers looking to relocate mainly because of its large English-speaking workforces and communities. On top of that, international transplants are finding Kuala Lumpur relatively affordable. In a 2021 worldwide survey of 12,000 expat workers, Internations ranked Kuala Lumpur No. 1 for affordable housing options. 

Malaysia’s steady financial climate combined with the buzz of big city living can be a draw to many remote workers looking to move internationally. But if the big city feel isn’t a draw, the sightseeing outside the city of Kuala Lumpur has some of the most exotic landscapes to see only a day trip away. 


One of the oldest European cities, Lisbon has a lot to offer in a mixture of culture, warm weather, and nightlife entertainment. This Portuguese city started seeing an increase in expat workers moving there after it became the host of Web Summit. This annual convention combines tech’s most prominent companies with leading speakers and top media outlets. It’s easy to do the math here; many of the people who attend Digital Summit fall in love with what Lisbon has to offer remote work positions. So, once they come and experience the city, it is top of mind when deciding where to live next. 

Lisbon is an excellent choice because the medicine and education systems are well developed, while crime is low. Not to mention, the cost of living is lower than most other major European cities.

Mexico City

Mexico City is the largest city on this list, with nearly 22 million people currently living there. It might not seem like a go-to expat haven, but the city has rapidly been gaining both remote workers and in-office workers because it is the startup center of entrepreneurs in Latin America. The cost of living in Mexico compared to the US, Canadian, and most of Europe is much lower. Housing, food, and entertainment are all affordable year-round, making it an excellent place for young expat workers or newlyweds looking to start a family. Mexico City may be an old city, but it has a lot to offer for nightlife entertainment as it has one of the most vibrant restaurant cultures in the world.

Bengaluru (Bangalore)

One of the world’s fastest-growing tech hubs is Bengaluru, India. This growing Zoom Town is home to numerous startups and software firms. Major companies such as Sequoia Capital and Goldman Sachs have fueled the Bengaluru economy with money, making it a stable financial environment. With international relocation numbers, the city has numerous international schools, bars, and restaurants serving everything from craft beers to pork ribs.

GMS Can Assist Remote Workers Relocate

Now that countless workforce positions are completely remote-based, most companies won’t offer remote employees relocation benefits. This means for expats to head to their new destination, it’s all on their own when it comes to covering costs. But Global Mobility Solutions (GMS) has come up with a way to help remote employees receive the prices and services they would through relocation benefits without having to cost their company a penny. 

Our new Employee Choice Program is designed to assist remote employees with access to vendor pricing from our network that they would generally have to get through their employer. Our program is here to assure that employees who cannot utilize a relocation package can still get fair pricing while still getting the top-level relocation service that GMS offers to all clients. 

If you are interested in getting more information about our Employee Choice Program, please reach out today to schedule a quick call with one of our relocation experts. The GMS team is dedicated to providing excellent service and answering any questions you may have. 

We're Here to Help! Request a Courtesy Visa Program Consultation

Properly managing a visa and immigration program involves meticulous coordination, precise communication, and worldwide interaction with government agencies, corporate personnel, and relocating employees.

At GMS, we provide you with peace of mind in knowing your mobility program is fully compliant and being managed by the best in the industry.

Request a no-pressure, courtesy consultation from a GMS Mobility Pro. We’ll be in touch within 1 business day.

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3 FAQs About Working with a Relocation Specialist

Here are some common questions about working with a global relocation provider

Moving to a new state for a new job isn’t easy. The relocation process alone can be a daunting task just to think about. All the packing and planning can make anyone stressed out. But to make the process go by with as little fuss as possible, it is highly recommended to work with a relocation specialist. 

If the new job you are moving for provides a relocation package, then there is a good chance that the opportunity to work with a relocation specialist is included. If talent mobility coaching is not provided in your package, it may be worth asking the relocation management company (RMC) that you are working with if one-on-one relocation management is possible to add on. Either way, working with a designated specialist has numerous advantages. 

Here are 3 FAQs and answers about working with a relocation specialist:

1) What Is a Relocation Specialist?

In simple terms, a relocation specialist is assigned to help an employee handle all of the logistics of their move as they prepare to work for their new company. There are a lot of moving pieces when it comes to executing a successful relocation process. A relocation specialist will bring knowledge, expertise, and experience in talent mobility. 

A reliable relocation specialist will be able to explain all aspects of the new company’s relocation package. They can help you review real estate programs, including home buying and selling assistance. As well as assist in coordinating with a moving company to get multiple quotes and schedule which day the movers can show up to move household goods.

2) How Much Do Relocation Specialists Charge?

There is no easy or short answer to this question. It depends upon each employee’s needs and wants when it comes time to move. Global relocation service providers offer a long list of services that can be covered, but it depends on the relocation package the hiring company offers their new employees to move. 

This should be asked by the employee in the negotiation stage of hiring. If the company mentions a move is mandatory for the position, the employee should follow up by requesting a list of relocation costs and services that the company will cover fully or partially. It’s also worth asking how the costs are covered because there are different types of relocation policies. Some companies may offer lump sum relocation packages, others may go the route of old-school reimbursement policies.

3) What’s the Process Like to Work with a Relocation Specialist?

Each RMC will have a different process for domestic and international relocation services. Most relocation specialists will start by hearing all of the employees’ pain points about the move, then proceed swiftly to assist in overcoming those pain points. Each relocation expert will have their own checklist on how to go about handling predestination stages all the way to getting the employee to their first day at the new position, from listing the employee’s current home to getting corporate housing in order, to helping with all the formal paperwork needed for a move. 

The relocation specialist’s main job is to keep the move smooth while keeping the employee’s relocation process on a timeline.

GMS Has Relocation Specialists Ready to Help

Global Mobility Solutions (GMS) has been leading the international relocation services industry since 1987. We only hire and work with the best relocation specialists in the business. Our team is thoroughly trained and qualified to help get employees from their current homes to their new destinations. 

GMS provides companies with relocation packages that have options to give each transferee their own relocation coach. This coach will provide one-on-one assistance to the employee they are assigned to in order to make the most seamless relocation experience possible. If you are ready to hear more about our relocation coaching options, please reach out to schedule a free consultation today and always feel free to check out our blog in our Knowledge Base to get any other relocation questions answered.

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Are you ready to talk to a Mobility Pro? Learn how GMS can optimize your mobility program, enhance your policies to meet today’s unique challenges, receive an in-depth industry benchmark, or simply ask us a question. Your Mobility Pro will be in touch within 1 business day for a no-pressure, courtesy consultation.

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Immigration Options for Remote Work Policies

Companies can still be held responsible for immigration rules on remote employees

There’s no doubt that the Covid-19 pandemic changed the remote work options for millions, maybe even billions, of employees worldwide. Companies sending their employees to work from home worked out well in numerous industries for organizations and employees alike. Employees like the flexible work schedules that remote work policies offer, while companies were initially surprised but overall pleased with their productivity. 


There’s still some debate about whether companies should remain in full-time remote work settings or urge employees to return to the office. While many organizations decided against a full-time office return, some factors should be weighed in. Again, there is no denying that offering remote work flexibility helps hire and retain top talent, but from the company’s standpoint, they need to make sure all of their bases are covered. 


Are companies responsible for immigration regulations if their employees live in a different country than the headquarters? For example, does it make a difference if the employee relocates independently or is asked to do so for a global assignment


Companies should arm themselves with visa and immigration knowledge when creating remote work options for their workforce. Here are some immigration matters to keep in mind as employees turn to the digital nomad lifestyle: 

Employees with H-1B Visa

Employees with H-1B status can only work at the specific locations listed on their Form I-129 petition or Labor Condition Application. However, they can also work remotely if their home is within a reasonable commuting radius from their employer’s office (if their home is outside of the MSA listed on the LCA or not within a reasonable commuting distance, then an amended H-1B Petition would need to be filed by the employer to allow for this working arrangement). If working remotely full-time or in a hybrid arrangement, they will be asked to post a Notice of LCA at two locations in their new home for up to ten days. The employer can then update what is known as a Public Access File with records of the posted LCA, including the new location and the dates for the work assignment. 


In the meantime, H-1B employees traveling as digital nomads face various immigration issues due to the location-specific requirements of the visa type. It’s also important to point out that remote employees’ H-1B site visits still happen. So, those employees who work in a remote environment may be able to attend a site visit at their house.

Employees with E and L Visa Status

Entrepreneurs and investors who want to start a business in the United States or transfer multinationals from other countries around the world to a U.S. location often use E-2 visas, which must be issued according to bilateral treaties. In addition, the E-2 visa applicant must have the same nationality as the company’s ultimate owner.


The L-1 visa requires foreign and U.S. companies to share a joint ownership group. The foreign company must have also hired the employee in a managerial, executive, or specialized position for at least one year out of the immediately prior three years. The employee also must arrive in the U.S. to take on a similar managerial position. 


USCIS and other governmental agencies usually require evidence of a permanent, physical office address when evaluating E-2 or L-1 petitions. However, this may challenge companies/employers who do not have a physical location or address. In addition, USCIS also requires a physical mailing address for most forms, which could be troublesome for U.S. companies composed of digital nomads. 

GMS Has Visa and Immigration Specialists Standing By

When companies put together remote work policies, it is essential to have visa and immigration specialist assistance. Organizations do not want to expose themselves to fines, additional taxes, or other compensation obligations because of a lapse in immigration paperwork. Working with Global Mobility Solutions (GMS) can assure companies that their visa needs are up to date. Our team has over 30 years of experience in helping companies put together relocation packages emphasizing immigration regulations. 

Set up a free visa assessment consultation with one of our experts to ensure that your company is covered on all fronts when moving employees worldwide. And for other help on visa and immigration topics, check out our Knowledge Base.

We're Here to Help! Request a Courtesy Visa Program Consultation

Properly managing a visa and immigration program involves meticulous coordination, precise communication, and worldwide interaction with government agencies, corporate personnel, and relocating employees.

At GMS, we provide you with peace of mind in knowing your mobility program is fully compliant and being managed by the best in the industry.

Request a no-pressure, courtesy consultation from a GMS Mobility Pro. We’ll be in touch within 1 business day.

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Best Solution to H-1B Visa Denial?: Global Parking

Global Parking Might Be Best Option if Denied H-1B Case

After implementing some updated guidelines last spring, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) started to release the H-1B visa lottery results for 2022 and 2023. One of the new guidelines capped registration at an annual quota of 85,000. From that number, about 20,000 registrants were candidates who earned a degree from a U.S. college or university, while the remaining registrations were left for other qualified candidates. 

Those applicants who were chosen in the lottery were probably relieved, but what about those who registered and were not selected? When it comes to visa and immigration issues, it is important to be extremely diligent when it comes to matters like these. Those who are in the U.S. on a work assignment have a few options if they are denied an H-1B visa. Looking into global relocation options might be the best way to go. Global parking is one of the most common workarounds for being denied in a visa lottery.

What Is Global Parking?

If an employee is not selected for an H-1B visa, the employer may want to look into relocating the employee to an affiliate outside of the U.S. for a short-term assignment. This is a common strategy to “park” an employee aboard for a small length of time to prepare for the next steps. Many companies choose to utilize this method because H-1B applicants are highly skilled employees in most cases. In simpler terms, companies don’t want to lose the specialized employees, so they will justify covering the relocation costs while the employee is on this assignment. From there, the company can then assist the employee in taking another shot at the H-1B the following year. 

The biggest advantage of global parking is that business operations can continue to run smoothly, because the company is not spending time, money, or training efforts on a new employee. While the obvious downside (for the short-term) is that the employee has to relocate. Talent mobility options are the best way for companies to retain top employees.

What If the Plan is for the Employee to Work in the U.S Long-term?

Global parking can open doors that lead to alternative visa and immigration options. When a company parks talent outside the U.S. for a short-term global assignment, it can make the employee eligible to return under what is known as the Intra-Company Transfer (ICT) category. To sum this up, if a company relocates an employee aboard for a set number of days, they then have options to transfer them back. 

Another option employees have if they are sent on an assignment outside the U.S., is they can now become eligible to apply for the L-1B and L-1A visas. These visas are not subject to a lottery and could be a great option to get the employee back stateside quickly.

Some examples of Global Parking:

listed examples of global parking

Are There Rules and Regulations for Global Parking?

In most instances, in order to go the route of global parking, companies must have an affiliate branch or entity in the destination country of choice. If not, one solution is to utilize a Professional Employer Organization (PEO) that can act as a co-employer by placing the employee on a local-level contract and payroll. 

GMS Wants to Help Companies Retain Top Talent

Global Mobility Solutions (GMS) has been helping companies with their global relocation assignments since 1987. Our team can also help with relocation policies, visas, and immigration needs. We understand firsthand how hard it is to retain top-level employees. Relocation options open up countless opportunities to keep good talent within a company. Reach out to us today to learn more about global parking or any relocation services questions. Feel free to check out our Knowledge Base which is updated weekly with in-depth relocation, job market, and real estate topics.

We're Here to Help! Request a Courtesy Visa Program Consultation

Properly managing a visa and immigration program involves meticulous coordination, precise communication, and worldwide interaction with government agencies, corporate personnel, and relocating employees.

At GMS, we provide you with peace of mind in knowing your mobility program is fully compliant and being managed by the best in the industry.

Request a no-pressure, courtesy consultation from a GMS Mobility Pro. We’ll be in touch within 1 business day.

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Best Education Options for Expat Families

Taking a look at schooling options for international transplants

When an employee accepts an international assignment or position, they have to think about how their family will adapt to the new destination. One of the most stressful situations for a family moving overseas is the thought of school for the kids. Moving is hard enough on children, then add on learning a foreign language, and they are probably scared about making friends, fitting in, etc. 

First and foremost, relocating families should do everything to get their children proper language training classes. It would be worth checking the relocation package as language classes can often be included. While looking into the relocation benefits, it is common for companies to provide family and spousal support programs. There could be good programs in the program to help family members adjust. After the move, the kids can start school. 

Expat families heading to a foreign country will have plenty of questions regarding everyday life. However, one of the main questions that should be brought into the conversation should be, “what are the best education options for my children in our new country?” 

Every family has different expectations and opinions on their children’s education needs. But it should be noted that there are a few options for education overseas. Of course, each option will have pros and cons, but doing what is best for each child is essential. 

Option 1: Online Schooling from Home Country

Today’s technology offers numerous options for students to complete and submit assignments from anywhere. Since the Covid-19 pandemic, many families have turned to virtual learning as their primary education situation. However, there are pros to allowing children to do online school while living aboard. 

First off, kids won’t have to be pushed into the deep end when learning a new language. If they are doing online school from their native country, they can do their assignments in their language while learning their new language at their own pace. This may help children feel more comfortable. It’s also possible that kids can keep in touch with classmates and teachers they like, helping ease the stress of a long-distance move. 

The major con with this option is that it might take longer for kids to make friends and find activities to do in the new destination. In addition, online classes will require kids to be on the computer for most of the day, which means they might not have as much interaction with children their age. An excellent alternative to the cons of this option could be to enroll kids in local sports programs and other after-school activities. 

It’s worth mentioning that homeschooling is always an option. The pros and cons are similar to online school, but with more added pressure and work for the parent(s) in charge of the kids’ schooling. 

Option 2: Public School

If the children of the expat family already have a foundation in the new language, then the public school could be a great choice. In theory, attending a local school would make it easier for the kids to meet new friends and learn about fun, local activities. In addition, it would be a reasonable assumption that most local schools also have their language training classes to help the expat children understand more of the new language. 

The apparent con with this option comes up if the relocating children minimally speak the local language. This can make it difficult for the new students to keep up in class and make friends. Not to mention adds an enormous amount of stress and public anxiety being in a school where it’s hard to understand teachers and other students.

Option 3: Enroll in a Private International School

It’s safe to say that the online school route is probably the most used by expat families for education options. But before the Covid-19 pandemic made online classes a new commonality, many international relocators used private schools for their children. In many cases, expat families would seek out private schools that offer classes in their native language. 

This option provides relocating students with familiarity as they can still interact in their own language. The good thing about this option is that in many of these schools, they do teach the curriculum in the destination’s language so that children still learn their new language at a great pace. It’s an obvious point out, but this option is probably going to be the most expensive.

How GMS Can Help Expat Families with Children

Global Mobility Solutions (GMS) is the industry leader in relocation services. Our experienced team has been helping expat families with international relocation since 1987. Some of the pre-decision services we provide include Virtual Destination Spotlights. These spotlights are customized packets about the new location including general information, expatriate housing, schooling, and education info, cultural awareness, visa and immigration information, and more.

GMS offers another destination service in the coaching stage: detailed school reports. These reports show detailed information on educational options at the transferee’s new destination, including a “report card” on the school’s rating/performance. Here at GMS, we understand that an international move can be a trying task for the whole family which is why we do our best to make the relocation process as seamless as possible. 

We're Here to Help! Request a Courtesy Visa Program Consultation

Properly managing a visa and immigration program involves meticulous coordination, precise communication, and worldwide interaction with government agencies, corporate personnel, and relocating employees.

At GMS, we provide you with peace of mind in knowing your mobility program is fully compliant and being managed by the best in the industry.

Request a no-pressure, courtesy consultation from a GMS Mobility Pro. We’ll be in touch within 1 business day.

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